• We are aware of sporadic errors when browsing our site. This is an issue with our hosting provider and not something we can fix on our end. We are hopeful it will be resolved soon. ~VintagePC

Strange crash on NA Standard #1 today


Well-Known Member
I am looking for admin assistance in determining if this is a threat or not. I was playing TF2C this evening and a couple of times on the NA Standard #1 server, after players joined my game crashed and I have reason to believe that this might be either a crash purely on the client side or some player that found an RCE exploit, crashing a part of the game and attempting to run RCE via a buffer overflow or something akin to that, which subsequently crashes the game. I also *think* that at least one player joined named HaCkErMaN and while that could just be a legitimate user (because who would openly call themselves that when doing malicious things) it could also be a case of some script kiddy thinking he's getting away with shit. Unfortunately I was unable to collect Steam IDs. The error states:


We crashed. Sorry about that.
If you've enabled crash reporting,
we'll get right on that.

I have messaged sappho about this since the error in question is tied to her code, as evidenced by the window banner I get when that crashes. While I know that the mods/admins here are NOT devs, what is in their control however is the server logs and I would like to insist/urge that they look into logins around 5 PM - 7 PM today on the NA Server #1. It seemed shockingly sparse while Standard 2 is filled currently, and I think that it could either be a server compatibility issue and then the game client crashes, or a legitimate attack. To protect myself, I've immediately stopped using that partition on my drive, ended all of my sessions on that drive, did a scan for malware, and have booted into a different operating system. I hope that this is just me being overcautious.
My understanding is the devs are aware of this particular crash and they are working on a fix. (We share any server-side crash-dumps with them as well). I'm told it's clientside and nothing to be concerned about, though I'll pass this along for confirmation and follow up if I hear anything different.


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