• Please DO NOT post in a ban contest thread unless you are:
    1. The person banned or posting a ban request.
    2. Senior Staff.
    This is necessary to keep threads on-topic and uncluttered. Thank you.

    If you don't know why you were banned, you probably broke one of our server rules. Most bans are temporary except in the case of gross violations or repeated infractions.
  • We are aware of sporadic errors when browsing our site. This is an issue with our hosting provider and not something we can fix on our end. We are hopeful it will be resolved soon. ~VintagePC

[Resolved] Ban Appeal (got banned when I wasn't even playing for a while)


Well-Known Member
In-Game name: Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer
Time of Ban: Permanent
Date of Ban: 10-24-21 23:31
Steam ID: 76561197983137846
Reason for Ban: "General douchebaggery, a history of, or several rule violations"
Additional Comments: I was banned the day I wasn't even playing. In fact, I wasn't even playing TF2C for like a week or more before I got issued the ban. I didn't visit any other VaultF4 game nor forum, I genuinely have no idea what this symbol even means: https://www.vaultf4.com/sb/images/games/web.png
I only found that I'm banned like a month after since the day I last launch TF2C.
Hello Jitterskull. You ban was escalated to permanent because of your repeated violation of our hate speech rule. You can view a copy of our rules at the following link, which now includes more detailed information about how compounding offenses lead to increasingly harsher punishments. https://www.vaultf4.com/threads/server-rules.246/

According to our records, you had 2 comm bans, multiple direct warnings from staff members, a timeout, and 2 previous bans for your behavior. There were also 9 reports made by other players about your behavior.

The behavior recorded by staff in our logs includes anti-LGBT hate speech and blatant racism.

You may continue your appeal, which will be handled by a different staff member since I was the one who issued your permanent ban. We only request that you link your steam profile to your vaultf4 account in your settings so that we can verify your identity.
Hey there,

Just letting you know that if you decide to move forward with your appeal I'll be the one handling it for independent review.
You ban was escalated to permanent because of your repeated violation of our hate speech rule.
Considering since my last ban expiration I haven't spoke much if any, and the fact I haven't played in a while before I received this permanent, I don't see the ban issued any fair, to be quite honest. The temp ban exist as punishment for either of a reasons to prevent future misbehavior of person who got punished for rehabilitation purpose. Once the person's punishment expired and he hasn't violated the rules since then, giving an extra ban and especially the permanent one where it's purpose is no longer an rehabilitation, especially on the day he wasn't even playing, is straight up an abuse at this point.

Speaking about my previous ban that you mentioned, which got very unfair reason as well. Here is the screenshot of the reason:
Fact is, this one humble phrase doesn't violate any rules as it's not an insult, it is not an derogatory epithet, nor it's offensive in any way possible. There is nothing bad with being a trans and janitor is a noble job that nobody wants to take, unless admins view transexuality as something bad themselves or they discriminate janitors for whatever reason.

There were also 9 reports made by other players about your behavior.
Since I'm the one who top-scoring the leaderboards most of the time and thus I've seen plenty of very obnoxious and tiresome individuals whining in chat about me killing them or class I'm playing as, it's only natural cause the interest to get rid of me by abusing all the legal and illegal methods will be sky high and surpass the interest to ban the ones who truly violate the rules and spam 'hate speech' language non-stop in the microphone.
Not to mention individuals who out of their own resentment stalk and monitor any word I say, and provoke me for an a irate reply, even if it's literally 1vs1 game. They could possible even stalk me in other games or other servers where no such rules of Vault F4 community exist, which shouldn't be applied to ban on this community if I 'misbehave' anywhere else. I could jokingly replied to other users using memeous offensive speech or use other meme language that doesn't have intention to offend certain individual, but that's about it; to a hostile individual I usually harshly reply but without using 'hate speech', and then again, not even once I said an offensive word after the expiration of previous ban on either of Vault F4 servers.

