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[Resolved] Yo, check out my mute/gag tho

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Active Member
In-Game name: http://imgur.com/a/1HZ5P⸻⸻⸻⸻
Time of Mute: Idk man, feels like forever
Date of Ban: Don't even remember at this point
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51230950
Reason for Ban: I may, or may not, have said multiple racial slurs or insinuations in the name of comedy (most of which landed, might I say)
Additional Comments: Got muted/gagged and banned for the reason above, ban is gone but the mute and gag situation is really hurting me, i dont know if this is the right place to put it in, if it isn't please, please dont hurt me. All of did was say multiple...questionable things. I dont see how this could of come back to bite me in my bottom. I am truly a changed man, why? Glad you asked. My New Years resolution was get rid of my N word tendency and racy jokes (which i land), which means i am a changed man, at least for the first 3 days of this year. To add I also wished as my X-Mas gift to be unmuted or ungag so you cant really deny me this. Unless youre heartless. In that case you could.

Your ban contest has been received and will be reviewed. I will reply with a decision to let you know the result, typically 24-48h.
I have reviewed the internal reports/evidence and conferred with staff members regarding the incidents in question.

It would appear you have a history of infractions:

Initially, you were warned and subsequently given a 1 day ban on Dec 26th for questionable topics/content in voice chat, and mocking/disrespecting staff members trying to do their jobs. I am not aware of any legitimate reasons for discussions related to race/religion/etc. in a gameserver; in the interest of keeping the environment fun and inclusive for everyone, it has no place there and staff are directed to act accordingly when incidents arise. This is covered under Server rule #3 (and partially by rule 6 for incidents that are deliberately pushing boundaries of what is permissible)

Furthermore, if you have an issue with the actions or decisions of a staff member, you need to take that up with myself or any of the other senior (VF4-S) staff. Questioning/arguing with them in-game (and outright harassing them for how they choose to work, say, without a headset) is not an acceptable approach to resolving issues. (Server rule #6).

This initial ban expired, and several days later (the 28th) you were heard using racial slurs in voice chat by an undercover staff member. This resulted in a permanent voice communications ban. Rather than take the hint or appeal through the appropriate channels, you then opted to continue this behaviour in text chat instead, which also cost you your text chat privileges. You also lost your /report privileges since you decided to start abusing that as well in an attempt to get your ban lifted.

Finally, there's your appeal post. The tone in which it is written and the choice of phrasing makes it rather clear you do not seem to be taking this seriously.

Considering all of the above, at this time your communications ban will not be lifted.
I don't have anything against individual staff members actually, rather against these rules which you place in order to " keep the environment fun and inclusive ", mainly the fact nobody cares. I was literally just bantering with people and everybody was included in on it, nobody was complaining or whining about " muh discrimination ", infact one african american individual even went tagged along and everything, giving me the mighty N word pass. These rules literally serve no purpose in action. The only people who care about being called the N word arent even the ones receiving it, because they guess what, are just going to call it back. It's the staff and their mentality that everybody gets offended by everything. Think of it, we were literally all having fun and shittalking, nobody cared about it, in fact the only reason i got banned, wasnt because some guy got offended and called an admin, it was because I called an admin for a joke. Ironic isnt it, I got myself banned. So look at this and tell me how the staff are helping keeping it fun and inclusive. I never got the point of these rules, let's be honest nobody respects them, people call other people faggot and retard all the time and no one bats an eye as soon as somebody says the N word, staff just drops in and takes action even though nobody asked for it.

Even after all of this, I still love TF2 and it's really hard to play it in it's current state, furthermore I like tf2c alot more anyways, so I guess, I'll try and limit my N word usage to a minimum. I hope you guys don't do what every staff does and go " hehe no tlaking back to staff, perma ban lol" and actually try to understand what my message is, and i hope to hear back from you

Forever yours
Just because you don't like the rules doesn't mean you get to decide you're not going to follow them. They've been in place since 2012 and are not likely to change any time soon.

Derogatory language and slurs of any kind (including the others you mention) have no place in a game server in the first place, period. If you want to trash talk someone, there are plenty of other choices that are not derogatory to specific groups of people, and I would suggest you learn a little more about the history and connotations of some of these words before using them in a public setting, perhaps then you will understand why they are hurtful to the groups of people they reference. What language you choose to use in private among your friends is up to you, but that atmosphere does not extend to a public place where anyone can come and go at will.

The fact is, someone did care enough to voice a concern over it, we investigated (as we do with all complaints) and you got caught. You were given chances to correct that behaviour and chose to continue, and for that there are consequences.

At this point, your objections and arguments to the ban have been:
  • "The rules are pointless" (The vast majority of our players have no issues abiding by them and are having fun all the same. They're only pointless if we don't enforce them, which we are clearly trying to do, or we would't be having this conversation.)
  • Victimizing yourself ("I got myself banned", "nobody has complained")
  • Claiming it was "for comedy".
  • Whatabout-ism by pointing out other people have gone uncaught ( Sure, we're not omipotent - but that certainly doesn't excuse YOU)
  • Trying to convince us/yourself there is such a thing as the "n-word pass" (Try playing that card when someone's going to punch your face in for calling them that...)
  • Saying you'll "try" to keep your usage "to a minimum". (Delightfully noncommittal)
  • Painting this as an "us" problem instead of the "you" problem it is. (Last I checked, none of those words were acceptable in general society)

So I'm left to conclude that either you have genuinely no idea what's wrong with your behaviour (in which case I just feel sorry for you), or you're just blowing smoke.

Regardless which of those it is, they both confirm my suspicions you have no real intent of changing your behaviour if we were to lift the ban.
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