• We are aware of sporadic errors when browsing our site. This is an issue with our hosting provider and not something we can fix on our end. We are hopeful it will be resolved soon. ~VintagePC

[Completed] Toblerone's application


Well-Known Member
In Game Name: Toblerone

Have you linked your steam account to the forum?:
Yes, I did have a previous account on here that was not associated with my Steam ID but I’ve reregistered. My community URL is here.

HLStats Profile Link:

Time with Vault F4:
Whilst I haven’t been playing TF2C as long as others, I have, somewhat unknowingly been playing exclusively on VaultF4 EU servers since the Death & Taxes update. So since around July 2020. Nearly a year. I also think I'm somewhat recognised by some of the other regulars judging by their voice chat.

Position you are applying for:
Game admin TF2Classic

Reason(s) you want to be admin/Moderator:
Fortunately whilst regularly playing on the EU servers there doesn’t seem to be too many issues with things like players being abusive/racist or cheating players or bots.

However what I have noticed is that there can be a bit of a slow response to these rare times when an issue does occur.
For example if a spinbot joins the server, I know that eventually with enough /reports being sent, it will likely get one of the US admins to investigate. However the problem is mainly with the damage it does to the server player count and how it could be minimised further by having active UK/EU based admins.

When these spinbots make their way into one the TF2C servers they can easily halve the player count on the server, which is a shame since the community is already quite small.
Another issue that I experienced just today is that some players try to be discreet or sly with their use of cheats, which then entirely depends on other players in the server to actually notice and then report said player.
For example one player today went undetected whilst cloaking as non-Spy classes, i.e as a Heavy.

From talking with people in the Discord channel and just general observation, I suspect the delay in response time is primarily due to majority of admins being US based, meaning during the main EU evening hours when most people are probably free to play within the EU, it’s likely still the middle of the day for the US admins.

Therefore as I regularly now play TF2Classic over live TeamFortress 2, primarily due to both the bot issue and the cluttered balancing, I believe I could help regularly administrate the EU VaultF4 servers.

Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself?:

I used to be a Teamfortress Wiki Admin, including helping the move from the unofficial ad riddled tf2.wiki.net to the official hosted wiki.teamfortress.com. Evidence of this is within my Steam profile.

Currently I am one of the top20 players on VaultF4 servers according to HLStats.
I regularly play on the EU Standard and EU Custom maps servers. I occasionally join the EU randomizer server when the other servers are either empty or full.

You can find me taking part in the discussions on the TF2Classic Discord & the Subreddit.

I have the intention of creating an alternative take on the four teams domination and CTF game modes if I can get around to it. Hopefully with the intention of making the experience a bit more balanced and helping minimise issues such as teams purposely avoiding the strongest team in CTF etc.

I understand that by creating this thread and signing my name, that I am applying to Volunteer my time with Vault F4 in either a Moderator or Game Administrator role. As a Moderator I would be in charge of content creation, and post moderation of my section of the forums. As a Game Server admin I would be responsible for keeping the game servers a fun enviroment. I will spend atleast an hour of my time each week on the servers to retain my position as a Gameserver admin with Vault F4, and if I do not meet the requirement my admin status will be revoked.

Signed: Toblerone
Hi Toblerone,

Thanks for your application! It has been received and we will review it and get back to you in 24-48 hours.

(You're not wrong, we are indeed short-staffed on the EU side and I know at least in my case a day job tends to keep me from handling things when reports come in during the EU "busy hours")

I'll be in touch soon!


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