• We are aware of sporadic errors when browsing our site. This is an issue with our hosting provider and not something we can fix on our end. We are hopeful it will be resolved soon. ~VintagePC
  1. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    bruhson posted a new thread: Ban Appeal
  2. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Ban Appeal
  3. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: permaban appeal
  4. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  5. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    bruhson replied to thread: Ban Appeal
  6. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Ban Appeal
  7. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  8. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  9. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  10. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  11. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  12. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    bruhson posted a new thread: Ban Appeal
  13. B. Comet @ B. Comet:
    My dude here thinks he's hot shit
  14. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    based comet
  15. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    also him lying that nobody told him I'm Jewish... without knowing source tv exists:p🤣
  16. DozerUnknown @ DozerUnknown:
    watch out, guys. hes gonna start throwing punches
  17. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    NovaCancy replied to thread: Ban Appeal
  18. MrCrossa²³⁸ @ MrCrossa²³⁸:
    "I wouldn't say we're done." This guy is radiating some real Main Character Syndrome here
  19. Stupid Sexy Flanders @ Stupid Sexy Flanders:
    very bold to claim "You can't prove it" a mere 2 days after proof was delivered.
  20. B. Comet @ B. Comet:
    That's not bold, it's stupidity
  21. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: permaban appeal
  22. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    dexter.snook replied to thread: permaban appeal
  23. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    it isnt that bad joke...
  24. f1andj @ f1andj:
    guys am i banned
  25. f1andj @ f1andj:
    please unban me i fixed my internet
  26. f1andj @ f1andj:
    what i said was very atrocious and unacceptable
  27. f1andj @ f1andj:
    but please unban me i beg of you
  28. f1andj @ f1andj:
    for the mighty lor
  29. f1andj @ f1andj:
    lord i wont do that again
  30. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  31. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  32. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    lmao bro is ON HIS KNEES begging🤣
  33. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  34. B. Comet @ B. Comet:
    Those appeals are getting better by the day
  35. VintagePC @ VintagePC:
    pink comet
  36. B. Comet @ B. Comet:
    Pink fits with me
  37. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    bUt iT's A GiRl CoLo- *gunshot*
  38. Natia Adano @ Natia Adano:
    How do I react to a message that isn't just "Liking" it?
  39. VintagePC @ VintagePC:
    If you mouse-over the like control and hover it will give you more options
  40. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    epicman posted a new thread: Ban Appeal
  41. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Ban Appeal
  42. Artisticabilities @ Artisticabilities:
    What's on your mind?
  43. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    @Artisticabilities, VF4 licensed therapist:eek:
  44. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    @VintagePC why do only some messages appear on "Shoutbox Archive Thread" and some don't? :thumbsdown
  45. Artisticabilities @ Artisticabilities:
    i read like 50 ban appeals they are all funny as fuck, i congratulate all of the staff members for handling them
  46. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    @Artisticabilities the main reason i open this forum at least once a day🤣
  47. B. Comet @ B. Comet:
  48. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  49. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  50. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    Belly Itcher posted a new thread: Permaban appeal
  51. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  52. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  53. B. Comet @ B. Comet:
    Have you said your :3 today?
