• We are aware of sporadic errors when browsing our site. This is an issue with our hosting provider and not something we can fix on our end. We are hopeful it will be resolved soon. ~VintagePC

[Story Progression] 1.1: The Vanished

[trigger]CMB to grapple Maura: 15[/trigger]
[trigger]CMB to grapple Variel: 17[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Statboy Re: #40[/trigger]
Both Maura and Variel are pulled overboard, and are currently grappled and have both been pulled 10 feet underwater, you feel sand beneath your feet. You will both have to start your turn ticking off 2 uses of your hold breath (blue circle) unless you can breath underwater.
The turn order rolled is:

Each Grindylow attacks the person they just grabbed
!roll 1d20+2 #Spear vs Maura
!roll 1d6+1 #Dmg for spear
!roll 1d20-2 #Bite vs Maura
!roll 1d3 #Dmg for bite

!roll 1d20+2 #Spear vs Variel
!roll 1d6+1 #Dmg for spear
!roll 1d20-2 #Bite vs Variel
!roll 1d3 #Dmg for bite

It is Variel's turn
The boat is rocking back and forth, if you stand and attack you must make a reflex save to not fall overboard. If you sit and attack you take a -2 penalty to hit, but don't need the reflex
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[trigger]Spear vs Maura: 17[/trigger]
[trigger]Dmg for spear: 2[/trigger]
[trigger]Bite vs Maura: -1[/trigger]
[trigger]Dmg for bite: 3[/trigger]
[trigger]Spear vs Variel: 8[/trigger]
[trigger]Dmg for spear: 5[/trigger]
[trigger]Bite vs Variel: 0[/trigger]
[trigger]Dmg for bite: 1[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Statboy Re: #41[/trigger]
[trigger]CMB: 7[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Srekcins Re: #42[/trigger]
Maura attempts to gain control of the grapple.

!roll 1d20-1 #CMB Maura tries to reverse the grapple
[trigger]CMB Maura tries to reverse the grapple: 4[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: theLumberJack Re: #45[/trigger]
Alkonost will swift action activate snake style (choosing piercing damage for my unarmed strikes) and dive in.

!roll 1d20+3? #swim

If I succeed and can move more than 1/4 speed, I'd like to use my standard to attack the one engaging maura. Disregard if not!

!roll 1d20+2? #unarmed strike roll (-2 included for underwater penalty)

!roll 1d6+3? #damage
[trigger]swim: 22 = [19] + 3[/trigger]
[trigger]unarmed strike roll (-2 included for underwater penalty): 16 = [14] + 2[/trigger]
[trigger]damage: 6 = [3] + 3[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Alkonost Re: #47[/trigger]
You passed your swim check, and used piercing damage (from snake style), so no penalty for the underwater combat. Your strike goes straight to the soft spot of the grindylows throat, puncturing his carotid arteries. He drops unconscious and will die shortly. You have freed Maura from the Grindylow's grasping tentacles.

Please remember to annotate when you move in combat, as per the post in the rules clarification thread.

Eko is up
Disregard preious, invalid action. (Posts deleted)

Eko will try to Surge Variel out of the grapple and to the surface.

As a standard action, you can cause a mighty wave to appear that pushes or pulls a single creature. Make a combat maneuver check against the target, using your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier as your CMB. If successful, you may pull or push the creature as if using the bull rush or drag combat maneuver.

!roll 1d20+4? #Surge CMB
[trigger]Surge CMB: 5 = [1] + 4[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: VintagePC Re: #48[/trigger]
Eko focus on the tentacles of the grindylow, and try to use the water to break them off of Variel, but the grindylow's grip is too strong. The Grindylow keeps trying to kill the party, he thrusts his spear at Variel, while attempting to bite Alkonost. His tentacles grip harder trying to pin Variel.

!roll 1d20+2 #Spear vs Variel
!roll 1d6+1 #Spear dmg
!roll 1d20-2 #Bite vs Alkonost
!roll 1d3 #Bite dmg
!roll 1d20+4 #CMB Tentacles vs Variel's CMD
[trigger]Spear vs Variel: 15[/trigger]
[trigger]Spear dmg: 6[/trigger]
[trigger]Bite vs Alkonost: 16[/trigger]
[trigger]Bite dmg: 1[/trigger]
[trigger]CMB Tentacles vs Variel's CMD: 10[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Statboy Re: #49[/trigger]
The Grindlow succesfully spears Variel and bites Alkonost. However his tentacles are unable to push Variel further down into the sand. Variel is still grabbled but not pinned.

Variel's turn
Alkonost, as an immediate action granted via snake style, will make a sense motive roll to serve as his AC vs this bite

!roll 1d20+11 #sense motive/AC
[trigger]sense motive/AC: 17[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Alkonost Re: #51[/trigger]
Alkonost, as an immediate action granted via snake style, will make a sense motive roll to serve as his AC vs this bite

!roll 1d20+11 #sense motive/AC
Sensing the Grindylows attack Alkonost moves and avoid's the bite at the last second.
[trigger]sense motive/AC[/QUOTE]: 20[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Statboy Re: #52[/trigger]
Deciding against trying to escape again, Variel draws her dagger off of her belt and tries to stab the creature that's grabbed her.

!roll 1d20-2? #attack
!roll 1d4 #dagger damage
[trigger]attack: 5 = [7] + -2[/trigger]
[trigger]dagger damage: 2[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Srekcins Re: #53[/trigger]
Move off of the boat: F48 to H46; Attempt to Swim down 5ft.

!roll 1d20+3? #swim
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[trigger]swim: 22 = [19] + 3[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Kiryu Re: #55[/trigger]
I thought that counted as a double move. Well, if not, taking a swing at the creature I am on top of.

!roll 1d20+3? #Atk MW Morningstar

!roll 1d6+5? #Damage B and P, if hit
[trigger]Atk MW Morningstar: 14 = [11] + 3[/trigger]
[trigger]Damage B and P, if hit: 6 = [1] + 5[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Kiryu Re: #57[/trigger]
I do count all movement as cumulative. Since a swim is at half speed, I double how much you swam and add that to your land movement. So 10 ft on land +5 ft swimming= 20 ft moved.

Kiryu takes advantage of the Grindylow grappling with Variel, and hits him across the back of the head, knocking him out cold. Combat is over, four of you are underwater and two are holding their breath. Those two will need to state what they are doing one round at a time until they are above water. Swim DC is currently 10, and if you push off from the sand at the bottom first its only DC 5 to swim.

Talamandor's Bounty has been divided up into 3 maps (as having them on a single map was 260x120 squares). To the north is an open field, and the edge of a forest. In the center is the Town Square. To the south is the village (where the homes are located). Explore as you will, you have only been given a date to meet back up with the Peregrine (in 5 days). According to the map, you believe you can make it to the rendezvous point in one day. Enjoy
I would like to grab the weapon from the one I took down, and see if it had anything else on it.
Alkonost will push off from the bottom without much more than a cursory glance to confirm the enemies are down— his eyes aren’t accustomed to salt water, nor penetrating the silt and murk of the harbor.

!roll 1d20+3? #swim

If he makes surface, he’ll get back in the boat.
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