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How do I disable green Player Connected text in chat?

I don't have a screenshot unfortunately, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. It goes something like "[Player] (Pos [num] of [num]) has connected" in bright green text whenever someone new connects to the server.
However, I find this text extremely annoying and find TF2's default join text to do the job just fine. How do I disable the green text from appearing? I tried using the "/settings" command, but I find the organisation and naming scheme throughout the menu very confusing and I'm not sure what option to toggle. Help?
Unfortunately, I think those are the only HLXStats messages that cannot be turned off, as I believe those are server messages rather than specific client messages. I have tried /hlx_display 0 and /hlx_chat 0 to test this for you, and neither appear to work. Unless someone more experienced might know an unlisted command, it might not be able to be toggled off. Sorry :(
Unfortunately I can confirm what @autumnbuns stated above - this particular message appears to be a global print function and does not currently respect personal preferences.

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