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[Story Progression] The Great Library of Tephu


Resident Cueball
After a wild evening of grumpy camel chariot racing, you return home victorious with your statuette and your very own grumpy camel pulling a chariot. Your halfling is now allowed back into the city, his curse has been removed. Please post what kind of watch's you're going to pull at night, it would probably be easiest (for me at least) to have set watches for every night so that I know who to ask for perception checks and when.

Before I forget, can I get will saves and perception checks out of Mavruk and Aech.

EDIT*: upon returning home, you find a familiar halfling witch sitting over a cauldron cackling while her bat flies up to greet you. "Septi told me where to find you" she says.
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After entering house, Zanros proceeds to the table. Once there he opens his Handy Haversack and takes out a pouch, which he tosses to Idessa. Containing 100 GP. "Memsie! It's wonderful to see you again! You didn't have any trouble on the river did you? Isal and I were accosted by bandits."
While on the pleasure barge receiving your gift from Her Excellency Muminofrah after the race, you notice that the noblewoman that had been introduced as Talibah is actually a man using a magical disguise.
can't possibly have been that good a disguise if it's less than DC14... I mention this curiosity casually to my party members when we are out of earshot.
Farside's pimping right now, he told me to make the rolls for him.

!roll 1d20+7+1d6 #Will + Inspiration, +2 to disbelieve illusion, +4 vs mind-affecting
!roll 1d20+20+1d6 #Perception + Inspiration
[trigger]Will + Inspiration, +2 to disbelieve illusion, +4 vs mind-affecting: 24[/trigger]
[trigger]Perception + Inspiration: 33[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Hexalan Re: #7[/trigger]
Also notices that dude look like a lady. Before walking off of the barge he spies a gold funerary mask tucked into the man's belt.

With no watch's set you sleep through the night and wake up the next morning. During your morning forays into the yard to either draw water from the well or stare wistfully at the sun (Zanros). You see a beautiful day dawn over Tephu, the sun is rising over the fog off the river to the east, and a lone Sphinx sails over the city on wings the color of sand. What would everybody like to do today?

To get TC a little more caught up. The group is researching the old pharaoh Hakotep at the Great Library in order to find more piece of his soul They have also met a high noblewoman named Muminofrah who is one of the highest advisors to the current Pharaoh. A couple of the party have heard rumors of the Cult of the Forgotten Pharaoh here in Tephu. That is the Cult that helped tp bring about the zombie apocalypse in Wati and is trying to raise Hakotep from the dead. For which they need the mask that Aech is wearing.
Cult of the Forgotten Pharaoh here in Tephu.

Do there happen to be any pockets of fanatics or areas where appreciators of said cult would like to mill around? I want to go there, and pose as them to begin some kind of infiltration. Do they have any kind of attire that I can adopt easily?
Yes and no the gather information the party did said they had seen them coming and going from the north end of the city along the river. But they haven't been seen congregating anywhere yet. There is a map of Tephu in the handouts on roll20.
If there is any busy work I can be put to at Fort Tephu in the Northeast of the map, I'll head
there. I'd like to inconspicuously keep an eye near the river, and inquire with other busy work grunts on the down low if they've heard anything.


I'd also like Reek to scout up river and see if he can find any bat homes in the trees. Get an idea if the wildlife has any input around here.
Memsie could take over being the principal researcher if you guys wanted. You'd probably want to give her the mask to help out though. TC, researching in this book is modified to be like fighting a monster. You roll a knowledge check for what you are researching (currently Knowledge history or nobility) against the libraries complexity rating. If you beat the complexity rating you roll for "damage" against it to see how much you learned. As a witch with points in all knowledge skills you'd do 1d8+int mod for damage vs the library.
I'll go along with anyone that needs to intimidate some knowledge out of people...
Can you post the rules for researching? Like which modifiers get used, what each class's damage die and appropriate score is, etc.
Aech 1d8+int
Memsie 1d8+int
Isal 1d4+wis
Idessa 1d4+wis
Mavruk 1d4+int
Zanros 1d4+int
Each library has a complexity rating and research points, complexity rating is its AC and research points are its health. Reducing its health reveals information. You make knowledge checks against the libraries complexity rating then reduce its research points based on the amounts shown above.

Nat 1 on knowledge checks results in the library gaining research points, and 20's crit for x2 damage on its research points
Aech stares at books in the all-official-like library, attempting to glean any sort of information, if not to complete his mission, then to spite the 50 gp he'd have to pay to get into the fancy-all-official-like-library.
!roll 1d20+27+1d6 #Knowledge (History) + Inspiration
!roll 1d8+6

Idessa goes out and tries to hear the word on the street on the noble"woman" Talibah. Zanros and Mavruk are free to come along and play bad cop if they like.
!roll 1d20+18 #Gather Information + Honeyed Tongue about Talibah
[trigger]Knowledge (History) + Inspiration: 48[/trigger]
[trigger]1d8+6: 13[/trigger]
[trigger]Gather Information + Honeyed Tongue about Talibah: 28[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Hexalan Re: #17[/trigger]

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