• Please DO NOT post in a ban contest thread unless you are:
    1. The person banned or posting a ban request.
    2. Senior Staff.
    This is necessary to keep threads on-topic and uncluttered. Thank you.

    If you don't know why you were banned, you probably broke one of our server rules. Most bans are temporary except in the case of gross violations or repeated infractions.
  • We are aware of sporadic errors when browsing our site. This is an issue with our hosting provider and not something we can fix on our end. We are hopeful it will be resolved soon. ~VintagePC

[Resolved] Ban appeal


Good evening.
My current Steam alias is Zamir Biezżydów, although, at the time of ban, I was known as 14MEGAHRVAT88.
My steam account, that can be identified by it's ID as 0:1:191754371, has been banned on 5th May of 2023 at 3:36 PM, almost a year ago.
The reason for this was inappropriate, utterly abominable, behavior of mine — which devolved into hate-filled antisemitic remarks that I had embarrassed myself with on a regular basis.

And while I believe this was ban was undoubtedly justified, I ask you to consider lifting it, for I have now changed and grew as a person.
I shall never again make any discriminatory remarks/„jokes“ involving jews, or any other given group of people.
I will also restrain from replacing parts of english words with word „jew“, and absolutely forbid myself and keep away from any other possible forms of racism/hate speech, as well as any other form of rule violation, for I sincerely believe that only this way we can lay a groundwork towards a better future for us and our children — future free of toxicity, hate, unfairness and isolation.

Thank you for your time.
Hi there,

Your ban appeal has been received and we'll review the details and get back to you shortly, usually in 2-3 days.
Thanks for your patience.

On review, we've decided to approve your ban appeal, but with the following caveats:

- As is customary with our appeals, this is your one "get out of jail free" card - the old ban will stay on record, and please note that any further violation of our server rules will take this into consideration, and may result in a reinstatement of the permanent ban, without any chance of appeal.

- Our policy does state that permanent bans may only be appealed after at least one year has passed since the appeal was made. I don't feel like being a dick about that right now, by making you re-appeal in 1 month, so I'm splitting the difference - letting you know the decision now, but I will not modify the ban for another two weeks, on the 16th, after which you will be able to reconnect to our servers.

Now would be a good time to review our server rules and ask any questions or clarifications, should you have them.

Once you've read and understood the above, please reply and let me know. I've set a reminder on my calendar to revisit this on the 16th.

Uuh I am very sorry and excuse me for barging into this, but I just have to ask: why is your (Zamir) nickname literally means "Zamir Without Jews"? Wouldn't having such a nickname be a continuation of discriminatory anti-semitic jokes on your part?
If that's true I have no qualms about rescinding the offer I made above and will re-evaluate if/when we receive an explanation.
Thanks @spearf - I had fiddled around with translation tools myself and come to a similar conclusion.

Given the lack of explanation by the original poster and their prior username containing a 14/88 reference, we're done here and they will remain banned for the foreseeable future.

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