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Would You Rather...


Sir "Let's Play"
Watching all of Smallville again, I got passed the episode with the precognition kid. So, this topic idea sparked. You can post your own stuff as well, and I'll post new stuff each day (if I can think of them anyway). So, starting today with this

Would you rather: Find out WHEN you die or HOW you die?

Personally, I'd prefer the "when". Anytime I try, I can't see myself as an 80 year old guy. Considering I don't do dangerous things (climbing up mountains or skydiving), I would assume my death is disease related, or car accident. The when is more important.

And yes, I am going off the basis that you can't change the when or how. More fun that way. Feel free to post any other cool ideas for "Would you rather". =D
Picking between the two: probably the how. I'd rather not see it coming, and instead just know the method of death. You gotta live life to the fullest and it feels like knowing when, at least personally, would depress the everliving shit out of me. I can't imagine what life would be like a month, week, day before you knew you were going to die.
Knowing the method seems less depressing - unless it would be an extreme death, or a death that is kinda scary (e.g. drowning, burning, etc.). That would suck also... I would probably suffer psychologically either way. /me shrugs.

In honesty, I'm cool without knowing, but that wasn't an option... :D
Picking between the two: probably the how. I'd rather not see it coming, and instead just know the method of death. You gotta live life to the fullest and it feels like knowing when, at least personally, would depress the everliving shit out of me. I can't imagine what life would be like a month, week, day before you knew you were going to die.
Knowing the method seems less depressing - unless it would be an extreme death, or a death that is kinda scary (e.g. drowning, burning, etc.). That would suck also... I would probably suffer psychologically either way. /me shrugs.

In honesty, I'm cool without knowing, but that wasn't an option... :D

Heh, I'd think once you know the method (especially something mundane like a car crash) you'd be wondering every single time you drive a car whether "today's the day" or not.

I'd probably rather know when, as it lets you "prepare", i.e. farewells to close friends, getting your affairs in order etc. Granted, it'd suck to find out it's a week from today, but knowing you've still got another 60-70 years to go? sweet. Even better is you can retire at an age where you can enjoy your savings to the max.
Heh, I'd think once you know the method (especially something mundane like a car crash) you'd be wondering every single time you drive a car whether "today's the day" or not.

I'd probably rather know when, as it lets you "prepare", i.e. farewells to close friends, getting your affairs in order etc. Granted, it'd suck to find out it's a week from today, but knowing you've still got another 60-70 years to go? sweet. Even better is you can retire at an age where you can enjoy your savings to the max.
True - and good points - I think I might change my vote...
I have to agree with Vintage...knowing the "how" would make me uber paranoid. Plus, I really would like to have all of my affairs in order before I kick off :p
That one never seemed too hard. Granted the comments on the site (www.rrrather.com) get really stupid. "I'd figure out how I died and avoid the death". People love trying to get around things. Anyway, here's a tough one for ya.

Would you rather have

One innocent person executed for a crime they didn't commit (obviously)


Have ten guilty people (rapists, murderers, child molesters) get off scot-free.

This site has some really cool ones, really fucking stupid ones and really sick ones.
After around page 50, these questions got kinda dull but I found a fun one.

Would you rather change something about your past or see what your future holds?

I'm all for seeing what my future holds. Changing anything in my past would probably change too much in the present and I like the present.
These questions remind me of a philosophy/psych questions:
There is a train coming down a rail, and there is a junction. There is no way to stop the train, and the train must travel down one path. You can flip the lever to determine the path the train takes. On one side of the, there is a single person working on the track. On the other track, there are five people working. They will not be able to move from the path of the train, and will die. What do you do?

Same situation, but now instead you are standing on a bridge with another person. If you do nothing, the train will pass under the bridge and kill five people. If you push the person off the bridge and onto the track, the train will kill only the person you pushed and stop. What do you do?

If you do nothing, the train will pass under the bridge and kill five people. If you push the person off the bridge and onto the track, the train will kill only the person you pushed and stop. What do you do?

Let me guess, self sacrifice is not an option? If I knew it was saving 5 people, I'd push the dude.

Here's a fun one. Would you rather have teleport or flash speed. I'm going with flash speed. This is assuming that they are actually talking about The Flash. After reading this about him

"based on the outcome of Clark Kent's past attempts to "catch" him, it's clear that Bart is much faster than a fully-powered Kryptonian in its prime, and it is likely that Bart's top speed relative to Clark, is comparable to Clark's top speed relative to the average human, and possibly even faster. When Clark uses his speed Bart almost perceives him in slow motion"

The Flash is so damned fast that he sees Clark (Superman) as slow motion just as Clark sees other people when HE goes super speed. The Flash is THAT fast as a kid. Hell yeah I want to be him. Teleportation is cool at first, but I could get there just as fast as you can. =P
These questions remind me of a philosophy/psych questions:
There is a train coming down a rail, and there is a junction. There is no way to stop the train, and the train must travel down one path. You can flip the lever to determine the path the train takes. On one side of the, there is a single person working on the track. On the other track, there are five people working. They will not be able to move from the path of the train, and will die. What do you do?

Same situation, but now instead you are standing on a bridge with another person. If you do nothing, the train will pass under the bridge and kill five people. If you push the person off the bridge and onto the track, the train will kill only the person you pushed and stop. What do you do?


Do nothing in both cases.
Whoever put the original situations into action holds the responsibility of life or death for these people not you.
If you act though, in any way, you assume that responsibility to yourself.
Let nature take its course and remain blameless, and perhaps find whoever setup the test and seek justice.
^ Those are the kind of boring answers I see on the site too. The point of it is to give you two choices and you gotta make one of those.
I reject your assertion and substitute my own.
Not choosing is a choice of its own, with consequences just as valid and sometimes as painful as choosing.
As too your opinion of "boring", well we all know better about stating opinions on the internet.
I reject your assertion and substitute my own.
Not choosing is a choice of its own, with consequences just as valid and sometimes as painful as choosing.
As too your opinion of "boring", well we all know better about stating opinions on the internet.

I read a discussion on these sorts of questions a while back. There is a specific term for these types of questions with no right answer, and they are not questions that are truly fair to ask of someone. (e.g. your girlfriend asks "I and your mother are drowning, whom do you save if you can only pick one?". Whichever answer you choose, you're doomed to be incorrect, as you will either be told you don't care for her or for family. Bonus points if you answer "my mother because she doesn't ask stupid impossible questions to test me" :D)

Sadly I can't find the link to the wikipedia article on the topic anymore, nor can I recall the exact title. :/
Not choosing is a choice of its own, with consequences just as valid and sometimes as painful as choosing.

There's a reason why these questions give two difficult answers. It's far more interesting to have people choose one of them and give a damn good reason why compared to "Oh, I just wouldn't do anything bad". It's choose A or B, not choose T because you don't like what A and B are.
id push the guy onto the track where the 5 guys are and sit back and watch as the train derails and goes through the middle :3

as for knowing your death well i already know how im going to die(90% chance on it anyway unless something random happens before that day) so id rather know when so that i know if im going to die of that 1 specific thing or something else

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