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[Resolved] Ban Appeal

In-Game Name: Dust in my bowel movement
Time of Ban: 13:22
Date of Ban: 4-01-2025
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:167080597
Reason for ban: potentially offensive comment/joke
Ban lenght: permanent
Additional comment:

The event played out on the offical EU standart 2 server, for TF2 Classic, as we were playing on Dustbowl. My team was winning decisevly as we were almost entirely consisting of Demomen and Medics. During the set up time as red on the first stage of Dustbowl, a team member of mine made a comment that our team "was almost entirely out of demos and medics" and added that this was why we were winning so hard, another member came along and said "Who would have thought that a team of black men would be so strong". That was the moment I posted my potentially offensive comment in which I said "It is because of their animalistic nature and instincts". An Admin or Mod must have been in the same match as me since not too long after this comment was made I ended up being banned.

I can fully understand as to why an admin wouldnt be happy with my comment but I still stand by it being an incredibly edgy comment that was only made due to the absurdity of the conversation that was happening at that moment. To that I would also add that I havent recieved any prior warnings or bans of any kind before. There wasnt even a comment being made by the admin/mod that ended up banning me, no warm, no mute, no nothing.

I dont want to shift the blame to the admin though, if it seems that way, I take the full blame for this comment as I now know how serious these kinds of jokes are taken by the modereates of these server so I can promise to not act up in a similar fashion again.

If there is anything else you would like me to add, please let me know.
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Thank you for your appeal.

After reviewing the details of your ban, we have decided to reject your appeal. It's a clear violation of Rule 3, and the ban duration is consistent with a first offense. Warnings are not required to be given by moderators before issuing a punishment and are generally considered to be a courtesy. It seems like you, and other people in the server, were intentionally toeing the line with the conversation and you stepped over it. In the future, please refrain from making "edgy" comments of a similar nature, as they will very likely result in a second ban.
To clarify, your ban is of a 2-day duration, not permanent

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