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[Story Progression] Part One: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

None of you recognize the purple book. You think that maybe after doing some research that you might find something referencing such a unique book.

Amberly, as you flip through the journal you see that it is mostly just notes about living in a small town. It details some travels he has made as well as a reference for each of you about how you met and his interactions with you. However you particularly note several entries that are circled in red ink. You begin to read them as follows:

Dates of Journal Entries:
7 Lamashan 4703
The Whispering Way is more than just a cabal of necromancers. I see that now. Undeath is their fountain of youth. Uncovering their motivation does not place me at ease as I thought it might. Their desire to be eternal simply makes them more dangerous

13 Arodus 4713
It is as I had feared. The Way is interested in something here in Ravengro... But what could it be????

1 Rova 4713
Whatever The Way seeks, I am now convinced their goal is connected to Harrowstone. In retrospect, I suppose it all makes sense--the stories they tell about the ruins in town are certainly chilling enough. It may be time to investigate the ruins, but with everyone in town already being so worked up about them, I'd rather not let the others know about my curiosity-there's plenty of folks hereabouts who already think I'm a demonologist or a witch or something. Ignorant fools

11 Rova 4713
It is confirmed. The Way seems quite interested in something--no, strike that--someone who was held in Harrowstone. But who, specifically, is The Way after? I need a list of everyone who died the night of the fire. Everyone. The Temple of Pharasma must have such a list...

13 Rova 4713
I see now just how ill prepared I was when I last set out for the Harrowstone Prison. I am lucky to have returned at all. The ghosts, if indeed they were ghosts (for I did not find it prudent to investigate further) prevented me from transcribing the strange symbols I found etched along the foundation--hopefully on my next visit I will be more prepared. Thankfully, the necessary tools to defend against spirits are already here in Ravengro. I know that the Church of Pharasma used to store them in a false crypt in the Restlands at the intersection between Eversleep and The Black Path. I am not certain if the current clergy even know of what their predecessors have hidden down below... If my luck holds, I should be able to slip in and out with a few borrowed items...

14 Rova 4713
Tomorrow evening I return to the prison. It is imperative The Way does not finish! My caution has already cost me too much time... I am not sure what will happen if I am too late, but if my theory is right, the entire town could be at risk. I don't have time to update my will, so I'll leave this in the chest where it'll be sure to be found. Should the worst come to pass, I love you Kendra. Be well my daughter.

The entire group listens intently as you read through the six journal entries. Puzzled by the mention of several different topics. Kendra gets a little emotional at the last entry as she hears her father's last words. After you finish reading all the entries, Kendra's eyes light up. "Wait! Was that last entry on the 14th of Rova? If I heard you correctly, that is the day that Father was found with the gargoyle on top of him! Maybe his death wasn't an accident at all, maybe this... this Whispering Way killed him because he was looking to stop them. See here..." She points to the first entry that was circled. "The Whispering Way was interested in undeath, my father vehemently opposed such perversions of life. They could have discovered him interfering with their plans and killed him!"


[OOC] I have added the journal articles to the Lore and Information post
[trigger]knowledge history about the Harrowstone Prison Fire: 16[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Statboy Re: #49[/trigger]
"What is this group, The Way? A cult of necromancers? They must be brought to justice!" Beornmar spews angrily at the though of foul play in the professors death. "What could this fire have to do with it?"
Tyrion, you recall reading over years pas that Harrowstone is a ruined prison-- partially destroyed by a fire in 4661, the building has stood vacant ever since. The locals suspect that it is probably haunted, and don't particularly enjoy speaking of the place.

50xp awarded to the group for this research topic.

Generally speaking you are only going to be allowed to make 4 total research checks per day as a group. While you may find it better to have each individual person spend a day researching one topic, there are also benefits to researching topics together.
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"Evidently, not merely a cult of necromancers, if the Professor was correct in his research. "Undeath is their fountain of youth, he said. I do not think raising undead is their focus, but the powers of the undead on their own selves. Vampires and liches, basically, which happen to be my specialty, though I don't know this region well enough to know for sure what they're seeking...apparently we might already be too late." Amberly turns to, "Kendra, do you know any particularly notorious people that were imprisoned in Harrowstone? Any local folk tales?"

!roll 1d20+5 #Lore (Vampires and Liches) about any vampires or liches that might have been in prison
[trigger]Lore (Vampires and Liches) about any vampires or liches that might have been in prison: 8[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Hexalan Re: #52[/trigger]
Generally speaking you are only going to be allowed to make 4 total research checks per day as a group. While you may find it better to have each individual person spend a day researching one topic, there are also benefits to researching topics together.

