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For The Love Of The Game


Well-Known Member

Today is Saint Valentine's Day. And—believe us, we know. Things have been moving steadily over the past decade. It's hard for us to believe it's been that long, ourselves. We've put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into our relationship with you, the fans, and ensuring that things are healthy between us. But the best way to rejuvenate from a bad fever has always been with a new update and a fancy short to pair it with. Not that there's anything that a sandwich and some healing-plasma couldn't fix, however we'd be remiss not to mention our enamorment with the response we've gotten to our new update. But Cupid, who's surprisingly Australian, has instead been doubling down on ammunition. Yes, while his relevantly heart-shaped arrows are deadly, they're also arrows sent to their victims with love. And with all the love that's in the air, it'd be hard for us not to come clean with our own feelings.

There's been many ways that we've been able to share our love for our fans, and the dedication to our craft through our work; including the posts we've made here. Naturally, now that everyone can flame where they aim, we want to keep providing that kind of content to you in ways that help add to our collective insight. As developers, there's many things we've learned through our mistakes and our successes over our years making this grand modification. But the best way for us to maintain that? Is through our upcoming developer blog posts, little letters of love we'll be delivering to you all with more frequency going forward. Like a volley of heart-shaped arrowheads, that's the future we're delivering to all of you through this blog. And now our hope is that you'll learn just as much as we have through the years to come.

We love that you love our game. And we love that you loved this new update. And the short? We love that you love that too. There's plenty of love to go around this season, and "Cupid" won't be running out of those lovingly hazardous arrows any time soon. So this Valentine's Day, let's all enjoy ourselves with a few close matches of our favorite levels with a bit of domination and revenge along the way. After all, there's only so much time left to enjoy the love the day gives, when Lupercalia comes in the 'morrow. Like an eager pyromaniac slowly sharpening their scythe, that day is where more warmhearted violence may come.
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