Just letting you know that if you decide to move forward with your appeal I'll be the one handling it for independent review.
Yes, I would appreciate that. Thank you.
Follow-up received; My time has been a little stretched recently but I will do my best to review and address this within the next few days now that there's a brief pause in between he holidays.
I reviewed the logs/internal staff notes and prior to the permanent ban you have three temporary communications bans and two temporary game bans on record for obscene language. Clearly that wasn't getting your attention that something needed to change.

Despite your claims, you *did* violate the rules again after these previous punishments had expired (specifically, on 10/24 with chat remarks that are anti-trans and/or derogatory towards homosexuals) and so an executive decision was made to escalate this to a permanent ban. Given we do not have 24/7 staffing it is sometimes necessary to issue punishments after someone breaking the rules has already left the server, and especially in the case of infrequent players, the duration may be extended specifically so that the punishment doesn't lapse before their next play session.

Fact is, this one humble phrase doesn't violate any rules as it's not an insult, it is not an derogatory epithet, nor it's offensive in any way possible. There is nothing bad with being a trans and janitor is a noble job that nobody wants to take, unless admins view transexuality as something bad themselves or they discriminate janitors for whatever reason.

I'll thank you not to waste both our time with this victimization bullshit and retro-validation. I wasn't born yesterday, and you and I both know where the use of "janitor", "janny", etc to deride and insult moderators comes from. Justify it to yourself however you wish, but there's no other reason for saying that particular turn of phrase other than to heckle staff or escalate a volatile situation (regardless of status w/r/t rule 3, it's then also a violation of rule 5) - and the staff certainly don't need people like you making a mostly thankless job more unpleasant than it already is. The only thing unfair about that ban is our staff having to put up with that kind of crap in the first place because people can't be civil and have a modicum of respect for each other. Furthermore, I definitely don't appreciate you trying to paint it as an "us" problem instead of a "you" problem by arguing the literal letter of the statement rather than its intent. If that's your strategy for a successful appeal, the door is over there.

I'm also going to blanket-refute your last paragraph because:
  • We do not issue punishments purely based on hearsay alone, specifically to avoid exactly what you propose could be happening. Any player reports are investigated and only acted on if they are found to be substantiated with some form of material evidence for which we can establish chain of trust (SourceTV demos, chat logs, direct staff witness, etc).
  • We have no reason to punish people for how they behave outside of our servers. That is not our jurisdiction and what they do there is none of our concern. If you want something in support of that there's a thread around here somewhere where I refused to ban someone that was observed cheating on other servers but has not made their presence known on ours. The staff have more valuable things to do with their time than go witch-hunting for everyone that's ever misbehaved somewhere on the Internet.

I'm not seeing any valid reason to overturn the ban based on what you've said and the information available to me, so I think we're done here.
Pardon the user above me. I got rather frustrated with last reply on this thread and posted the link of this ban appeal in a private community saying that it felt very unfair. Apparently some person of that group took my offense personally.

I reviewed the logs/internal staff notes and prior to the permanent ban you have three temporary communications bans and two temporary game bans on record for obscene language. Clearly that wasn't getting your attention that something needed to change.

After the expiration of last week ban, I am 96% confident I wasn't even engaging in any conversation with anyone, even jokingly. If I'm wrong and simply can't remember it, can you please provide me the link to chatlog?

Despite your claims, you *did* violate the rules again after these previous punishments had expired (specifically, on 10/24 with chat remarks that are anti-trans and/or derogatory towards homosexuals)

Can I please see log with all my activities during the day please? Because I'm fairly sure I wasn't even playing Team Fortress 2 Classic back in the October 24th, and most likely wasn't even launching TF2C prior that. Prior that day, like month ago, however, I did utilize some derogatory term toward trans without even knowing that it was offensive because I thought it was just short version of word of transsexual, which later I got corrected and never used it since then. I only used it because I sincerely didn't knew the word was derogatory since the word barely any visually or verbally differed from officially accepted word "trans" and there should be full chatlog to confirm it.

