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[Resolved] Ban appeal


In-Game name:Larry
Time of Ban:15:16
Date of Ban:12-18-24
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76094793
Reason for Ban: Obscene language
Additional Comments :Got banned while explaining to other player why i got banned a few days earlier. 2 week seems harsh
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Your appeal has been received, we'll review the details and get back to you shortly, usually in 2-3 days.

Note that if you have a prior infraction on file with us, each subsequent infraction will increase in duration, as outlined in our posted policies:

2 weeks is a standard duration of punishment for a second infraction on our servers, especially if it is a repeat issue or within a short timespan of the previous rule violation.
Thanks for your patience.

I reviewed the details and it would appear you were re-muted under the brown-hat rule. Specifically, this was for carrying on and griping that the "r-word" isn't a slur.

I don't have any real opinion on what you choose to say among your friends in private, but these are our community's public servers and we have elected not to tolerate its use in game, along with a number of other words that differ in social acceptability in different regions of the world. There are players in our servers from all over the globe, and we would prefer not to have hostilities arising as a result of what may still be considered socially acceptable in one region and not in another.

It would appear you were similarly argumentative when a staff member previously asked you not to say it before your first ban. Our community rules are not up for discussion or democratic debate; you're certainly welcome to disagree with them and elect to play on other servers. As you've found out, we will take action against players that are causing a detrimental experience for others by griping about rules with which they personally disagree.

That said, you don't appear to have actually said the word, so I'm inclined to agree that two weeks is probably a bit harsh given the context. I am willing to adjust the mute duration to "time served", but with the understanding that there will be no lenience or second chances if this happens again.

I'll make the adjustment once you reply and let me know the above has been read and understood.
Thank you for explaining everything to me in such detail. I agree with you and I understand :) I ve been playing this game for more than 10 years and i never had problems. What happened is, a guy wrote RTD instead of RTV in the chat by mistake, and in my language its short for the r-word, and i just said it impulsively.it was not addressed to anyone. As you know I never insulted anyone, and i dont have intentions to do so.
I think this was a big misunderstanding, but i understand why everything hapened and i take full responsibility for my mistake. Sorry about my grammar, English is not my first language
Thaks again
Your ban has been adjusted. Marking resolved.

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