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[Story Progression] 1.1: The Vanished

[trigger]Untrained Engineering: 19 = [16] + 3[/trigger]
[trigger]Throw dagger: 15 = [11] + 4[/trigger]
[trigger]Damage: 7[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Kiryu Re: #400[/trigger]
The dagger sails wide imbedding itself into the window frame. You are unable to determine what the metal spider is. As you look out the window you see a faint red glow going north disappearing into the forest.
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Kiryu will grab his knife and head back downstairs.

You guys can go back to sleep, the creature got away.
Maura: On your watch the Monkey Goblin stirs and regains consciousness. He is still badly wounded from the fight, and he attempts to quietly get up. You notice him getting up however. Nobody tied him up so he is not restrained, neither is he armed as his spear and dagger are still at the blacksmith building.
You should rest, it will be safer for you to go home after dawn.

Test font removal
!roll 1d20+4
[trigger]1d20+4: 18[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: theLumberJack Re: #405[/trigger]
Eko opens an eye, looks around and sees everyone settling down again. He watches to see what the goblin does whilst appearing to go back to sleep.
The Monkey Goblin takes a long hard look at you. Nearly a full minute passes as he takes in his surroundings. Without saying a word, the Monkey Goblin sits back down, eyes wide open.
What's your name? I'm Maura. This is Eko.

Maura nudges Eko awake to take over the watch soon.
Monkey Goblin: You're very bad at interrogating prisoners. Are you pretending to be my friend, so another of these floor dwellers scare me easier? Ghost Hater clan does not get scared, we are not like our cowardly cave dweller cousins. Monkey Goblins are braver than Goblins. Chief bring more warriors and retake forge, then you see that Monkey Goblins are brave, and Ghost Hater tribe are bravest Monkey Goblins. I need only wait, nothing you do to me will scare me.
I am not your friend, and I seek not to be your enemy. There are more ways to be brave than to conquer. I saved your life and we brought you here so that you might return to your tribe. The easier way would have been to let you die on the floor. Your tribe doesn't need to conquer the forge, there is the opportunity for trade when our people return to this place.
Monkey Goblin: What trade? You are 5, you are strong, but have little. Tribe is stronger, have more. Chief will not trade for nothing, chief will send more warriors, take forge back.
Eko eyss the goblin warily

When you first took the forge... was that before or after the people were gone? Do you know why they left?
Monkey Goblin: We claimed it after the floor dwellers left. We dont bother asking why they left, they left one at a time. Floor dwellers leave many valuable things, chief says forge is most valuable, we claim for Ghost Hater tribe. We will retake it, 5 land dwellers is not enough to defeat tribe.
We are five, but we too have a tribe. We built the forge, and we can build more. We can use the forge, we can teach you how. Working with us will make your tribe stronger.
Eko ponders the revelation that something was probably picking off the townsfolk one by one....
Monkey Goblin: I only see 5, where are the others? One or two more wont make difference anyway. We can use forge well enough on our own. I make this spear myself.
I only see one Ghost hater, and he should get some rest. Have a good watch Eko.

Maura heads to sleep in the corner.
Eko's watch will pass without incident. Everybody heals up (level + Con Mod) and regens their spells. In the morning once everybody up and around the Monkey Goblin will ask Am I still your prisoner or will you let me leave?

Edit* As a reminder, the unopened locked chest is in the NE corner of this building
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I don't see any reason you can't take your stuff and return home. Unless someone objects, I think you should take your friend's remains and belongings so that a proper burial can be performed.

Kiryu will take 1 hour to perform a seance to channel a spirit.
*Note: For this day, I will be channeling the Archmage spirit, so my AC will be down to 12.
I agree. Eko, would you be able to channel so that we might all face the day more prepared?

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