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[SMITE] Stargazer Anubis Patch


Sir "Let's Play"
Stargazer Anubis, Thor Model Updates & Minotaur Replacements.

New Skins

  • Anubis Stargazer
  • Golden Sun Wukong

New NPCs in Conquest

  • The Minotaur has been replaced in all maps and has joined the Manticore on the dole. In his place, the Titan of Chaos now guards one side of the map, while the Titan of Order protects the other.

Titan of Chaos:

From the primordial forces of Wind and Fire the Titan of Chaos was born. Merely an avatar of the greater forces, he influenced the gods and humanity alike with his great power. The Titan wants nothing more than the gods and humanity to use their powers unrestrained. To live free of the tyranny of the old order, however chaotic that may be.

Many view his followers as heretics. However, the army he has amassed thinks of themselves as freedom fighters, true patriots, and they are fully prepared to lay down their lives for his cause.

Titan of Order

Once the Titan of Chaos had literally torn a rift through the earths surface with his army of heretics and rogue gods, the primordial forces of Thunder and Lighting spawned the Titan of Order. The Titan's physical manifestation represents order through force, the binding of one’s freedoms for the greater good. She is many, but one, bound to a single cause. She is the embodiment of the old order.

Her army faithfully believes that terrible things will come if the order of the gods isn't maintained. They must stop this rogue army of humans and demi-gods before they upset the balance and the primordial forces rip the world apart.

*Note: This is the first step of an ongoing process, so there will still be some references to the Minotaur in VGS and elsewhere for now until those changes can be completed. The artistic treatment is also not final.


  • The new god rotation is Ah Muzen Cab, Bacchus, Fenrir, Odin, and Poseidon
  • The default camera behind your player now restricts the pitch of the camera to give you maximum visibility to the battlefield while using your abilities. To revert to the traditional camera mode, unselect the option “RESTRICTED CAMERA PITCH” under the Controls tab of the SETTINGS menu.
  • The towers in the Assault map have been replaced with an improved art treatment.
  • The Main Menu UI, the Match Lobby UI, the in-match scoreboard, and the in-match Death Recap screen (“Y”) have undergone a variety of artistic and usability changes.
  • The combat text that appears above players’ heads (such as damage numbers) has undergone artistic modification.
  • The visual treatment that occurs on enemy gods and NPCs when they are within auto-attack range has been modified.
  • Conquest League matches now have 2 bans per side. You now must be at least Mastery Level 14 in order to participate in League matches.
  • Joust 1v1 has been removed from the Normal tab. A new Joust 1v1 League has been added under the League tab. Joust League has 2 bans per side. Players may also still create Joust Challenge matches with their friends.
  • Domination has been removed from the Normal tab. The Match of the Day will now frequently feature modes using the Domination gamemode. Domination Challenge matches are still available to play. This mode is being re-evaluated, based on its relative unpopularity.
  • If you leave your base and have no items equipped, a special alert message will appear (up to once per match).
  • In Arena, the towers no longer provide points for being destroyed. They are now only for defending the exit points of the base, and cannot be killed.
  • The login screen will now notify users if their CAPSLOCK key is on.
  • After creating a player record, new users are automatically directed into the new user tutorial.
  • The Solo/Co-op Practice Arena is now 5v5 instead of 3v3. Parties of up to 5 people can join. For parties of less than 5, bots will join your side to ensure a 5v5 match. The starting points per side in Solo/Co-op Practice Arena now matches Normal Arena (500).
  • The methodology for naming bots in Practice matches has been changed.
  • The Play Screen UI now better handles the condition in which the gameplay queues are down.
  • A new settings option has been added for “COLORBLIND CORRECTION”. This applies a colorblind correction over the game world (separate from the UI colorblind mode).
  • Fixed a bug that made several gods fire basic attacks at a slightly different rate than intended (special thanks to community member Kintari for the repro video). The following gods were affected:
  • Athena, Guan Yu, Hercules, Hun Batz, Isis, Kali, Loki, Ne Zha, Nu Wa, Odin, Thanatos, Vulcan, Xbalanque, Zeus
  • Modified the timing of how stats appear on the scoreboard. An enemy players' stats now do not appear until they have been seen.
  • The bots inside practice arena and practice joust have undergone a variety of changes and improvements. Further changes are expected for future patches.
  • The homescreen widgets for new users have been modified. Under Level 5, there is no homescreen widget for Match of the Day. A new widget promotes the Tutorial videos under the TV tab for these users.
  • A few minor usability changes have been made to the in-match item store. Most notably, “owned” items have an improved visual treatment.
  • As a party member, if you hit the leave queue button, your party now leaves the queue but you stay in the party. Previously, you left both the party and the queue.
  • The new user basic tutorial has undergone a variety of updates and improvements.
  • Play screen has been modified to show a short description of the gamemode on top of the screenshot for the mode.
  • Fixed an issue in which new users would not have Auto Level turned on after finishing the Tutorial.


