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Laptop Suggestions for College

Communist Bakery

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

So I'm looking into buying a laptop for college, however, I am extremely inept with the state of the technological world these days, so I humbly ask your help. I am looking for recommendations or advice towards a lap top that can run Word processing, Adobe Photo Suite, and lower level game functionality (TF2, League, and the like "not specifically a gaming computer"). I'm playing on buying an external Hardrive and Optical drive for storage and DVD usages. Any suggestions? It looks like I'm using at most a $1000 budget.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!



This thing is a pretty seriously good deal. Has everything you'll need, even has a low-end dedicated video card (not part of the motherboard's chipset), has 8GB RAM, an i7... the only thing that isn't 100% optimal is that it doesn't have an SSD, which is something you can do in a year or two when you have the extra cash (or you can drop $100 and get a 240GB SSD now, and an external USB enclosure for the drive that is in it). That'd give you the super-fast SSD and also 1TB of storage drive...

Edit: OH! and a 1080p display is pretty rad, too.
Shop around in physical stores as well as online, I found in my area that laptop prices were about 10% better in the store than they are online (looking at bestbuy, walmart, target).
Shop around in physical stores as well as online, I found in my area that laptop prices were about 10% better in the store than they are online (looking at bestbuy, walmart, target).

It's the opposite near me (unless you have a MicroCenter nearby)
So I pulled 3 laptops off New Egg... again I don't really have a good idea what I'm looking at .. thoughts? info?
Are these the right things to be looking at? Suggestions as to what might be better or plan of action?
btw. Reechard - if you see anymore deals, let me know
I would go with............... the E5-772G-723V. Over all they seem to be all the same machine practically to me this is at 7am and i just woke up so I didn't go in depth but at first glance that is my suggestion.

*Edit* I doubt you would have any issues running League or TF2 my only concern would be the lake of reviews. I tend to only get electronics that have 100+ reviews
I'd say one of the two with 1920x1080 displays. Everything else is very similar. If you plan on taking it to class, get the 15". If you plan on using it as a desktop replacement, go 17 and get er done. These about the same otherwise, and have decent hardware in them.
Get a refurbished Mac if you can't go over $1,000. They'll last a while and have great battery life at 7+ hours. I know there's probably a lot of hate towards Mac computers, but for a school environment they cannot be beat. Every review site gives Macs top ratings.

And if you don't want the Mac OS you can always install Windows or Linux. Their hardware can't be beat.
Get a refurbished Mac if you can't go over $1,000. They'll last a while and have great battery life at 7+ hours. I know there's probably a lot of hate towards Mac computers, but for a school environment they cannot be beat. Every review site gives Macs top ratings.

And if you don't want the Mac OS you can always install Windows or Linux. Their hardware can't be beat.

Sure, if you're OK paying 2x as much as it's worth just because it's "good hardware".. Apple hardware isn't even "good", it's just "older, medium grade hardware". They buy their stuff from FoxConn, who isn't known for their exceptional quality control... There's lots and lots of hardware just as good as Mac, and you'll get way way better specs for the money. If you want MacOS, you can install it on just about anything now.
You can disagree as much as you want, but if you Google "Best laptop" or "best college laptop" you will see every review site gives Macs top 5 spots. Other brands and models are flip flopped around.

In Amazon's top rated laptop section there's not a non-Apple computer in the top 20 except a couple Chromebooks, which are basically worthless for school environment.
It's amazing what a rabid base of fanboys can do with unlimited access to social media and a proliferation of rose-colored glasses can do. Macs have just as many issues as PCs, and they're just as good/bad, because they *are* PCs now. 10 years ago when they had their own manufacturers making their own products, you had a point. Now, you're on a hype train with fanboys.

Apple's biggest advantage in computers by far is marketing. Mac hardware is just mid-range and shiny. Some people (graphic designers, video editors) can swear by its benefits, but for the price of a mac you can almost always find something better somewhere else.

Apple's biggest advantage in computers by far is marketing. Mac hardware is just mid-range and shiny. Some people (graphic designers, video editors) can swear by its benefits, but for the price of a mac you can almost always find something better somewhere else.
The OS and os-specific software are better optimized for graphics and video, and the displays are high quality across the board. There's a reason to use them for that specific work, but not for a non-art student. Especially is you want to use it for other things.

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