I was just making a knowledge check to see what I already knew? Tyrion will inform the rest of the party and Kendra about this and my earlier knowledge local that gave some info on the abandoned Harrowstone Prison. Tyrion turns to the group "I don't know about anyone else but if The Whispering Way is somehow involved in the professor's death than we shouldn't let that stand. But which should we do first, investigate the professor's death and by extension Harrowstone Prison which is nearby, or fulfill the professor's last wishes and deliver the books?"
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Amberly, you cannot recall whether or not there were any liches or vampires somehow related to Harrowstone. Kendra looks up over to Amberly and beings to ponder for a bit, "I cannot really recall... I have only been living in Harrowstone for a few years since my Father moved us from Lepidstadt... I have only heard what Tyrion has recalled." She gestures over to Tyrion with her off hand. "Only that there was a fire some 50 years ago." She then looks over to Tyrion as he mentions delivering the books first, "While I understand that you are eager to deliver these potentially dangerous books, Father's will did ask you to remain here in Ravengro for a month at least before heading to Lepidstadt..." She gives you a pleading look, almost as to say 'don't leave me, I am still in mourning.'
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"Miss Lorrimor is correct. We cannot abandon her now to return the books. We must do what we can here in town to investigate the professors death. It may look like this "Way" group is behind it, we need more proof though." Beornmar pauses for a moment. "Perhaps Father Grimburrow has something that could aid us, should the prison be as haunted as this chest."
"I believe the month stipulated of our stay here was intended to allow us to investigate before delivering the books." Amberly idly leafs through the journal. "Perhaps the Professor had suspicions something might happen to him, and knew it would happen when the time was most urgent for our continuance of his quest. If it as he said, the Whispering Way was on the cusp of a major accomplishment before his death, two weeks ago. Kendra, as soon as you've made our introductions to the town, I'd like to pay a visit to the local temple, and perhaps snoop around for what the rest of the locals have heard."
Tyrion heads to the library to begin his research, taking Gunther with him to aid in the research. "Why don't we start with the Prisoners of Harrowstone."

!roll 1d20+7 #knowledge local for Tyrion
!roll 1d20+7 #knowledge local for Gunther
[trigger]knowledge local for Tyrion: 12[/trigger]
[trigger]knowledge local for Gunther: 13[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Statboy Re: #57[/trigger]
"Miss Kendra, are there any errands you required to be taken care of about town? Perhaps Miss Amberly and I could escort you. Some fresh air might do all our heads some good." Beornmar proposes as he flips the end of his scarf over his left shoulder.
Tyrion and Gunther you head off in the direction of the Professor's library and begin scouring and searching his books and manuscripts.

(OOC) Hang out in the house for a bit, researching a topic is a full days work. I will let you know when you can join other activities again and if your check was a success)


Kendra looks to Beornmar and smiles, "I actually do have to run some errands and this would also give me a chance to let some of the folk around town know that I vouch for you. You will still have to go out and make friends, but at least they will be willing to speak to you. Give me a few moments and we can head out." She looks over to Amberly, "We will certainly call on Father Grimburrow and he might be able to help you with your search."

After a few moments, Kendra walks back to the living room with her cloak on as well as a pack slung across one shoulder. She gestures towards the door and begins to walk outside towards the town square. As the three of you are walking, you begin to notice that there is a quite the commotion being made and people are rushing towards the Harrowstone Memorial Statue in the South Western part of town.


Kendra turns to you, "Come on! We have to check out what all the fuss is about." Before even hearing a reply, she is off towards the river.
Beornmar goes to follow close behind her. He keeps pace with her towards the river. "Wait for us miss! Come on Amberly!"
Amberly raises an eyebrow at Beornmar as Kendra almost runs off without them, then hurries to follow, loosening a dagger in its sheath. You never know what might be coming, especially with excited hordes of country rubes running around involved.
Amberly and Beornmar finally catch up to Kendra as she comes upon a great crowd at the memorial statue of Warden Hawkran. You hear a huge commotion. People are shouting "Who would do such a thing!" and "Such a desecration!" as well as women and men crying that this is the "end times." No one notices who you are as you make your way to the front. When you finally are able to make your way through the crowd, you see a gristly sight. Blood is trickling down the base of the statue. A large red 'V' is painted in blood on the dedication plate of the memorial. Lying in front of the gruesome scene is a rat with its neck slashed open and a pool of blood underneath it.
Beornmar gasps in horror at the sight before him. He is appalled that anyone would do such a thing to a living creature, even a lowly rat. "Miss, who is this memorial too? Why would someone do this?!"
Kendra is stunned at the desecration of the memorial, It takes her a moment to realize that Beornmar is even speaking to her. She shakes her head and clears her throat. "This is a statue that is dedicated to all the guards lost in the Harrowstone fire years ago. I believe this is Warden Hawkran, the man in charge of the prison at the time. He was responsible for keeping those scoundrels in line and the residents of Ravengro safe. What would possess someone to do such a thing like this?"

At this time, Sheriff Caeller comes shoving through the crowd and is shouting, "Alright everyone, back to your business. Shows over. Everyone out." The crowd begins to disperse with people going about their daily business. Everything appears to be as it was, except for everyone now whispering in hushed tones about horror they witnessed on the statue. Kendra turns and grabs both of your arms and starts moving back towards the center of town, "Come now, you are new here so lets not give them a reason to think that you are somehow connected to this monstrosity."

Kendra leads you back towards town and she makes her first stop at General Store. The Ravengro General Store is a squat little building. You can see into the store through a big glass window in the front. You see all kinds of gear and all manner of tools as well as pots and pans and many other every day items. You also see 5 small girls running around in the store. Whether they are helping or playing it is difficult to determine. Kendra says she will just be a moment and that it might be worth while to check out the posting pole near the store. She points to the west of the General Store and you see a 7 foot tall pole covered in different colored pieces of paper.

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