I'll thank you not to waste both our time with this victimization bullshit and retro-validation. I wasn't born yesterday, and you and I both know where the use of "janitor", "janny", etc to deride and insult moderators comes from.
Furthermore, I definitely don't appreciate you trying to paint it as an "us" problem instead of a "you" problem by arguing the literal letter of the statement rather than its intent.

Janitor is international term means moderator that can clean posts, submit ban and warn requests to moderators but cannot ban on the fly like moderator would. There is no more polite way to call them than that because when websites\communities provide for janitor applications they are calling them exactly that, saying "we are currently looking for janitors for our community", it's not meant to deride and insult in any way possible. If I remember correctly, I was replying to other guy (not a moderator) when I said phrase "because admins are transexual jannitors" in a joking way, not to the moderators themselves; I can't remember EXACT reason why I said that but I believe it's because the server had some unpleasant features going on the server back in the day that we believed moderator abused his privileges and enabled it on his own, I can't recall what it was exactly it was but probably something related to very annoying ghosts. The rules specifically talk about hate speech (derogatory terms\insults) and personal attacks, but yet I was just mostly replying harmless bants between other users (mostly who had mic) in a good faith for mere laughs as the only true intent, nobody was precisely intentionally personally attacked\insulted during that nor offended.

I'm also going to blanket-refute your last paragraph

I never stated that it was the case, just was trying to make sure it wasn't. Thanks for confirmation.

I'm not seeing any valid reason to overturn the ban based on what you've said and the information available to me, so I think we're done here.

It's just doesn't feel fair at all, even according to the rules of this community - https://www.vaultf4.com/threads/server-rules.246/
I didn't precisely attacked anyone on my own, I only reply rude if I'm provoked verbally first, i.e. if me personally, my gameplay's preference or my character being insulted, then I feel it morally correct to respond back in similar fashion or worse so long they don't violate the "hate speech" category; but then again, the other guy must start it himself and I don't engage in this act on my own.
I didn't had intent to offend anyone; when I reply to other users I mostly making jokes and, it happens, they even laugh in mic. If I had intent to offend\piss off random people that didn't insult me verbally first, I would focus more on the class they play and their gameplay performance or use open aggressive text with more blatant insult. There been couple of people very toxic and who say offensive conspiracy theory stuff in mic while not even minor punishment was given to them, all while I even saw moderators used MF word as personal attack.
And I'm fairly sure I didn't violate ANY rules whatsoever after expiration of my last 1 week ban (which I honestly believe wasn't really fair to begin with), especially on 24th of October as you claim I was since I didn't launch my game that day nor a week prior that day, which makes the ban objectively unfair. If I'm still wrong however, I would appreciate if you could provide evidence that I was indeed in TF2C\vaultf4 game\server during that period of time, rather than month prior that day (before even the second ban). Are you sure it was my steam ID and not somebody else impose as me with same name and avatar, or if it was some other server or game all along?
Even if hypothetically I was very drunk and\or my consciousness was abducted by unforeseen alien forces without my notice and ability to remember it, I still should have passed through 4th stage "offense" with 2 week - 1 month ban than jump directly to 5th with permanent ban skipping 4th entirely, since my violation is still categorized as "minor infractions". During mid of October I was fairly busy and had no time to play, it cannot possible be me. Even the banlist claims the ban is from web ban which means I wasn't on any server during that period of time https://www.vaultf4.com/sb/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:0:11436059&Submit But then again, I wasn't registered on this website nor did I play minecraft in your community prior I made this thread for it to be me.

I would really appreciate if my ban would relooked, especially considering it's new year holiday now in my country.
I handled the offensive user.
Not a great impression if that's the kind of thing that someone uninvolved considers acceptable to do in someone else's ban appeal. At the end of the day the appeal process is just myself or another senior staff member sitting down for a solid chunk of time (I've spent several hours now researching and writing my replies here) and doing our best to make sense of the information available to us. I'm sorry you feel your ban is unfair but I'm finding it hard to rule in your favour given the number of staff members and regular players that take issue with your behaviour.

