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[Story Progression] 1.1: The Vanished

Maura shouts in Aquan.

Hey! We're just trying to figure out what happened to everyone! You can have the canoe back! Do you know anything about what happened to the other land lubbers?
Fey Gremlin: fools there are more than two Grindylows, Queen Brinetooth was displeased with those two for allowing the humanoids to settle here. After all the humans left, the two grindylows were meant to guard the bay from any more humanoids. You return my home to me and I will tell you were one of the humans is hiding. She said her name is Raila.
We should ask it if it made the hole in the canoe.
He said the two we killed were just guards. They have a leader named Queen Brinetooth. Someone named Raila is hiding. He will tell us where she is hiding in exchange for his home back.

In Aquan to the fey grimlin: Of course we would be happy to return your home. I am sorry we disturbed it as we believed it was abandoned. Were you the one that sunk the boat? We just want to confirm this. Also, please pardon friend for the late introduction. My name is Kiryu. My companions are Eko, Alkonost, Maura, and Variel.
In aquan, Would you know where we could find Queen Brinetooth? And if you happen to know how many grindylows she has, that would be appreciated and would help us get rid of them.
Fey Fremlin: I am Krandom, and i am happy for you to return my home, but mind your tongue, I didnt sink the boat I built my home. Do you call it decapitating trees when you make those dusty piles of logs you live in? Now put my home back and I will answer one of your questions, I will even answer truthfully, because you speak the civilized language of the sea. But what do you want to know about more, Brinetooth or Raila?
Alkonost, who by the grace of a good god named Stat, barely apprehends common and is thoroughly entranced by the bubbling liquid nature of the gremlin's speech.

I think we should find the survivor, as we were asked to do. These grindylow seem easy to handle if more come, maybe easier on land. I wonder if they sunk the canoe?
His name is Krandom, and he did sink the canoe. He sees it more as using available materials to make a home, much like if we cut down a tree. We can either find out more about our enemies or find out about this survivor from him in exchange for the canoe. I think we should find Raila.
Well, I was a little more tactful in asking whether he'd made the hole, not whether he "sank the boat"...

I have a feeling that this may come full circle anyway, but we should focus on finding our settlers - if this place is not safe, then the sooner we know, the sooner we can be prepared.
In Aquan, Please tell us of Raila.

Maura grabs the canoe slides it back into the water, taking it to its original location.
Krandom begins digging a small hole in the sand for an entrance

Krandom: North along the coast until you find the river. Shes been living close to where the river meets the sea. A fine place, but a bit crowded if you ask me. You'll know its her because she wears the nicest hat I've ever seen, I wish all humanoids had hats like hers.

After finishing his entrance he squirms back under the canoe.
He says Raila is hiding out by the mouth of a river north of here. We should go check it out after we finish searching the village.

Maura heads to the building with the blue roof.
Wait up, I'll come with you. Better to not split up too much in case there is another ambush.

Kiryu will follow behind as quickly as he can. He will look around the area as he makes his way to the building with the blue roof, looking for anyone hiding.

!roll 1d20+7? #Perception
[trigger]Perception: 25 = [18] + 7[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Kiryu Re: #115[/trigger]
Alkonost, having little else to contribute as they converse with the creature will finish drying off and take flight and keep watch from above.

!roll 1d20+7? #perception

Also not to be metagamey as I have no idea what the gremlin is saying but would be interested in him elaborating on ‘crowded’?
[trigger]perception: 20 = [13] + 7[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Alkonost Re: #116[/trigger]
Re Perceptions: In the center of the colony square is a well, next to which is a wooden platform suitable for addressing a large crowd. Just north of those is a cold ash filled fire pit. It is clear that no fire has been been lit here for weeks. As you approach the blue roofed building you see, a wooden-framed, mud brick structure that is the colony’s only two-story building, as well as one of the largest structures. It has the appearance of a rural courthouse or city hall rather than that of a residence. The front features a small porch supported by rough log pillars, with double wooden doors facing west. Numerous window frames with shutters, some of them open, wrap around the building on both floors. The roof is not thatched, but has wooden shakes instead. The construction suggests this building was intended to be a source of community pride, but it still has a rough, unfinished appearance due to lack of paint and coarse materials. A few small shrubs have been planted around it.

Alkonost: to glean anything else from what Krandom said, one of the aquan speakers would need a sense motive, and to note what they are looking for (ie more depth to what "crowded" could mean, or what general vibe am i getting from him)
Is he likely referring to more intelligent aquatic creatures like him? It seemed like it since he didn't complain about being pushed out by smelly humanoids or fleeing the area because it was dangerous. That's the general vibe I got from him, so I was just going with it.

!roll 1d20+5? #Sense Motive
[trigger]Sense Motive: 14 = [9] + 5[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Kiryu Re: #118[/trigger]
Kiryu's Sense Motive: You think about what he said, about the area being crowded, when something clicks in your mind. He's a Fey. You begin remembering stories of tricks fey play on Humanoids and others they hold in contempt. You feel the word crowded become more ominous, the more you think about how he said it. He gave no indication if friend or foe lurks in those waters.
Kiryu, why do you look so worried? Let's check out this building.

Maura heads into the building.

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