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You were also spamming reports which is generally not something that is done unintentionally.
We've been over this. You got muted for complaining and insulting someone after being asked the change the topic because it was making people uncomfortable. nstead of waiting an hour, you chose to complain in the discord, which got you banned there when you continued doing it after being told to stop, and then came here to complain about it
In-game, you were acting really passive aggresive and generally trying to start shit to the point where even the devs noticed, We don't tolerate that. I get you're upset, but you can either wait a year to come back or never come back at all.
I got muted for calling an admin a janny and then complained about it in a threwd then I got permed after my last ban being 4 years ago, forgive me if I think that's unreasonable LOL
I didn't know we added a second chatbot to the ChatBawks! Lots of fun to be had, then.
You probably would if you said sorry tbh, but if you come back in a year acting like this, it'd get denied
You actually have a decent shot at that as long as you're reasonable in your appeal and can demonstrate that you've changed a bit.
If you're so fixated on denying what happened and assuming that you, as a person, cannot improve, you're going to get sent to Bronyland
moreso that I doubt anyone will take me seriously after a year and the details of the ban being lost in time, making it very easy to get the worst possible interpretation
We keep ban records for every ban, but only staff can see thm. All details are recorded there.
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