Anyway - back to the issue at hand. These are the screenshots that were attached to the ban post:


These were taken from the public HLStats pages at the time, however those roll over after 28 days in order to keep the database size and performance manageable. I obviously wasn't present so I cannot speak to the context of the incident but regardless this is not the kind of attitude and language I want to see in the servers, nor do I think is necessary for gameplay, and given we're having this discussion the involved staff did not think so either.

I'm not going to debate the "janitor" thing any further except to say that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. The bottom line is that phrase is uncalled for and is disrespectful, regardless of how funny you and others thought it was at the time. Try calling any random person on the street that and see how it goes for you. If you have a problem with staff behaviour or staff not acting on an issue, file a report or take it up with a senior staff member/the community manager so something can potentially be done about it rather than being disrespectful to the folks that volunteer their time to keep things running. We have players all over the globe and what might be considered more commonplace in certain regions is highly offensive in others.

"I'm responding in kind" is also not really a valid excuse in my book. Yes, it's an explanation for why you might have said something, but still doesn't excuse the choice you made. There's always the option not sink to the instigator's level rather than escalate the situation with more of the same rhetoric. Certainly there is always going to be some trash-talking in online gaming but at some point someone (i.e. a staff member) is going to have to be a dick about things and draw the line between which insults are generic/common place and which ones are derogatory towards certain groups of people based on what's currently acceptable in general society.

Unless someone stole your steam account, I find your premise about being impersonated extremely improbable. The stats system tracks by validated SteamID on connect to our servers, and our servers alone. It was not in another community, and based on a quick search, I don't see any other logged players that have a similar username. In case you still don't believe this, I went and searched the server logs for Ocrober which confirms you did connect and play, so I have no doubt that it was your account. I masked the IP address for privacy reasons but it's the same IP you are currently using on the forums, so I'm also finished entertaining the "it wasn't me" avenue.

