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Everything You Need To Know About The Xbox One


Sir "Let's Play"

My only annoyance is the kinect portion, but if the console comes WITH Kinect, then I have no issue. I don't care for Kinect and I'd hate to have to buy a Kinect separately. But I am guessing that is not going to happen.

When it comes to needing to be online once a day, I don't see an issue with that. Anyone buying a next gen console and NOT having reliable internet isn't the brightest cookie.
It was announced, and even Force stated it, the Xbox One will come with a Kinect 2.0. I have a Kinect, for my 360, but use it for basic voice commands, to go to the home page, or the Social , Apps, or to start playing a disc, so after I go to the bathroom or whatever I need to do, the game will be loaded and ready to play.
I find it strange that it has to be on though. I'm not one of the crazy "OMG, GOVERNMENT SPYING ON YOU" people, I just don't care for the stupid Kinect. It's useless to me.
And considering they should KNOW that the Xbox One will require being online at least once a day, it will make them even bigger idiots to buy it wanting to play offline.
And considering they should KNOW that the Xbox One will require being online at least once a day, it will make them even bigger idiots to buy it wanting to play offline.
I think you're missing the point of the issue people are going to have with the always online thing. It's not "HURR DA EKKS BAWKS IS USING MAH BANDWIDTHS" it's a matter of control and the right to do what you want with things you've legally purchased. Internet goes offline and no tech appointment for 2 weeks? Have fun with your new $$$$ paperweight for those weeks. Taking your xbox to grandma's for the family vacation, but she has no internet? same story. There are all kinds of legit reasons people would want/need to play offline.

Would you be in favour of every single component in your PC phoning home every day to report to the manufacturer to ensure you're not looking at it funny, but you can't use your PC until they have done so? Extreme example, same principle.
See, my brother tried these examples with me as well. "What happens if xbox live goes down for a week?". Well, I've never had xbox live go down for more than even a day for the 2-3 years I've been using it.

When my internet is acting funky, or xbox is down for a few hours, it sucks but I get over it and do something else. The Xbox One needs a connection each day for some random bullshit but that's not a huge deal for me. I'm only getting the console for Halo 5 and 6, I don't see myself playing any other games. I don't lend games to people and my internet for my 360 is basically 100% fine at all times.

Obviously not everyone is me. Does it suck for some people? Sure. I can't do anything to stop that so all the "problems" of the Xbox One are not problems to me at all.
See, my brother tried these examples with me as well. "What happens if xbox live goes down for a week?". Well, I've never had xbox live go down for more than even a day for the 2-3 years I've been using it.

When my internet is acting funky, or xbox is down for a few hours, it sucks but I get over it and do something else. The Xbox One needs a connection each day for some random bullshit but that's not a huge deal for me. I'm only getting the console for Halo 5 and 6, I don't see myself playing any other games. I don't lend games to people and my internet for my 360 is basically 100% fine at all times.

Obviously not everyone is me. Does it suck for some people? Sure. I can't do anything to stop that so all the "problems" of the Xbox One are not problems to me at all.
That's fine, but it doesn't give you the right to call other people stupid/idiots who will encounter and have issue with what are non-problems for you, because an unanticipated scenario popped up. That is what I have a problem with. Remember simcity's always-on debacle? "fake" always on requirements can and WILL fail spectacularly at some point. it's a matter of when, not if, and how large the affected playerbase is. Granted, one day allows for some flexibility, but it's still very restrictive when push comes to shove.

Hell, even Steam has an offline mode and doesn't deny your installed games if you're going to be without internet for a while.
The only people I am calling an idiot are the people who don't have a reliable connection and plan on getting the new xbox.

So, using the soldier example, if a soldier is currently somewhere that has NO connection, he shouldn't be buying an Xbox One unless he knows he'll have internet soon. Yes, I understand it sucks.

I do love when people tried those dumb scenarios back when D3 came out. What if my internet is down? I'll find something else to do. Inconvenient yes but I'll live.
The only people I am calling an idiot are the people who don't have a reliable connection and plan on getting the new xbox.

So, using the soldier example, if a soldier is currently somewhere that has NO connection, he shouldn't be buying an Xbox One unless he knows he'll have internet soon. Yes, I understand it sucks.

I do love when people tried those dumb scenarios back when D3 came out. What if my internet is down? I'll find something else to do. Inconvenient yes but I'll live.
Fair enough. I guess I misunderstood the posts, my brain seems to be leaking out my ears tonight. ;) I think I'll take a nice hot shower and go to bed early. :depressed
Besides it could just require the check up to run a process that checks the system for any prohibited uses, i.e. those mods we all despise.
The only people I am calling an idiot are the people who don't have a reliable connection and plan on getting the new xbox.
The last sentence in your 1st post says "Anyone getting a next gen console without reliable Internet is an idiot." It didn't say specifically getting an Xbox One that requires daily internet checks.
I've already talked about how I felt about the event and how badly they used their time: http://www.vaultf4.com/threads/dear-microsoft.1690/.

