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[Resolved] How to disable Christmas hats on TF2C servers?


Not a Noob
I'm not sure if this is a feature of VaulfF4 or TF2C itself, but when I connect to official servers, the mercenaries have these stupid ugly Christmas hats that don't fit them at all and look awful, and some classes have these hats on top of their own and it looks even worse. I tried asking in the game chat and in TF2C Discord server if anybody knows how to disable the hats, but no one could help me. Is there a command or an option to remove the Christmas hats? They are ruining the game's visual style for me and I can't play on official servers due to their ugliness, they bum me out very much, I play TF2 Classic for the classic hatless 2008 experience, not for this.

P.S. I've been writing this complaint while being distracted by these weird falling snowflakes covering my entire screen on this website. Couldn't you at least put them in the background and not right above everything, even the text?
Sorry, it's a server-side thing. The devs asked us to enable it for the holidays and 10th anniversary of tf2c. It'll be disabled again in a few days, as will the snow effect :)
Thanks for the answer. I actually found the models of these hats in the game's files and made a mod for myself to make them invisible, though I don't plan on publishing it since the hats will disappear in a few days anyway. Please make the birthday and christmas hats optional and make a chat command to disable them, not everyone enjoys seeing cosmetic changes they didn't ask for, especially in a game like TF2 Classic. I wouldn't complain in the slightest if there was such an option: if you like the hats - fine, if you don't - there's a command. However, if on the next TF birthday or Christmas there still won't be an option to disable the hats (and silly gibs), I'll have to publish my mod since I don't want people like me to have to just sit there and deal with it.
I'll pass your feedback along to the devs.

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