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[Background] Mummy's Mask 3: Shifting Sands


Resident Cueball
The Story So Far
When we left our band of explorers they were licking their wounds after losing 2 members and not succeeding in looting their third and final tomb. As they sold the little treasure they had procured, they unthinkable happened. UNDEAD APOCALYPSE!!! As undead streamed into the auction house, the Iron Covenant nearly lost one it's newest members to a mummy. After several intense battles they realized that the entire city was under siege by a horde of undead. Acting quickly they first secured the gates to the Necropolis, then moved about the city handling the worst of the invasion themselves.

While fighting the undead scourge they began find cultists running about in funerary masks. Not knowing much about them they kept fighting the undead, eventually being called upon to take the fight into the Necropolis to find the cause of the undead rising and put a stop to it.

Several cultists set a trap for our heroes ambushing them as they left a building they had just searched for clues. The cultists were no match as 2 of them were quickly taken hostage and a third died of non-lethal injuries (that totalled 3x his maximum health, seriously guys 50 points of nonlethal in one hit?). The hostages were interrogated and gave some information, specifically that the cult's goal was to raise the Sky Pharaoh Hakotep from the dead so that he could reign as undead leader of the world. The hostages also agreed to take them to their hideout if the PC's joined them in The Cult of the Forgotten Pharaoh.

Without any intention to join this Cult the Iron Covenant fooled the dim witted cultists into believing that they would join, and were promptly lead into famously lost Shepses Family Tomb, acting headquarters of the Cult. The cult's leader in Wati Meret-Hetef wasn't so easily fooled and never gave the Iron Covenant a chance to fool her, she went deeper into the tomb and prepared for battle. But the Iron Covenant proved to strong knocking Meret-Hetef unconscious and taking out her undead horde and fellow cultists.

Descending further into the Tomb they located a head shrieking and cursing at them, after killing her guards and with an exceptionally dirty look from the the Half Orc she told the PC's that her grandson Nebta-Khufre was behind the raising the of the undead in Wati, and that he intended to raise the Sky Pharaoh as well. It seems he had made common cause with the cult.

Down and down the heroes went, until they at last found Nebta-Khufre and he was wearing the Mummy's Mask, with which he had raised the undead. Nebta-Khufre had 2 mummy's and a half dozen zombies as bodyguards, but those were quickly dispatched by the Iron Covenant. Nebta himself proved a tougher foe, and 2 of the heroes were forced to retreat while the remaining 3 kept fighting on. A flying cleric, a giant snake lady, and a rodeo roping android, combined to bring down Nebta and so win the Mask and end the assault of undead upon the city of Wati.

What's Next
Early on in the adventure the heroes learned that the Osirions believe there are 3 parts to a living being. Ib, which is your heart and emotions; Ka, your vital spark which gives your life; and Ba, your psyche and personality. The cult believed the Sky Pharaohs Ka was trapped in the mask. That still leaves 2 more parts they would need to collect to raise him from the dead. Though don't think for a second that the cult has given up on obtaining the Mask.

It is now a race to discover and secure the other items containing the rest of Hakotep's soul. Septi recommends researching everything you can on the Sky Pharaoh, Forgotten Pharaoh, and Hakotep at the Great Library of Tephu. Though it's clear the cult thinks all three are the same person, historians don't agree. The Sky Pharaoh was a name given to a different Pharaoh who reigned over a thousand years after Hakotep. Though the incredibly little that is known of Hakotep comes from writings found in the Slave Trenches in southern Osirion

There have been more and more reports of bizarre people wearing funerary masks in Tephu, so it seems the cult is already there.
Party Loot
Magical Items For Sale
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Sales of all things Green on the party loot page comes to a grand total of 15,569 if divided equally that comes too 3113.8 a piece.
That's 1-Light Green right? Cause 1.5-Value Unknowns aren't confirmed as unwanted by the party.

People should make sure there's nothing green that they want to keep.

Can I Diplomacy to negotiate price?
That's total of the light and dark greens, also no, i'm haggling everything you're selling. That would take forever
I can't get the picture working, but I mentioned magic item slots earlier. Basically you have to look at the slot of the magic item you are wearing and you can't have 2 magic items in the same slot (except rings, which you get 1 on each hand). Here's a link to the picture which won't I can't get to show in post.


If you're not sure about a particular item, just look up the item in the SRD and it should give a "Slot:" at the top of the item page. Ioun Stones are slotless, but you can only have 1 about you at a time of those.
We've lost TC due to work, and we're about to loss Farside to school. The suggestions have been put forward to either switch nights or switch to Play by Post. So I'm guessing we should probably vote here on what we want to do. Vote for which you prefer, and include which nights would work just in case switching nights wins.
Most nights work for me, but would prefer to avoid Tues/Thurs/Sun if possible. If not I can probably shuffle my schedule.
Friday, and Saturday nights are out of the question for me. One I have another game, and Saturday is my out of town night.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday definitely would not work. I can shuffle a free evening to any other day of the week without too much trouble.

BTW, I'll be in China for a few weeks in July, and while the firewall probably won't be a problem, I don't know if I'll have the evening hours for session every week, and internet will be spotty at some points. So PBP might be better at the point, especially after that when real school starts for me. My weekly schedule will probably be different then, too, but I can't say anything about now.
If one of the nights were to work it would've been a weekend night, but I'll be able to hijack the internet most nights (albeit post 9:30) if we were to do a pbp
I'm instituting a new rule for my own sanity, don't be a rule Nazi. Pathfinder is ambiguous and something as simple as verb tense or the location of a comma can cause large scale arguments over the rules intentions. Whenever a rule can be seen in more than 1 way, it's human nature for the PC's to see it in the way that benefits them. Lets face it most of the time, the rule is supposed to be read to be as least broken as possible. So far I've put out at least a half dozen questions in the Paizo rule questions thread, and read a dozen or so topics started by others when they came up in our game. PF is frequently ambiguous and open to interpretation, I'm seeing more and more GM's posting "core rule book only" games to get around this. I'm not going to do that, but when I make a ruling on something that is ambiguous, you're stuck live with it.

I'm having enough trouble as it is making the game hard enough to still be a challenge, you don't need all rules interpreted in your favor to win.
This may start coming up soon, I thought its worth mentioning because it's a little known rule. In order to cast a spell you're casting stat -10 has to equal the spell level. So to cast a 4th level spell you have to have at least a 14 in your casting stat, for 5th level spells a 15 for your casting stat, etc.
Reminder that I'm going to be on planes for a decent chunk of Monday, and then behind the great firewall of questionable internet access for a while. I'll be at my grandmother's starting June 13th, so my keeping up might be sporadic until then.

In other news, Farside said he might get on tonight, so keep an eye out for that.
You guys ended last session at exactly 74,900 xp. I call that close enough, LEVEL UP!!! Memsie and Isal now get level 5 spells, and that's when the fun begins for spellcasters.
Isal will tell you all that the mask grants her the following
+4 wisdom for remembering and strengthening spells.
Deathwatch-Constant; which lets you know off hand if something Alive/Dead/Neither among other things
Immunity to all disease, including supernatural disease's like mummy rot
Death ward- +4 morale bonus on saves vs death spells & immunity to energy drain
Speak with Dead- make one corpse speak
Nondetection-Constant, but on the mask only.

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