As far as the internet thing, it is a very bad decision to require a connection even if its only to check in with home office once in awhile. There are a ton of reasons why this is bad; military, college, areas with bad bandwidth, limited bandwidth, areas with no internet at all. MS is only hurting themselves by doing this, yes why would someone buy a X1 if it requires connection; now they will all buy a PS4. Even though there are a ton of series that I love to play on the 360 they aren't worth it if I have to deal with all the requirements just to play the game. The other thing is there have been times where Xbox live was down for a week and lets not forget the entire month that the PS network was down. Yes internet is a common thing but it is no where near perfect or safe enough to require it.

Requiring the Kinect is another dumb idea. Yes the Wii has a sensor bar that is required but its a little tiny thing and costs maybe 20 bucks for a new one if it breaks. The Kinect 2 is bulkier than the first and probably costs a lot more than 20 bucks. Also those worried about the Big Brother aspect are right to worry: http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/1...goes-big-brother-will-spy-on-you-for-the-mpaa.

These guys are feeling the exact same way I am about this whole thing: http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/05/21/ign-au-talks-xbox-one
The only people I am calling an idiot are the people who don't have a reliable connection and plan on getting the new xbox.

So, using the soldier example, if a soldier is currently somewhere that has NO connection, he shouldn't be buying an Xbox One unless he knows he'll have internet soon. Yes, I understand it sucks.

I do love when people tried those dumb scenarios back when D3 came out. What if my internet is down? I'll find something else to do. Inconvenient yes but I'll live.

Saying someone shouldn't buy it is an incorrect approach towards the issue. The manufacturers are creating a huge issue out of what *should* be a non-issue, and it *IS* going to cost them sales. How many xbox 360s and PS3s do you think are deployed at any given time? How many of those soldiers would come back and buy the latest thing on launch day to get redeployed with it, oh wait, no I won't, it has to be online, give me these 30 used games for my 360 instead, suck it Microsoft? Just because you don't have a problem with it does not mean it will not be a major issue surrounding the next generation, and doesn't mean it won't cause major waves to the point where I see the next gen being a bad time for all 3 major manufacturers. The Wii-U is already dying, and I don't see the other 2 doing better.
How many xbox 360s and PS3s do you think are deployed at any given time? How many of those soldiers would come back and buy the latest thing on launch day to get redeployed with it, oh wait, no I won't, it has to be online, give me these 30 used games for my 360 instead, suck it Microsoft?

I work at a store on a military base. Pretty much all the young guys come in waves and start buying consoles and small TVs when they're about to deploy. And for the ones here, from what I've heard the barracks' and apartments' internet on base are crappy and unreliable. And what about all the civilians who just don't have internet? This is just a really stupid decision on Microsoft's part. Who knows, the damn console ain't even out yet. It might change.
I work at a store on a military base. Pretty much all the young guys come in waves and start buying consoles and small TVs when they're about to deploy. And for the ones here, from what I've heard the barracks' and apartments' internet on base are crappy and unreliable. And what about all the civilians who just don't have internet? This is just a really stupid decision on Microsoft's part. Who knows, the damn console ain't even out yet. It might change.

Precisely, it may change, Microsoft even stated the Following, after Phil Harrison did an interview : "While Phil [Harrison] discussed many potential scenarios around games on Xbox One, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail" Since no doubt it won't be out till Christmas season, they have time to change everything.
It may change

I can tell you now, it won't. =P How many bad decisions have happened lately with games and people thought "Oh, it'll change" and how many times did it change?

Thankfully I don't have to worry about getting this console to later next year.
With the immediate negative reactions they've gotten over that. It just may change, or lawsuits from other companies... i.e. gamefly, and other rentals, will cause this to change, the same goes with that mandatory install and run off the HDD, because honestly, that's the worst decision ever. Even though PS3 has mandatory install at least it still requires you to put in the disc.
Lol, who knows. Maybe Microsoft COULD be smart to change these things. But I rarely see a huge negative response make a company change something this big.
Yeah, at this point I'm just waiting for the Wii U to get a decent library of high-quality console-only games, and that's probably gonna be it for this console generation, if anything. Probably. I'll have to see what the PS4 is really going to be like before making my final decision, but I'll vote with my wallet when it comes to Microsoft.

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