 $> grep -i jitterskull l10*.log  | grep connected
l1009027.log:L 10/09/2021 - 07:15:48: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<5439><[U:1:22872118]><>" connected, address "[masked]:27005"
l1009029.log:L 10/09/2021 - 07:18:04: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "5438,5428,5437,5427,5440,5408,5434" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 71 with 27959 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1009031.log:L 10/09/2021 - 07:52:52: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "5449,5437,5442,5444" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 69 with 28139 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1009033.log:L 10/09/2021 - 08:26:26: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "5455" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 67 with 28201 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1009033.log:L 10/09/2021 - 08:30:27: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<5439><[U:1:22872118]><Red>" say "medic got disconnected"
l1009035.log:L 10/09/2021 - 08:58:12: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "5464,5458,5456,5465,5459,5467,5466,5457" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 67 with 28285 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1009035.log:L 10/09/2021 - 09:25:04: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<5439><[U:1:22872118]><Red>" disconnected (reason "" "You have been banned by this server, check http://www.vaultf4.com/sb/ for more info."")
l1009037.log:L 10/09/2021 - 09:25:34: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<5472><[U:1:22872118]><>" connected, address "[masked]:27005"
l1009037.log:L 10/09/2021 - 09:25:34: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<5472><[U:1:22872118]><>" disconnected (reason "You have been banned by this server, check http://www.vaultf4.com/sb for more info")
l1023253.log:L 10/23/2021 - 23:51:39: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<1474><[U:1:22872118]><>" connected, address "[masked]:27005"
l1023253.log:L 10/23/2021 - 23:51:48: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1475,1463,1470,1465,1469,1472,1473,1468" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 74 with 28262 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024001.log:L 10/24/2021 - 00:02:27: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1475,1479,1470,1463,1478,1465,1476,1469,1480,1477,1468" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 74 with 28278 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024003.log:L 10/24/2021 - 00:33:26: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1485,1492,1499,1469,1480,1493,1486,1483,1501,1496,1489,1497,1470,1500,1463,1498,1475" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 72 with 28249 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024005.log:L 10/24/2021 - 01:03:05: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1512,1514,1515,1496,1463,1516,1508,1498" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 73 with 28276 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024007.log:L 10/24/2021 - 01:30:50: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1526,1496,1533,1515,1539,1525,1542,1522,1537,1535,1534,1532,1531,1530,1498,1536,1541,1521,1540,1538" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 73 with 28205 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024009.log:L 10/24/2021 - 01:59:26: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1526,1496,1533,1547,1553,1550,1525,1542,1522,1537,1554,1549,1557,1535,1556,1555,1531,1551,1545,1521" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 72 with 28218 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024011.log:L 10/24/2021 - 02:49:52: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1576,1545,1583,1580,1575,1573,1586,1571,1587,1526,1533,1558,1582,1565,1550,1525,1542,1585,1581,1584,1577" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 72 with 28300 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024013.log:L 10/24/2021 - 03:16:40: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1598,1599,1533,1526,1542,1576,1588,1594,1593,1586,1597,1580,1575" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 72 with 28337 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024015.log:L 10/24/2021 - 03:47:36: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1576,1588,1593,1605,1610,1607,1615,1575,1612,1613,1586,1609,1608,1603,1533,1602,1542,1606" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 71 with 28271 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024017.log:L 10/24/2021 - 04:18:39: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1610,1629,1615,1626,1576,1630,1588,1619,1575,1613,1608,1603,1623,1628,1624,1606,1622,1618,1542" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 72 with 28314 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024019.log:L 10/24/2021 - 04:47:45: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1639,1643,1615,1629,1575,1633,1631,1636,1640,1637,1542,1635,1618,1634,1606,1628" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 72 with 28338 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024021.log:L 10/24/2021 - 05:14:34: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1628,1652,1634,1651,1618,1542,1647,1637,1631,1650,1649,1645,1644,1643" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 69 with 28397 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024021.log:L 10/24/2021 - 05:18:46: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<1474><[U:1:22872118]><Red>" disconnected (reason "Disconnect by user.")

and just to confirm the screenshot wasn't for someone else's profile page:
l1024011.log:L 10/24/2021 - 03:13:20: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<1474><[U:1:22872118]><Blue>" say "because you're homo and needs to be purged"

I think this covers your request for the exact infractions that precipitated the permanent ban; if you have anything salient to add then feel free to do so but I am going to be frank and note that some of these discussion points come across very strongly as deflection or grasping at straws, and at some point I have to draw a line at the time I spend on individual ban appeals if I feel they are not making any progress. For example, an outright "can you confirm this was my account" is fine, but going off on speculative tangents about impersonation, etc. really doesn't contribute anything to moving the appeal forward and just adds noise to the amount of information someone reviewing this has to process.
Sorry it's been a while since I reply on this forum, however since TF2C is now available to download again my friend really bother me to play it with him so I decided to engage in this appeal once more.

Not a great impression if that's the kind of thing that someone uninvolved considers acceptable to do in someone else's ban appeal.

True, but I can't control what others might have to say about it.

At the end of the day the appeal process is just myself or another senior staff member sitting down for a solid chunk of time (I've spent several hours now researching and writing my replies here) and doing our best to make sense of the information available to us. I'm sorry you feel your ban is unfair but I'm finding it hard to rule in your favour given the number of staff members and regular players that take issue with your behaviour.

Anyway - back to the issue at hand. These are the screenshots that were attached to the ban post:


These were taken from the public HLStats pages at the time, however those roll over after 28 days in order to keep the database size and performance manageable. I obviously wasn't present so I cannot speak to the context of the incident but regardless this is not the kind of attitude and language I want to see in the servers, nor do I think is necessary for gameplay, and given we're having this discussion the involved staff did not think so either.

