In-Game Name: Fish Bait
Age: 21
Country/Region and Timezone you will be most active in: EU, UTC+2 (Though I do play on the NA servers a fair bit as well)
Have you linked your Steam account to the forum? Yes
HLStats Profile Link:
Current playtime on our servers, in hours: Around 700 hours, according to HLStats
Reason(s) you would like to be a member of our staff: I can speak and understand fluent Ukrainian, Russian, and can understand many other slavic languages. I have plenty of free time, allowing me to moderate often. I like to maintain a friendly, fun experience for all players who don't go out of their way to break the rules. I sometimes host a TF2 server with silly maps and plugins. Keeping a friendly, comfortable, and fun environment has always been my #1 priority and I have some experience moderating games. I have personally filed many reports, and contacted admins many times, which means I have second-hand moderation experience as well.
Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself: I've been playing TF2 for over a decade and a half now, and I'm still very passionate about it. Needless to say, TF2 as well as many other Valve/Source engine games (CS:S, HL2DM, Zombie Panic: Source, etc.) are my favorite. TF2 Classic and it's many updates first caught my attention back in the Deathmatch days. I absolutely adore the look and feel of TF2C, it's almost just what I wanted TF2 to be.
I understand that by creating this thread and signing my name, that I am applying to Volunteer my time with Vault F4 in the Game Administrator role. As a Game Server admin I would be responsible for keeping the game servers a fun environment. I will spend at least an hour of my time each week on the servers to retain my position as a Game Server admin with Vault F4, and if I do not meet the requirement my admin status will be revoked. I also affirm that everything I have stated in this application is true to the best of my knowledge.
Signed: Fish Bait
Age: 21
Country/Region and Timezone you will be most active in: EU, UTC+2 (Though I do play on the NA servers a fair bit as well)
Have you linked your Steam account to the forum? Yes
HLStats Profile Link:
Current playtime on our servers, in hours: Around 700 hours, according to HLStats
Reason(s) you would like to be a member of our staff: I can speak and understand fluent Ukrainian, Russian, and can understand many other slavic languages. I have plenty of free time, allowing me to moderate often. I like to maintain a friendly, fun experience for all players who don't go out of their way to break the rules. I sometimes host a TF2 server with silly maps and plugins. Keeping a friendly, comfortable, and fun environment has always been my #1 priority and I have some experience moderating games. I have personally filed many reports, and contacted admins many times, which means I have second-hand moderation experience as well.
Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself: I've been playing TF2 for over a decade and a half now, and I'm still very passionate about it. Needless to say, TF2 as well as many other Valve/Source engine games (CS:S, HL2DM, Zombie Panic: Source, etc.) are my favorite. TF2 Classic and it's many updates first caught my attention back in the Deathmatch days. I absolutely adore the look and feel of TF2C, it's almost just what I wanted TF2 to be.
I understand that by creating this thread and signing my name, that I am applying to Volunteer my time with Vault F4 in the Game Administrator role. As a Game Server admin I would be responsible for keeping the game servers a fun environment. I will spend at least an hour of my time each week on the servers to retain my position as a Game Server admin with Vault F4, and if I do not meet the requirement my admin status will be revoked. I also affirm that everything I have stated in this application is true to the best of my knowledge.
Signed: Fish Bait