• Please DO NOT post in a ban contest thread unless you are:
    1. The person banned or posting a ban request.
    2. Senior Staff.
    This is necessary to keep threads on-topic and uncluttered. Thank you.

    If you don't know why you were banned, you probably broke one of our server rules. Most bans are temporary except in the case of gross violations or repeated infractions.
  • We are aware of sporadic errors when browsing our site. This is an issue with our hosting provider and not something we can fix on our end. We are hopeful it will be resolved soon. ~VintagePC

[Resolved] Ban Appeal

In-Game name: SillyBilly
Time of ban: 03:10
Date: 08/15/24
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419501303
Ban Length: Permanent
Reason for Ban: Ignoring Admin, micspam, racism
Additional Comments:
This was a while ago so that's granted however I don't remember an admin ever warning me, in fact I wasn't banned until after I got off.
Regardless of that I was micspamming in proximity chat as spy by having my mic on open mic and having my sound go through my tv instead of my headphones. I thought it would be like spy on hard mode lol.
While I was doing this there were people at my house since me and my roommates tend to throw little parties and the like. During this I left my door unlocked so people could come in and out, I guess someone said something in the background. I am asian and I do have a racist nickname in my friendgroup, so maybe that was said.

I just wanna play on the server, thanks :)
If my comms are still seen as potentially hazardous, I understand. However, I would like to request a compromise: a mute and a gag, but with the ability to continue playing. Your servers are basically the go to default/vanilla servers, which is why I am so eager to be able to play on them.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Your appeal has been received, we'll review the details and get back to you shortly, usually within 2-3 days.

On review it would appear that this was not a one-off incident and therefore I am not inclined to buy your explanation.

You have a four other infractions (in the form of multiple mutes/gags) on record with us, all of which are logged either for micspam, racism, or both.

You've had more "warnings'/chances than most other folks that have received similar bans, since our general policy is that a permanent ban (either comms or full) is issued on the third infraction, whereas this is your fifth.

Furthermore, it appears you attempted to evade your previous punishment with an alternate account, which automatically disqualifies any early appeal on your part.

I'm finding that given the repeated violations of the same nature, your ban was issued well within our posted policies on punishment escalation for repeated infractions. As such, it is not eligible for appeal until at least one year has passed from the date it was issued (on Aug 15, 2025). At that point you may make a new ban appeal and we will reconsider whether to grant clemency and a (final) second chance in our servers.

Thank you for your understanding.
On review it would appear that this was not a one-off incident and therefore I am not inclined to buy your explanation.

You have a four other infractions (in the form of multiple mutes/gags) on record with us, all of which are logged either for micspam, racism, or both.

You've had more "warnings'/chances than most other folks that have received similar bans, since our general policy is that a permanent ban (either comms or full) is issued on the third infraction, whereas this is your fifth.

Furthermore, it appears you attempted to evade your previous punishment with an alternate account, which automatically disqualifies any early appeal on your part.

I'm finding that given the repeated violations of the same nature, your ban was issued well within our posted policies on punishment escalation for repeated infractions. As such, it is not eligible for appeal until at least one year has passed from the date it was issued (on Aug 15, 2025). At that point you may make a new ban appeal and we will reconsider whether to grant clemency and a (final) second chance in our servers.

Thank you for your understanding.

As always, thank you for your consideration and your professional attitude with your response. As you suggested, i'll check back in a year.

Again, thank you for your time.

Funding Progress To Date


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