While it's true I remember this conversation, I should note the person I was respond to was extremely annoying and provocative with all sort of disgusting ugly baits relating to furry fetishism. Plus I swear I remember this conversation like a few weeks if not month before the date this ban was filled. I'm also obviously not fan fan of intentionally annoying scouts and trolling heavies, and I believe I accurately describe the sniper's sexual preferences as a canon of TF2(C) lore without using derogatory terms (maybe I should have used abbreviation MAP, some people find P word as derogatory so I'm sorry for that). As for that one certain heavy I encountered, I remember I used the F word WAY before 2021's October.

I'm not going to debate the "janitor" thing any further except to say that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. The bottom line is that phrase is uncalled for and is disrespectful, regardless of how funny you and others thought it was at the time. Try calling any random person on the street that and see how it goes for you. If you have a problem with staff behaviour or staff not acting on an issue, file a report or take it up with a senior staff member/the community manager so something can potentially be done about it rather than being disrespectful to the folks that volunteer their time to keep things running. We have players all over the globe and what might be considered more commonplace in certain regions is highly offensive in others.

Alright. Next time I will just report all the ugly spirited people, especially administration to this forum instead of acting on their baits. Quite a few admins I remember acted rude and called other people an offensive names.

"I'm responding in kind" is also not really a valid excuse in my book. Yes, it's an explanation for why you might have said something, but still doesn't excuse the choice you made. There's always the option not sink to the instigator's level rather than escalate the situation with more of the same rhetoric. Certainly there is always going to be some trash-talking in online gaming but at some point someone (i.e. a staff member) is going to have to be a dick about things and draw the line between which insults are generic/common place and which ones are derogatory towards certain groups of people based on what's currently acceptable in general society.

While I will try my best to act reticently, I'm no way a saint and this kind of behavior is very hard to tolerate, especially considering my more of a eastern European culture is drastically different than the one of the west in regards "what's currently acceptable in general society". Next time someone will make blatant baits, insulting me, my skill or the class of choice I like to play - I will just report here. For good sake they better get at least get a warning if not a ban themselves, as I sincerely believe that instigator behavior is a banable offense.

Unless someone stole your steam account, I find your premise about being impersonated extremely improbable. The stats system tracks by validated SteamID on connect to our servers, and our servers alone. It was not in another community, and based on a quick search, I don't see any other logged players that have a similar username. In case you still don't believe this, I went and searched the server logs for Ocrober which confirms you did connect and play, so I have no doubt that it was your account. I masked the IP address for privacy reasons but it's the same IP you are currently using on the forums, so I'm also finished entertaining the "it wasn't me" avenue.

