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Oh man this new iPhone is going to make my job "fun"

Blood Feast Island Man

I Demand more Pudding. I'll be in my bunk.
So remember that one time that Anonymous hacked a FBI laptop only to find a copy of all current apple users IDs, passwords, addresses, names, etc.
Or do you remember the time when the FBI successfully covered it up by just denying it ever happened so hard that it satisfied most peoples curiosity.
And who could forget that old chestnut when Snowden's leaked documents proved that companies like Apple are in bed with the NSA giving them information. Which means the FBI laptop hack was real.

Now the new iPhone scans your fingerprint. And I have to sell these things to idiots. Its going to be so hard to resist telling people what I really think when they ask me why I don't buy the new iphone. (oddly a lot of customers judge the salesman by the phone he carries, so they're always asking me what mine is)
Sure it won't affect me. I intend to have my fingerprint in the national database when I get my concealed carry permit, so its not like the NSA won't already have mine. Still scares me that all these sheep don't see whats happening though.
Yeah I'm not too bothered as I'm already in the database too, but I just can't wait to hear how the apple fanboys justify this. I swear the apple customers at my store act like apple products are a way of life.
BFIM, do you possibly live in Michigan? I'd love to stop by and just watch customers buy these things.
Yeah I'm not too bothered as I'm already in the database too, but I just can't wait to hear how the apple fanboys justify this. I swear the apple customers at my store act like apple products are a way of life.

I don't have it bookmarked but a bit back I recall reading a study that found apple products tend to evoke a mental response in the fanboys that is very similar to the brain response exhibited by cultists. So in a sense... yes, that is exactly the case.

Edit: Quick google shows this was found out during a BBC documentary called "Superbrands".
The thing is, you know damn well a lot of the other phones will probably follow suit over the next two years and soon all the major bands will scan your fingerprint to unlock as an option anyway.

Then you have weird people like me who still use a flip phone because I do not want to see my phone bill double+
I don't have it bookmarked but a bit back I recall reading a study that found apple products tend to evoke a mental response in the fanboys that is very similar to the brain response exhibited by cultists. So in a sense... yes, that is exactly the case.

Edit: Quick google shows this was found out during a BBC documentary called "Superbrands".

This lady came in a couple days ago and bought an iPad. She said hers got stolen, and when you have an iMac, iPhone, and MacBook it's like a party of the family. When 1 piece goes missing you feel it and she couldn't wait to get a new one. I was like "da fuq?"
Then you have weird people like me who still use a flip phone because I do not want to see my phone bill double+
I used to be the same way. Then I realized that in today's world you need one. What happens if you try to hook up with a woman and you pull out a flip phone while she has a smartphone? That's a no-go.

No but seriously, they are awesome. It's easy to integrate your daily schedule into a smartphone.
This lady came in a couple days ago and bought an iPad. She said hers got stolen, and when you have an iMac, iPhone, and MacBook it's like a party of the family. When 1 piece goes missing you feel it and she couldn't wait to get a new one. I was like "da fuq?"

While the family terminology is really weird even from the crazy Apple users I deal with, the Apple "trinity" is pretty commonplace once a person gets an Apple computer (be it laptop or desktop) they often end up with the phone and tablet also. However the reverse are not true most of the time, someone who gets and iPhone or an iPad often does not get the other two parts of the "trinity".
I used to be the same way. Then I realized that in today's world you need one. What happens if you try to hook up with a woman and you pull out a flip phone while she has a smartphone? That's a no-go.

No but seriously, they are awesome. It's easy to integrate your daily schedule into a smartphone.

To date I have never "needed" one. While I have used them and it would be nice to have the cost is just not worth it right now. I pay almost all the bills and the mortgage and until this last week my fiancee has been underemployed.
To date I have never "needed" one. While I have used them and it would be nice to have the cost is just not worth it right now. I pay almost all the bills and the mortgage and until this last week my fiancee has been underemployed.

Very sensible. I know of people that have little enough money to speak of yet they still find a need to get said apple product even though there are much cheaper alternatives that would function just as well for their needs. Not to mention the ongoing $60+ /mo plan that you are now committed to for a few years...
To date I have never "needed" one. While I have used them and it would be nice to have the cost is just not worth it right now. I pay almost all the bills and the mortgage and until this last week my fiancee has been underemployed.

You sir just got added to my "non-hippie" list for realizing there are more important financial responsibilities in life than cell phones.
Regarding the whole apple fanboy thing its weird. The day Steve Jobs died I was visited at my store by the hipster fairy. Dude in a scarf with plaid socks, super greasy messy short hair, multiple ironic tattoos, bowling shoes, and girl jeans came into the store. It was the Alpha Hipster. He immediately yelled "oh my god did you guys hear the news?". My co worker and I just look up at him with puzzled looks and we ask if we can help him find something. He goes on to tell us how the greatest visionary in the world died, that Steve Jobs passed away and the electronics industry, who knows where it'll go now! probably to 5,000 years of damnation. Eventually he stopped talking and just left when he realized we didn't care who died. But this man was in love with Apple. I've no doubt he's got one of those love doll pillows at home that is a giant iPhone, and that he cut out the home button to replace with a fleshlight.

Personally I've bought a few apple products because I loved them but that's it really. Like I bought a mac pro desktop for video editing which has always been a hobby of mine. And a Macbook Pro for my college needs. Having a job working at an Apple Authorized Repair Center I really got into macs because I had a formal training on the inner workings (software and hardware) of the computers. I really feel I did a lot more with my macs than I ever could have if I stuck with PCs the whole time. However Since iPhones are always last years technology and HTC or Samsung are outperforming them I don't really have the desire to own an iPhone. I own an iPad first generation because they were the first system on a chip powered tablets, yeah I regret the overall price for it but much like my ancient mac products it seems to be functioning just as well as day 1. I also grew up on the iPod line before smartphones were a thing and we had to keep our music on primitive plastic discs or expensive iPods, have absolutely no love for their operating systems for media playback. Android performs better in that regard.
As far as future mac products for me go...HAHA good one. Yeah I'm never buying another of their computers again because this mac pro will easily last me another 10 years of hobby video play, by the time I feel comfortable switching to PC the hardware will be significantly more powerful in the regards as I can use a desktop level computer for it as oppose to server level computer. My macbook pro is still working, and is capable of playing league. By the time it croaks (which I estimate another 5 years of service) I expect the laptop and tablet industry will have a very appealing product for gamers so I don't think my next portable computer will be apple either.

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