VF4-S (Server Operator)
Forum Operator
Minecraft Operator
Global Moderator
Staff Member
As you may have noticed we've brought back some rather unique HL2 mods.... "Games from the vault" if you will
First up is an oldie we've had before: Hidden! This time around we've resolved some of the issues with the previous install.
Also up is Sourceforts - a game where you build your team a fort and then defend it from your opponents- similar to the FortWars mod we used to run on Srs Bsns.
Both games require you to install Source SDK 2006 from the Tools menu, and then the appropriate installers:
SourceForts (fixed):
After that, fire up, connect (servers are on and 27016, respectively) and enjoy!
If you are having issues connecting and getting a version error, connect via the steam server browser or the console instead, don't use the in-game browser. It's a known bug with no ETA to fix unless I can hack something up to resolve it.
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