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[Character] Amberly Van Helsing, Dhampir Inquisitor


Global Mod
If I take the Death domain, can I have it heal on positive energy, because I already heal from negative?

It already has precedent for changing it up due to weird Pharasmin reasons.
lol no i'm not doing that anymore

anyway, here's a thing
It'll be finished sometime.
If we have craft ranks, can we start with equipment as the cost to craft as opposed to the list price, with the assumption that an item was just made at some point in the character's past rather than just bought or whatever?

If I have take a Lore skill, will the Inquisitor's Monster Lore feature work the same as it does for Knowledge rolls?

Can I buy Sundark Goggles from 3.5? It's essentially PF smoked goggles.
1. I will allow you to have one item counted as being crafted.

2. Yes your wisdom modifier can apply to lore skills. HOWEVER, Lore only applies to a very, very narrow set of creatures. Not to all monsters in general. "A Lore skill must be narrow—far narrower than the most relevant Knowledge skill. The broader the scope of a given category of Lore, the shallower your knowledge is on that topic. If you know about taverns in a wide region, you know less about each of them than you would if you had Lore in taverns of a specific city. Lore skills normally can't be used to identify monsters the way Knowledge skills can, unless they refer to a specific type of monster (such as owlbears or vampires). If Lore involves a common, broad category of race or monster, it needs to be more specific. Lore (elves) would be too broad, as would Lore (dragons)."

3. Yes you can buy the equivalent of Sundark Goggles but I am going to rule that there is still a -2 penalty on vision based perception checks. So +2 on saves vs gaze attacks and -2 on vision based perception checks and you aren't dazzled in bright light.
Are people attracted to me? Like, in general, or do they all hate dhampir-looking people?

Edit: Is Lore (Undead of Ustalav), regarding the most common types of Undead, particularly famous individuals, necromancers, clans/groups, and those also opposed to such, in Ustalav specifically, specific enough?
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So the way disguise checks work is it will be your disguise check opposed by opponent perception check. As a Dhampir you get a +5 bonus when trying to pass as human (normally you would take -2 for trying to disguise as another race). Depending on where we are currently, people may or may not find you attractive. In this first town, if they find out you are a dhampir there will be consequences

Edit: Lore has to be more specific than that. Like you could have Lore (Haunts) or Lore (Vampires) but not all undead in Ustalav. That is too general and broad a topic that really is more along the lines of a related Knowledge check
Added: If you wanted to take a Lore skill about a monster, I will allow you to take 2 for the price of 1. E.G. Lore (Haunts and Vampires) could be one. Lore (Green and Gold Dragons) as another example.
Can I have some precrafted ammunition?

In general though, being a fairly high charisma, seemingly human female makes me somewhat attractive to the female-appreciative humans seeking other humans, right?
If they do not suspect you are a dhampir and only see you as human, yes it is likely that they will find you attractive.
Can I have some precrafted ammunition?
Think you missed that one.

Can I take the Kinslayer and the Vampire Hunter archetypes? Technically they both affect the Judgement class feature, so I'm not supposed to, but Judgement is really made of a bunch of different things, and the two archetypes don't affect any of the same ones.

Also got basic backstory concept as follows: Parents are from an old family of Ustalavic(?) Pharasmin undead hunters. At some point, weird crap happens, and my Dad is now a vampire, and my mother gives birth to a dhampir (me). She dies while I'm at a young age, and my father was enslaved by the vampire that spawned him and disappeared. My parents knew what I was, but my village (my parents decided to camp down for a few years until I wasn't tiny anymore) did not. I had a near death experience at a young age when someone tried to heal me with positive energy, and my neighbors decided I was cursed. I was picked up by some traveling Pharasmins who knew my parents and recognized me. I roamed in and out of Ustalav for several decades with them, various other holy orders, and by myself for several decades. It was during one of these lone phases, when I was locked in combat with a vampire, that I first met Professor Lorrimor, with whom I spent several years, and exchanged ideas of lost fighting styles and ancient lore on the undead of Ustalav. More recently, I had been studying innovative combat styles in Molthune (for they were similar to the ancient, lost art of the Bane-of-Undead Crossbow-Sword style known to be once practiced by my father) when I received word of the good Professor's death, and headed back north through Lastwall...
You can have 1 set of crafted ammo. i.e. 20 arrows or 10 crossbow bolts or 5 repeating crossbow bolts

Still reading up on the archetypes
No you cannot have both of those Archetypes because they both modify the Detect Alignment ability. Please choose one or the other
Your gold amount seems to be off. I have you at currently 393gp 6sp 7cp. Don't know if you bought other things and didn't update your character sheet. Your starting gold amount was 1140 (240 is inquisitor and 900 as rich parents)

Please choose another language, you get one more starting language because of your Intelligence score. There are no restrictions based on your race to what language you can learn. You cannot learn Druidic or any other language that is class dependent.

And make any other changes that were noted above
Derp. Didn't even notice those were both on Detect Alignment.

Haven't finished putting all the items into my sheet yet. Also, I'm counting the crossbow as having been crafted by me.

That's actually the Redemption Inquisition, not Domain. Those aren't tied to deity, but I haven't been able to find an actual explicit rule on that so if you have the appropriate SRD somewhere that would be great.
Alright then just list it as Redemption Inquisition not Domain. Because there is a Redemption domain and it is different than the Inquisition
Ya, I just changed it. Forgot I had left the word "Domain" in there after I finally picked one.
And inquisitions so you know, are meant to act just like domains that have been modified so they can actually be useful to Inquisitors. E.G. changing out an ability that modifies Channel Energy for an ability that the inquisitor actually has

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