Uhh, so we played the map on a DM server. We tried to play it legitimately, but it didn't take long for us to see the myriad of problems within the map. I'll start with the biggest ones and go down to nitpicks later.
First off, and this one is the painful one for me to drop. We didn't have fun on this map. The layout was confusing and rather uninteresting, with a ton of pointless side rooms and alcoves that lead nowhere. We could barely find the weapons because most of them were hidden away in places we didn't know were there. There are no pills either, and the few that are there are placed where bigger kits should be.
The detailing is.... off. A lot of the objects were just floating up or off the walls and floors. And some of it was rather poorly chosen. I don't know why everything is off the ground, but that might be good not to do. Also, some of your texture choices were rather odd. And some props are placed seemingly for no other reason than to be there. Special note to the use of the Doomsday tunnel prop, which is an entrance to yet another pointless alcove.
Honestly, I think you should remake this map from the ground up. Use simple textures and don't go overboard with props and pointless detail. Examine your map and other DM maps to find out what works for the gamemode. You could probably get away with one big prop or other point of detail to direct players around your map, but be careful with it.