• We are aware of sporadic errors when browsing our site. This is an issue with our hosting provider and not something we can fix on our end. We are hopeful it will be resolved soon. ~VintagePC

[Completed] Jacks TF2C Admin Application


Well-Known Member
In-Game Name: Jacks Junk Drawer

Age: 18

Country/Region and Timezone you will be most active in: NA East -5

Have you linked your Steam account to the forum? Yes

HLStats Profile Link: https://hlx.vaultf4.com/hlstats.php?mode=playerinfo&player=73280

Current playtime on our servers, in hours: 232 Hours (10d 12hr)

Reason(s) you would like to be a member of our staff: I've loved Team Fortress 2 and TF2C for a very long time now and I want to take any opportunity I can to help the community remain fun and safe. I have some moderation experience on very small community servers for other games, and I feel as though I'm rather fair.

Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself: Hey, I'm Jack, I build computers and really like TTRPGs. I've been playing Team Fortress since 2017 and it's my favorite game, full stop. I'm a big Valve fan in general, and I've been playing on computers since I could babble my name.

I understand that by creating this thread and signing my name, that I am applying to Volunteer my time with Vault F4 in the Game Administrator role. As a Game Server admin I would be responsible for keeping the game servers a fun environment. I will spend at least an hour of my time each week on the servers to retain my position as a Game Server admin with Vault F4, and if I do not meet the requirement my admin status will be revoked. I also affirm that everything I have stated in this application is true to the best of my knowledge.

Signed: Jacks Junk Drawer
Hi there!

Thanks for your application and interest in our community! We'll review the details and get back to you soon with a decision, usually in 3-4 days.


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