  • Fixed a crash condition.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some matches to go into Stasis mode due to a failure in the file transfer infrastructure.
  • Added more guards to prevent players from loading into Conquest with the top-half of the map missing.
  • Visibility changes have been made to Spectator for the Conquest map. Additional improvements are planned for later patches.


  • Teleport to Towers / Protected Recall / Shielded Teleport / Teleport to Gods
  • Changed cooldown from 180/90/60 to 240/180/120 per rank.
  • Added a new branch, Teleport to Gods:
  • Using this item allows you to teleport to any allied god or tower while being unable to move. Any damage interrupts the teleport. Cooldown - 240s. Cost - 500.
  • Aegis Amulet
  • Fixed bug that allowed Aegis it to interrupt certain abilities without charging cooldowns
  • Blink
  • Updated ground target FX
  • Shell
  • Updated ground target FX
  • Sprint / Heavenly Agility
  • Duration per rank changed from 3/4/5 to 4/5/6.
  • Cost changed from 300/600/900 to 200/400/600.
  • Girdle of Might / Girdle of Support / Girdle of Inner Strength
  • Girdle of Support duration changed from 5s to 10s to match other ranks. No longer provides a penetration buff to allies.
  • Cost changed from 300/600/900 to 200/400/600.
  • Shard
  • Removed from the game.
  • Sentry Ward
  • Stack limit changed from 3 to 1.

  • Heartseeker
  • Movement Speed bonus reduced from 4/7/10% to 4/6/8%.
  • Qin's Blades / Sais
  • Physical Lifesteal removed from this item.
  • Jotunn's Wrath
  • Physical Penetration reduced from 5/10/15 to 5/8/11.
  • Ethereal Staff
  • Cost reduced from 950/1850/2850 to 850/1700/2700.
  • Brawlers Beat Stick / Cudgel
  • Cost reduced from 600/1100/2300 to 600/1000/2100.
  • Health Bonus Increased from 50/100/150 to 50/150/250.
  • Chronos' Pendent
  • Increased magical power from 10/30/50 to 15/30/60.
  • Decreased cost from 660/1390/2490 to 600/1300/2400
  • Frostbound Hammer / Frostbound Pendent
  • Bonus Health increased from 75/200/325 to 100/200/400.
  • Sovereignty
  • Reduced bonus health from 150/300/450 to 100/250/400.
  • Void Stone / Focused Void Stone
  • Reduced Magical Power bonus from 10/30/50 to 10/30/40.
  • Void Blade / Focused Void Blade
  • Reduced Physical Power bonus from 10/20/30 to 10/20/25.
  • Warlock's Sash / Warlock's Ring
  • Cost reduced from 720/1600/2750 to 700/1500/2650.