 $> grep -i jitterskull l10*.log  | grep connected
l1009027.log:L 10/09/2021 - 07:15:48: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<5439><[U:1:22872118]><>" connected, address "[masked]:27005"
l1009029.log:L 10/09/2021 - 07:18:04: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "5438,5428,5437,5427,5440,5408,5434" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 71 with 27959 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1009031.log:L 10/09/2021 - 07:52:52: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "5449,5437,5442,5444" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 69 with 28139 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1009033.log:L 10/09/2021 - 08:26:26: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "5455" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 67 with 28201 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1009033.log:L 10/09/2021 - 08:30:27: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<5439><[U:1:22872118]><Red>" say "medic got disconnected"
l1009035.log:L 10/09/2021 - 08:58:12: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "5464,5458,5456,5465,5459,5467,5466,5457" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 67 with 28285 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1009035.log:L 10/09/2021 - 09:25:04: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<5439><[U:1:22872118]><Red>" disconnected (reason "" "You have been banned by this server, check http://www.vaultf4.com/sb/ for more info."")
l1009037.log:L 10/09/2021 - 09:25:34: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<5472><[U:1:22872118]><>" connected, address "[masked]:27005"
l1009037.log:L 10/09/2021 - 09:25:34: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<5472><[U:1:22872118]><>" disconnected (reason "You have been banned by this server, check http://www.vaultf4.com/sb for more info")
l1023253.log:L 10/23/2021 - 23:51:39: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<1474><[U:1:22872118]><>" connected, address "[masked]:27005"
l1023253.log:L 10/23/2021 - 23:51:48: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1475,1463,1470,1465,1469,1472,1473,1468" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 74 with 28262 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024001.log:L 10/24/2021 - 00:02:27: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1475,1479,1470,1463,1478,1465,1476,1469,1480,1477,1468" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 74 with 28278 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024003.log:L 10/24/2021 - 00:33:26: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1485,1492,1499,1469,1480,1493,1486,1483,1501,1496,1489,1497,1470,1500,1463,1498,1475" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 72 with 28249 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024005.log:L 10/24/2021 - 01:03:05: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1512,1514,1515,1496,1463,1516,1508,1498" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 73 with 28276 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024007.log:L 10/24/2021 - 01:30:50: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1526,1496,1533,1515,1539,1525,1542,1522,1537,1535,1534,1532,1531,1530,1498,1536,1541,1521,1540,1538" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 73 with 28205 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024009.log:L 10/24/2021 - 01:59:26: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1526,1496,1533,1547,1553,1550,1525,1542,1522,1537,1554,1549,1557,1535,1556,1555,1531,1551,1545,1521" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 72 with 28218 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024011.log:L 10/24/2021 - 02:49:52: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1576,1545,1583,1580,1575,1573,1586,1571,1587,1526,1533,1558,1582,1565,1550,1525,1542,1585,1581,1584,1577" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 72 with 28300 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024013.log:L 10/24/2021 - 03:16:40: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1598,1599,1533,1526,1542,1576,1588,1594,1593,1586,1597,1580,1575" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 72 with 28337 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024015.log:L 10/24/2021 - 03:47:36: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1576,1588,1593,1605,1610,1607,1615,1575,1612,1613,1586,1609,1608,1603,1533,1602,1542,1606" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 71 with 28271 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024017.log:L 10/24/2021 - 04:18:39: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1610,1629,1615,1626,1576,1630,1588,1619,1575,1613,1608,1603,1623,1628,1624,1606,1622,1618,1542" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 72 with 28314 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024019.log:L 10/24/2021 - 04:47:45: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1639,1643,1615,1629,1575,1633,1631,1636,1640,1637,1542,1635,1618,1634,1606,1628" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 72 with 28338 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024021.log:L 10/24/2021 - 05:14:34: rcon from "": command "hlx_sm_psay "1628,1652,1634,1651,1618,1542,1647,1637,1631,1650,1649,1645,1644,1643" 2 "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer (Pos 69 with 28397 points) has connected from Russian Federation""
l1024021.log:L 10/24/2021 - 05:18:46: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<1474><[U:1:22872118]><Red>" disconnected (reason "Disconnect by user.")

I suppose I could have been wrong or somehow very exhausted to remember this exact date playing TF2C, however the chatlog you provided above seem to contain my speech from different dates. I know it's not excuse but that's how I remember it, so I'm not promoting it as excuse.

and just to confirm the screenshot wasn't for someone else's profile page:
l1024011.log:L 10/24/2021 - 03:13:20: "Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer<1474><[U:1:22872118]><Blue>" say "because you're homo and needs to be purged"

I think this covers your request for the exact infractions that precipitated the permanent ban;

Yes I remember the exact person I said this line, the said person is a of a very ugly soul that was kept saying very disgusting things about raping people, other furry fetish fantasies and other disgraceful degeneracy about "yiffing" people after he got killed.

if you have anything salient to add then feel free to do so but I am going to be frank and note that some of these discussion points come across very strongly as deflection or grasping at straws, and at some point I have to draw a line at the time I spend on individual ban appeals if I feel they are not making any progress. For example, an outright "can you confirm this was my account" is fine, but going off on speculative tangents about impersonation, etc. really doesn't contribute anything to moving the appeal forward and just adds noise to the amount of information someone reviewing this has to process.

