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Mass Effect 3: N7 Challenges

SoL DarkLord

Tabletop GM
With the new challenge system in place only squad challenges will now appear. But they appear each weekend, and you get your commendation pack once you've completed it. You even get a title for the fancy new stuff whenever you complete some of them(Like the Halloween one they did last week.

Just like I did at FreeFrag I will post all of the N7 Challenges.

This weeks Challenged : Operation: BLAST FURNACE
(This will be a link to the right post in future challenges.)

Operation BLAST FURNACE (Nov. 9th – 11th)

Event Description: Resistance movements across the galaxy continue to fight. We will provide these groups withliteral firepower, allowing them to stand their ground and protect our homeworlds.

Individual Goal: Earn 75000 points of damage using fire-based powers (Incinerate, Carnage, Inferno Grenade, Flamer, Sentry Turret Flamethrower, Geth Turret Flamethrower) on any map at any difficulty. Points are cumulative across matches. Extraction not required.

Reward: Commendation Pack
Operation: GEARBOX (Nov. 16th – 18th) Event Description: Intel reveals that hostile forces are targeting our technical experts to damage our strategic capabilities. They must fail at this! Keep our people alive and inflict disproportionate losses wherever the enemy attempts this tactic.

Individual Goal: Earn 75,000 points as any engineer class and extract 3 times as any engineer class on any map at any difficulty. Points are cumulative across matches.

Reward: Commendation Pack
Operation: PRIVATEER (November 23rd-25th)
Cerberus’s hit-and-run attacks in the Terminus Systems have tied down a disproportionate number of local fighting ships and operations. We can spare only a small, elite force to eliminate the enemy. This force has the secondary objective of analyzing and finding a weakness in Cerberus’s kinetic barrier technology, which is key to bringing down large-scale hardened barriers.
Individual Goal: Earn 50,000 points versus any enemy with shields on any map, at any difficulty. Points are cumulative across matches. (Cerberus Centurion, Cerberus Engineer, Cerberus Engineer Turret, Cerberus Nemesis, Cerberus Atlas, Reaper Marauder, Geth Rocket Trooper, Geth Hunter, Geth Pyro, Geth Prime, Geth Prime Turret, Geth Prime Rocket Drone, Geth Bomber)
Allied Goal: Complete 50,000 cumulative total extractions of Batarian, Vorcha, or Turian characters.
Special Circumstance: None
Individual Goal Success: All individual players awarded a Commendation Pack and Corsair banner
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack and the potential max capacity for Ops Survival Kit will be increased to 6.
Operation Genesis

Event Description: Casualties and battle fatigue have worn down some of our best units. We are cycling out soldiers whose tours of duty have been hyperextended and substituting fresh troops from human colonies. Experienced commanders are expected to stay on duty, maintain unit cohesion, and hold new recruits to N7 standards.

Individual Goal: Extract twice, once as a base male human and once as a base female human (Adept, Engineer, Infiltrator, Sentinel, Soldier, or Vanguard classes) on any map at any difficulty.

Reward: Commendation Pack

Event Description: Reaper units are identifying and targeting our team medics. To counter, we are increasing training in battlefield medicine for all N7 soldiers, regardless of specialty. By ensuring each soldier can deliver emergency care, we will confuse and frustrate the Reapers into abandoning their strategy.

Individual Goal: Earn any first aid medal on any map at any difficulty.

Reward: Commendation Pack
A little behind on these by about a month. This weeks

Operation: HEARTBREAKER (Feb 15th-17th)

Event Description: The number of Banshees on the battlefield has suddenly increased. We believe the Reapers are improving their means of creation, and we need to recover as many Banshee bodies as possible for analysis. Use cautious tactics – and try not to get your heart ripped out.

Individual Goal: Earn 20,000 points killing Banshees.

Reward: Commendation Pack
Operation: TRIBUTE (Feb 22nd-24th)
Event Description: A surprise Reaper assault inflicted deeply-felt casualties on our N7 teams and interrupted supply lines to several worlds. Many units will have to rely on standard-issue sidearms and munitions. We must honor and avenge our comrades who fell – and let the Reapers know this was a mistake, not a victory.
Individual Goal: Two objectives are required:
1) Earn 50,000 points using the M-8 Avenger.
2) Earn 50,000 points using Inferno Grenades.
Reward: Commendation Pack and a special tribute banner

Event Description: Recent losses have prompted us to incorporate troop reinforcements from unorthodox sources. These teammates were selected for their insight into anti-Reaper tactics. Integrating their techniques is a mission-critical objective.

Individual Goal: Extract on any difficulty while playing as a Reckoning kit.

Reward: Commendation Pack
Operation Lodestar:

We are coordinating the largest-scale attack in the brief history of this war. N7 unit actions will pave the way for resistance and conventional forces trying to retake the population centers of our homeworlds. There is no retreat. When an objective is finished or a target destroyed, you will immediately focus on the next. Our assets will provide cover to network ships that will update your targets in real-time. Rally points are at your disposal in the event that all space assets meet with catastrophic casualties. From there, you will fight as your CO sees fit or until further orders arrive.

I cannot fully express my deep respect for all of you, the sapients of the Milky Way who serve together under our banner. When future generations look back on this war, they will see the courage and commitment it takes to change the fate of a galaxy. It has been a hard road, but at last: the end is in sight.

Finish it.

–Admiral Steven Hackett

Individual Goal: This challenge is tiered:

Participation earns the 1st-tier reward.
Extracting against all four enemy factions on Silver difficulty or higher earns the 2nd-tier reward.
Extracting against all four every enemy factions on Platinum difficulty earns the 3rd-tier reward.

1st tier – Commendation Pack.
2nd tier – A second bonus Commendation Pack and a banner, (“Stood Fast, Stood Strong, Stood Together”)
3rd tier – A third bonus Commendation Pack.

Funding Progress To Date

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