  • Agni
  • Path of Flames
  • Adjusted the targeter to better indicate the area that will deal damage
  • Aphrodite
  • Kiss
  • Fixed an issue where walls blocked Kiss effects from proceeding through and enemies couldn’t be hit when allies could.
  • Ares
  • Shackles
  • Fixed an issue where the 15% speed buff stack would only apply once.
  • No Escape
  • Now always triggers the cooldown, even if interrupted before completing
  • The additional stun duration for each enemy hit by this ability has been reduced from 0.3s to 0.2s.
  • Artemis
  • Suppress the Insolent
  • Damage reduced from 90/155/220/285/350 to 90/150/210/270/330
  • Mana cost increased from 60/65/70/75/80 to 70/75/80/85/90
  • Athena
  • Defender of Olympus
  • Can now use while crippled.
  • Updated visual fx
  • Ao Kuang
  • Tornadoes
  • Fixed an issue with the deploy FX where the ground circle was cutting out momentarily
  • Chaac
  • General
  • Fixed an issue where Xbalanque ‘Darkest of Nights’ stone timer wouldn’t show.
  • Thunder Strike
  • Reduced radius on Thunder Strike from 25 to 20.
  • Updated description to be more accurate.
  • Torrent
  • Can no longer use when crippled if his Ax is out.
  • Fixed an issue where Chaac could cancel during his movement and retain cooldown of Torrent.
  • Fixed an issue where dashing to a deployed axe from Thunder Strike was not dealing damage to targets along the dash if Chaac was not facing the axe.
  • Rain Dance
  • Cooldown changed from 16 to 18 at all ranks.
  • Storm Call
  • Now always triggers the cooldown, even if interrupted before completing.
  • Fenrir
  • General
  • New loading screen card.
  • Seething Howl
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.3 to 0.2.
  • Brutalize
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.3 to 0.2
  • Freya
  • Valkyrie’s Discretion
  • This ability can now be placed inside of walls
  • Guan Yu
  • Warrior’s Will
  • Fixed an issue where the same victims could be hit multiple times during the dash.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies just outside the range of the dash could be falsely hit.
  • He Bo
  • Waterspout
  • Animation has changed.
  • This ability can now be placed inside of walls
  • Hercules
  • Driving Strike
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Hercules target to become permanently rooted.
  • Excavate
  • Fix ground target so it now matches actual ability range.
  • Isis
  • Dispel Magic
  • This ability can now be placed inside of walls
  • Funeral Rites
  • Increased the stack activation radius from 60 ft to 80 ft, and added this radius info to the tooltip.
  • Kali
  • Lash
  • Lash may now be targeted inside of walls. (It could always be targeted through walls, but previously would not allow placement in walls).
  • Incense
  • Duration of Physical Power buff increased from 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 to 4/5/6/7/8.
  • Mercury
  • Sonic Boom
  • There is now a 0.5s buildup time after firing, before Mercury dashes forward. There is now a warning indicator on the ground during this time.
  • Neith
  • Unravel
  • This ability can now be placed inside of walls
  • Ne Zha
  • Universal Ring Toss
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.5 to 0.2.
  • Flaming Spear
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.5 to 0.2.
  • Armillary Sash
  • Fixed an issue where Ne Zha would slide to the target.
  • Nu Wa
  • Pillars of Heaven
  • Fixed an issue in which massive unintended damage could still occur when used in conjunction with Loki’s ult
  • Fixed another issue where a friendly Arachne could also be damaged by using Life Drain on an enemy target hit by the beams
  • Odin
  • General
  • New loading screen card.
  • Gungnir’s Might
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.9 to 0.5s
  • Ring of Spears
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 1 to 0.75s
  • Thanatos
  • Death Scythe
  • Angled the preview mesh in the targeter fx for the standard and Jack the Ripper skins to match that of the projectile
  • Minor projectile fx cleanups
  • Thor
  • General
  • Thor’s model has undergone artistic improvements.
  • Mjolnir's Attunement
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.5 to 0.2.
  • Tectonic Rift
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.5 to 0.2.
  • Berserker Barrage
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.5 to 0.2.
  • Vulcan
  • General
  • Basic attack animations now include trails on his hammer as he swings it
  • The shockwave basic attack projectile is now blue for his Sentry skin
  • Backfire
  • Pre-Hit reduced from 0.5 to 0.25.
  • Increased magical damage scaling from 70% to 80%.
  • Inferno Cannon
  • Pre-Hit Delay reduced from 0.49 to 0.4.
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.24 to 0.1.
  • Magma Bomb
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.4 to 0.2
  • This ability can now be placed inside of walls
  • Increased magical damage scaling from 60% to 70%.
  • Earthshaker
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.7 to 0.2.
  • Added a vertical beam to the targeting fx to make it easier for Vulcan to see at distance
  • Fixed an issue where the red outline in the warmup FX wasn’t visible for enemies
  • This ability can now be placed inside of walls
  • Zeus
  • Aegis Shield
  • Removed the slow immunity
  • Reduced the granted protections from 15/25/35/45/55 to 10/20/30/40/50

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