• We are aware of sporadic errors when browsing our site. This is an issue with our hosting provider and not something we can fix on our end. We are hopeful it will be resolved soon. ~VintagePC

Search results

  1. Dinkster

    TF2 Classic is coming to Steam!

    will i still be able to play if have a VAC ban on live tf2? if not, will your website still allow me to download it like it always did?
  2. Dinkster

    TF2 Classic is coming to Steam!

  3. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    @VintagePC i don't think they're the same person but idk🤷‍♂️
  4. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    @cvberdemon your talking about how he said the hard R n-word like 3 min before that right? yeah this man is a real saint lmao
  5. Dinkster

    Everyone plays the same 10 maps all the time

    i don't think its 10, is it??? i thought it was like 5 or something lol
  6. Dinkster

    Everyone plays the same 10 maps all the time

    how i feel after reading this entire thread only to continue voting for vip_harbor, vip_badwater, koth_harvest and no other map
  7. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    and you literally said, and i quote: "thank god that there are only 2 genders". you cant just lie when the records show something completely different🤣
  8. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    what is there to verify??? you were still saying the same thing as him. besides, the banned turned to a permanent one only AFTER you connected with an alt account (Cortez Albanoi)
  9. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    i mean what did you expect?
  10. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    LMAO some guy just got banned for a SINGLE DAY for spewing the "2 gEnDeRs" line and came back with an alt TWO MINUTES LATER🤣ENJOY THE PERMA-BAN BUCKO! #RipBozo
  11. Dinkster

    me when i make jokes the entire round in VC and no one responds:

    erm, i said VC buddy... that stands for voice chat... *sigh* typical normie...
  12. Dinkster

    me when i make jokes the entire round in VC and no one responds:

  13. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    @Artisticabilities the main reason i open this forum at least once a day🤣
  14. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    @VintagePC why do only some messages appear on "Shoutbox Archive Thread" and some don't? :thumbsdown
  15. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    also why do only some messages appear on "Shoutbox Archive Thread" and some don't @VintagePC? :thumbsdown
  16. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    also why do only some messages appear on "Shoutbox Archive Thread" and some don't? :thumbsdown
  17. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    @Artisticabilities, VF4 licensed therapist:eek:
  18. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    bUt iT's A GiRl CoLo- *gunshot*
  19. Dinkster

    Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

    lmao bro is ON HIS KNEES begging🤣

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