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Board Game Collections?

I don't own any Flying Frog games yet because all my friends around here have them, but they all also come with excellent, super-super-cheesy soundtracks to have as background music for gameplay. Fortune and Glory has a psuedo-Indiana-Jones theme (and soundtrack), A Touch of Evil has a super-gothic (to the point of hilarity) soundtrack to go with its 19th century witch/vampire hunt theme, and Last Night on Earth has a film-noir depressing gloomy kind of sound to it, right out of an 80s zombie flick soundtrack. All 3 of the games are a blast to play and have great mechanics for being "Ameritrash". Our group loves ameritrash games though, Battlestar Galactica is one of our absolute favorites and gets played about once a month where we rotate all other games through. We have all 3 current expansions with our group set and I had a gigantic play mat printed out that combines all of the expansion boards with the original main board in a single 2'x3' play mat instead of having 4 different boards.

Edit: I'm using hardcore board-gamer slang here;
"Euro" refers to games that are 100% mechanics-driven and are the game for the sake of playing the game. There is generally very little story, and they mostly revolve around performing relatively mundane tasks such as sheep-herding, wall-building, and resource management (wood/sheep/ore/clay). These are always heavily strategy-driven and very little is chance-based.
"Ameritrash" games are heavy on drama, heavy on chance, and heavy on story. These usually contain a lot left to chance (including victory for the players) and can be picked up and played by n00bs easily. My group likes these better because they're less competitive most of the time.
Only thing I know of is the local RPSIG group, and I cannot stand them. I did not know gamers really existed who never shower and for whom games are literally their lives until I met these people. This town just sucks.

I don't think it's a local thing. The people at my local shop are the same way. There are guys who only go to work and hang out there. Neckbeards, WoW, CoD, MtG, Yugioh, and WWE are all they know and talk about.
That's either bad luck for you guys or good luck for the wife and I. Our place is a lot of younger to older adults. The games are all of the board variety and conversations end up being about pretty much anything, including general life discussions and whatnot.
That's either bad luck for you guys or good luck for the wife and I. Our place is a lot of younger to older adults. The games are all of the board variety and conversations end up being about pretty much anything, including general life discussions and whatnot.

You're lucky ;-)
The game shop in my old town was 1/2 comics, 1/2 M:tG, and there were a dozen or so of the more popular board/card games on a single shelf in a corner (Munchkin, Fluxx, Arkham Horror base game), but it was either smelly nerds playing magic or smelly nerds talking about whether batman or superman would win in a fight... The game store in my new town is 100% board games, probably 1/50th of their stock is Magic, 1/4 is different miniatures systems with a heavy emphasis on Warhammer, and the rest is board and card games. They have board game nights once a week, 40k nights, X-Wing miniatures nights, and basically a different event every night of the week depending on your preferences. They have a few smelly, unwashed folks, but the ratio is much better with friendly people that are there to game and have fun.
I suppose I can at least appreciate my local shop/shop owner even if the player base sucks. What started as a comic shop carries everything now except for miniature wargames (he used to carry WH, but it barely sold) and he is just an awesome super friendly and helpful guy.
I suppose I can at least appreciate my local shop/shop owner even if the player base sucks. What started as a comic shop carries everything now except for miniature wargames (he used to carry WH, but it barely sold) and he is just an awesome super friend and helpful guy.

We didn't have a weekly board-game night until about a year ago, when one guy went to the shop owner and said "I want to have a weekly game night" and they started advertising it together. They had the Magic and WH40k stuff, but no regular-assed board games. Maybe you should go to your shop owner and see if he's willing to help advertise for one. If anything, you can go in and play with him! :p We get probably 20-30 people playing 4-6 different games throughout the night, and it's a blast. A month ago someone came in with Munchkin and EVERY expansion for it, which made for a gigantic pile of cards and 8 people backstabbing each other.
He allows open gaming on Friday nights, pretty much all Magic and ties back into the type of people (hygiene and personality wise) that I prefer to not associate with. Jimmy himself barely has time to read the comics he loves let alone game sadly. He is quite the family man and that (rightfully so) takes up most of his free time.

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