• Please DO NOT post in a ban contest thread unless you are:
    1. The person banned or posting a ban request.
    2. Senior Staff.
    This is necessary to keep threads on-topic and uncluttered. Thank you.

    If you don't know why you were banned, you probably broke one of our server rules. Most bans are temporary except in the case of gross violations or repeated infractions.
  • We are aware of sporadic errors when browsing our site. This is an issue with our hosting provider and not something we can fix on our end. We are hopeful it will be resolved soon. ~VintagePC

[Resolved] Ban appeal

Giga Soldier

Active Member
In-Game name: GigaHeavy
Time of Ban: 18:40
Date of Ban: 23-09-23
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197546032
Reason for Ban: Racism/hate speech
Additional Comments: Hello, I wanted to apologize for not following the Vault F4 community rules and I was banned from your servers due to racism. I admit my mistake because I really spoke out because of the unstable reaction at that time. At that time, I did not attach any importance to the community rules because I was interested in the game. Now I don’t express such things and consider them inappropriate in the game, but at that moment I was actually angry with someone from the team, but I don’t remember exactly. Please lift the ban, I see no point in writing racist expressions in the chat. I have corrected myself, I’ll be honest, I only had this statement 2 times as I remember, but I respect other players and don’t try to insult them. Also i have a previous Ban appeal in 21 april 2024 but Admin says that my appeal can be Solved after 23 September 2024. In finale i want to apologize for my rasizm speech and swasticka spray, after yhat i will not do any actions that insult other players and break rules of server. Thank you for your attention
Hi there,
Your ban appeal has been received, please give us 2-3 days to review the details and come back to you with a decision.

We've reviewed the circumstances and given the age of the original infraction, we are willing to extend a second chance; as we usually refer to it, your one-and-only "get-out-of-jail-free" card.

However, please note that your ban _will_ remain on record with us and will likely be taken into consideration if there are any future violations of our community rules. In particular, repeats or similar behaviour to the incident you were originally banned for may result in said permanent ban being reinstated immediately and with no further chance of appeal.

If you have any questions regarding our server rules, now would be the time to ask. Otherwise, please reply below and confirm that you have understood these conditions attached to your ban being lifted.

Once I receive confirmation, your ban will be adjusted accordingly.


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