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Search results

  1. English

    [Story Progression] Part One: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

    Kendra looks at the group and then back to the chest. "But aren't you at all curious to see what is inside? Surely my father trusted you enough to know what books he wants to send back to Lepistadt..."
  2. English

    [Background] Lore and Information

    Current Date: Oathday, 2 Lamashan, 4713 Arrival in Ravengro: 1 Lamashan, 4713 Months of the Year: Abadius Calistril Pharast Gozran Desnus Sarenith Erastus Arodus Rovfa Lamashan Neth Kuthona Days of the Week: Moonday Toilday Wealday Oathday Fireday Starday Sunday
  3. English

    [Background] Lore and Information

    I will use this thread to post all of your Lore and Information that you gather during your travels. If you feel that anything is missing, PM me and I will update the thread.
  4. English

    [Story Progression] Part One: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

    Kendra stops in her pacing and turns to you with a sad look in her eyes. She lets out a small sigh and begins to pace again. "Well as you know, Father was always interested in things that were... less than living. He spent his whole life studying undeath and everything related to it. Never for...
  5. English

    [Story Progression] Part One: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

    Kendra takes a big sigh and ponders where to begin... She turns to the group after pacing back and forth for a moment. "Those fools are nothing but superstitious bigots. Do not pay any attention to them. They would not dare harass me, the sheriff was a good friend of my father's. Just ignore...
  6. English

    [Story Progression] Part One: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

    Your two stories have the small and intimate crowd laughing. You can hear some people whisper "Oh that Professor..." and "Always such a character..." It was a much needed reprieve from the solemn day and the rude interruption that happened earlier. After some of the laughter dies down, Father...
  7. English

    [Story Progression] Part One: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

    !roll 1d20+9 #Perform(Oratory) Bad Hex! No Gutter!
  8. English

    [Story Progression] Part One: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

    The tongue lashing that Tyrion gives the mob is enough for them to doubt their resolve. Some drop their poorly crafted tools. Others turn to leave and head back toward town. The leader is left fuming at his pathetic attempt to run the group off and prevent the burial. He swears and curses up a...
  9. English

    [Story Progression] Part One: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

    !roll 1d20-2 #Gunther Aid Another beat DC 10
  10. English

    [Story Progression] Part One: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

    Kendra presses her lips together and holds back any further tears. "This really is not the time for this kind of discussion. We can talk more later." She begins walking forward toward the site where her father is about to be laid to rest, cutting off any further discussion of the matter. As...
  11. English

    [Story Progression] Part One: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

    Tyrion -- You have been hearing rumors that Harrowstone Prison, which used to once house many violent criminals, is haunted by those that used to inhabit the place. Some people have noted "strange sightings" and noises coming from up the hill.
  12. English

    [Story Progression] Part One: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

    As Kendra Lorrimor leads you from the entrance you are greeted by a stern looking priest of Pharasma, Father Grimburrow, as well as several gravediggers. As part of local tradition, they do not bear the burden of carrying the casket to the site of the grave. He motions for you to be the pall...
  13. English

    [Completed] Murder VaultF4 Admin Application

    Thanks for taking the time to apply! We will discuss your application and get back to you as soon as we have made a decision!
  14. English

    [Out Of Character] Pregame OOC

    Apologies. In-Law's pipe burst at their house and they are away on vacation. Was dealing with that all day Sunday and will continue to be dealing with it on Monday (today). Hope to have this kicked off by the end of monday
  15. English

    [Story Progression] Part One: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

    [OOC] You arrive at the Restlands in Ravengro and are immediately greeted by a trim and attractive young woman in her mid twenties. Her eyes are red and puffy and she is dressed in dark, conservative clothes. The Restlands are the burial grounds for the town of Ravengro. Well burial ground for...
  16. English

    [In Character] Caravan to Ravengro (Pregame IC)

    The Caravan Driver (picture above) gives out a loud whistle and the caravan begins to lurch forward. Now begins the journey to Ravengro. "Be there in a couple days!" He shouts to the 5 vehicle caravan. The caravan kicks up what little dust is on the roads after the recent rains. It has been...

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