  54. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
  55. DozerUnknown @ DozerUnknown:
    meow meow meow :3
  56. Artisticabilities @ Artisticabilities:
    deadass what is the point of saying racist shi in tf2c servers, like what do you get out of that
  57. MrCrossa²³⁸ @ MrCrossa²³⁸:
    Terminally online people who have never faced any sort of consequence for saying the most vile shit imaginable in Live TF2 casual servers
  58. autumnbuns @ autumnbuns:
    dumb edgelords who think that hate speech is the peak of comedy and aren't used to getting literally any meaningful pushback since games like TF2 don't have moderation
  59. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Permaban appeal
  60. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    MonopolyClue posted a new thread: permaban appeal
  61. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    Juno! replied to thread: permaban appeal
  62. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    MonopolyClue replied to thread: permaban appeal
  63. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    MonopolyClue replied to thread: permaban appeal
  64. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    _u____ posted a new thread: Slurs
  65. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Permaban appeal
  66. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    MacD11 posted a new thread: For The Love Of The Game
  67. B. Comet @ B. Comet:
  68. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  69. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  70. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  71. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  72. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  73. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    BillMurray14 posted a new thread: Ban appeal
  74. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    NovaCancy replied to thread: Ban appeal
  75. B. Comet @ B. Comet:
    When you don't read the name of the server
  76. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  77. DozerUnknown @ DozerUnknown:
  78. B. Comet @ B. Comet:
  79. MrCrossa²³⁸ @ MrCrossa²³⁸:
  80. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    Masterwon replied to thread: Permaban appeal
  81. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Permaban appeal
  82. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    LMAO some guy just got banned for a SINGLE DAY for spewing the "2 gEnDeRs" line and came back with an alt TWO MINUTES LATER🤣ENJOY THE PERMA-BAN BUCKO! #RipBozo
  83. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  84. A @ Adam Smashed:
    Truly a great reason to get banned, it's definitely made a lot of people depressed
  85. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    i mean what did you expect?
  86. A @ Adam Smashed:
    Saying god bless both genders is bad?
  87. A @ Adam Smashed:
  88. A @ Adam Smashed:
    You even said I was some racist guy from another account xD Nice admin who doesn't verify anyone before banning.
  89. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    Masterwon replied to thread: Permaban appeal
  90. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  91. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    what is there to verify??? you were still saying the same thing as him. besides, the banned turned to a permanent one only AFTER you connected with an alt account (Cortez Albanoi)
  92. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    and you literally said, and i quote: "thank god that there are only 2 genders". you cant just lie when the records show something completely different🤣
  93. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Permaban appeal
  94. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  95. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  96. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    Masterwon replied to thread: Permaban appeal
  97. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  98. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  99. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    DR.KB posted a new thread: Ban request
  100. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    Gibusmain』 posted a new thread: Ban appeal
  101. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  102. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  103. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Ban request
  104. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Ban appeal
  105. cvberdemon @ cvberdemon:
    tiny tiny gun in the corner of that evidence clip is funny
  106. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  107. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    @cvberdemon your talking about how he said the hard R n-word like 3 min before that right? yeah this man is a real saint lmao
  108. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    DR.KB replied to thread: Ban request
  109. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    DR.KB replied to thread: Ban request
  110. cvberdemon @ cvberdemon:
  111. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  112. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  113. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  114. VintagePC @ VintagePC:
    is this the person venting in shoutbox previously?
  115. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    Damon posted a new thread: Arena Downtown
  116. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  117. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  118. Dinkster @ Dinkster:
    @VintagePC i don't think they're the same person but idk🤷‍♂️
  119. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  120. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    Giga Soldier posted a new thread: Ban appeal
  121. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Ban request
  122. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    DR.KB replied to thread: Ban request
  123. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Ban appeal
  124. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  125. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  126. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  127. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  128. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    l1me posted a new thread: ban appeal
  129. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  130. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  131. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  132. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Ban appeal
  133. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: ban appeal
  134. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  135. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    Giga Soldier replied to thread: Ban appeal
  136. Artisticabilities @ Artisticabilities:
  137. Artisticabilities @ Artisticabilities:
    just read this ban appeal
  138. Artisticabilities @ Artisticabilities:
    after checking a bit, it indeed was not nazi symbolism and has been removed from his profile since
  139. Artisticabilities @ Artisticabilities:
    the admin who did ban him is now deleted aswell
  140. VintagePC @ VintagePC:
    That symbol has both historic and present far-right and neo-nazi associations, so while it may not have been intended as such we are still uncomfortable with its use on our servers.
  141. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Ban appeal
  142. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  143. AWood @ AWood:
    ^ would like to have an admin check that out; seems very sus
  144. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  145. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    Dvointh replied to thread: Mute appeal
  146. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    firefish posted a new thread: Ban Appeal
  147. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: Ban Appeal
  148. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
  149. VaultBot @ VaultBot:
    VintagePC replied to thread: ban appeal
  150. VaultBot @ VaultBot:

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