You don't have to believe what I said, but I sincerely believed that the dates when I said this or another certain sentences were in a completely different days than the day (and day before) to ban was filled, so I sincerely thought some impostor must have impersonated as me.

All I want is just spend time together with my friend who really wants to play it with me. I will try my best to not act rude, offend people or use derogatory terms; I will not respond to obvious bait and instigators; I will try to restrict myself from describing the canonical TF2\TF2C universe lore of certain class character's sexual preferences (or at least do it very inclusive in polite and understanding way); I will just burn them alive (in TF2C, of course) and report severe cases to this forum, perhaps to you if you're okay with that. At best, if I ever will talk, I mostly will talk with my friend and ignore the rest or in the worst case scenario just say "git gud" and "cry me a river".
I'm sorry it took a while to reply back, but I just hope I'm not forgotten to revisit. While I remember stuff differently than what they really are since it's been a month since I last played the game when I made this thread, it shouldn't be that important now.
Sorry for the delay/lack of acknowledgement - The last little while has been hectic with real-life things and I know I saw the thread go by in the shoutbox but promptly forgot to read and address it.

I'll set aside a few minutes in the next day or two to have a look over and respond.

Alright. Next time I will just report all the ugly spirited people, especially administration to this forum instead of acting on their baits. Quite a few admins I remember acted rude and called other people an offensive names.

Please do. If certain behaviour is unacceptable from players, it's doubly so for staff and there will be repercussions if I can indeed confirm reports someone is breaking the rules they are tasked with enforcing.

Given it's thanksgiving here and the events in question transpired over a year ago, I'll tell you what - I'm willing to lift the ban, but please note that it will remain on record - the usual "get out of jail free" card we sometimes offer to people with permanent bans for non-cheating related issues. However, this isn't a clean slate - we now know you've been made fully aware of our gameserver rules, so it is very possible that any further violations might be met with a reinstatement of this permanent ban rather than our customary tiered durations of bans.
(and, as you've learned the hard way, we do sometimes retroactively apply bans if we receive a delayed report from someone and end up verifying it some time later than the issue transpired. ). Note that ban appeals for reinstated permanent bans are very unlikely to be successful, for obvious reasons.

I do want to make sure you see this *before* I lift the ban just to prevent any misunderstandings, so please let me know you understand the above and once I get your confirmation I'll lift it.
Sorry for late reply, again.

Yes, I did see and understand the above stated even if I don't fully approve of the return of permanent ban over a word a pitiful words in midst of annoyance that aren't even offensive slangs/epithets, especially with how toxic environment of the salty tf2c community can be. Can I at least still call ugly spirited people (that propaganda some utterly disgusting stuff by my merits like bestiality, and can't stfu about it in chat) just that - ugly (spirit)? Have the right to openly call it disgusting, without naming person behind it? For most part, I will mostly ignore them unless they can't stfu about it. I most definitely will say "git gud" and "you're bad" variant if they can't stop whining about me or tactic/weapon that I am using to murdering them in video game which specifically designed these to be used that way. I might as well occasionally say jokingly things like "my holy mission is to purge the unclean" and "the lake of fire awaits you, for I am the servant of Justice" whenever some of these ugly players keep bothering me about why I keep murdering them in video game the way I feel the most aesthetically pleasing. Other than that, I will try to ignore the rest the best I could and report here some especially obnoxious ugly players.

And I want to get this straight, I can say whatever I want and whenever I want on any other server other than VaultF4 and I hope that shall not affect me anyhow negatively to play on vaultf4 servers.
So to clarify - we *generally* don't enforce on general trash talk between players because we know it's sometimes part of the game, but we draw the line at the use of slurs (racist, homophobic, antisemitic, etc) and other situations that create toxic environments (calling for people to suffer harm in real life, for example). There are a fair number of creative things one can say that don't cross into this territory.

And you are correct, we don't act on things that transpire outside of our servers except in extenuating circumstances.

Does that address your questions/concerns?
OK - I've updated the ban.

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