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Search results

  1. Carcajou

    Post Your Furbabies!!!

    All there has been is a bit of hissing and growling....no fighting. I've been using scent swapping tactics and it seems to be working well.
  2. Carcajou

    Post Your Furbabies!!!

    One more shameless necro! This is MOOSE! 25 lbs of Maine Coon!
  3. Carcajou

    You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

    Ya know what....REALLY, I mean REALLY grinds my fucking gears??? People who are like "yay sunshine!!!!!!!!" Then the moment it clouds up even for an hour they're like "oh I am so depressed!" People say I am bipolar.... HOLY CRAP!! I get whiplash just watching those guys!!!
  4. Carcajou

    You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

    Yea you're right it's TRANSVERSAL Velocity that's a bitch.....
  5. Carcajou

    You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

    LULZ!! I know those feels!! Also... Angular Velocity?? You still playing EVE Online? Ya know what ruffles my feathers?? Stalkers! Some of you know my brother left his ex back in April... It was so bad he left the state! He deleted his old facebook, started a new one only to have to get...
  6. Carcajou

    Post Your Furbabies!!!

    Shameless Necro Is Shameless!! Those of you who don't see my Facebook... This is the most recent photo of Smudge.... She is laying next to my Ibanez Gio Electric Guitar and laying on an afghan my mom made me!!
  7. Carcajou

    Smartphone App recommendations

    For those of us who are musical and play guitar, bass or any other stringed instrument... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.symbolic.pitchlab ^^This does the work of a $200.00 USD In-Line Guitar Tuner!!! The kicker...ITS EFFING FREE!!!!
  8. Carcajou

    Live Action Minecraft Movie by Warner Brothers

    Is this really gonna happen o.O!! If so, don't....know....if....want??
  9. Carcajou

    GTA 5 - First Impressions (Slight Spoilers)

    I fucking LOVE LOVE LOVE Trevor!! He's frikken crazy but he's not all that bad...His ability is handy...Also Michael has a bullet time ability!
  10. Carcajou

    Post Yourself! And Other People Too... You Know, If You Want.

    This was taken by one of the young teenage girls I kinda play big sister to... Her mom is a raging alcoholic and druggie... She approached me yesterday and asked if she could do a paper on me, the person who she admires most...I got a bit teary eyed about it, but I gave her my blessing....She...
  11. Carcajou

    FreeFrag back?

    Hmmm I dun think they like me!! :(
  12. Carcajou

    FreeFrag back?

    I have one thing to say... Da Fuq?? Also Razer... we were in that area today...Forgot your days off otherwise we woulda stopped in :(
  13. Carcajou

    Post Yourself! And Other People Too... You Know, If You Want.

    I am still scarier than you!!! :P Jus saying :D
  14. Carcajou

    Post Yourself! And Other People Too... You Know, If You Want.

    Gah I still look like hell...but you can see the nose stud.....I REALLY need to get some sleep :(
  15. Carcajou

    How screwed are you?

    If created MMO Characters counted- I'm alright on EVE Online- 7 year veteran.... FF7- Well fuck!! Yea I am fucked up the ass with a barbed wire wrapped baseball bat with no lube!!
  16. Carcajou

    Food Porn

  17. Carcajou

    The "happy Birthday!" Topic

    Well shit there goes having 69 posts ( I think someone should give me perma-69 posts) TY Geoff <3 It's been fun so far although its still Saturday :D
  18. Carcajou

    [RTS] Sins Of A Solar Empire

    My boyfriend and his friends wants me to pick it up.... I love me an RTS....Too bad I won't be able to this week, Insurance is due on Sunday and it's a 6 month pull :(

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