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[Story Progression] The Great Library of Tephu

[trigger]Aid another on Hex: 32[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: theLumberJack Re: #18[/trigger]
bad cop might be more useful than diplomacy for shady shenannegans...
You can only gather information with diplomacy not intimidation. Someone with strength could help Memsie do work in Fort Tephu

Memsie (and Mavruk if he goes) you go to Fort Tephu and ask about work to be done. The guard at the gate points you in the direction of Captain Daghreb. Captain Daghreb looks you over and says "We always need people to muck the stables out, it only pays a few copper but its honest work, shovel the manure and dump it around back by the river." Upon walking into the stables you see over 100 horses and camels, it seems Tephu is large enough to support its own cavalry.

Make me two CMB (str based only) to shovel manure, and two perception checks (reek can make 2 perception checks as well)
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nobody said we were gonna gather information with intimidation... we're gonna find those people who know with gather, and THEN intimidate them to tell us what we want... :p
Isal is just going to try and spend a little time in her room working on something
!roll 1d20-1 #Shovelin' the poops

!roll 1d20-1 #Thats a whole lotta poop

!roll 1d20+11 #Lookin' at peeps

!roll 1d20+11 #Straight up creepin' on those peepins.
[trigger]Shovelin' the poops: 0[/trigger]
[trigger]Thats a whole lotta poop: 17[/trigger]
[trigger]Lookin' at peeps: 22[/trigger]
[trigger]Straight up creepin' on those peepins.: 21[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: TimeCrush Re: #23[/trigger]
Aech: I'm going to create another thread for library knowledge obtained. You do feel you've searched through most of the pertinent books, but a few still remain that might contain useful information.
EDIT: Pls make a climb check to not fall from the ladders in the upper stacks

Idessa, Mavruk, and Zanros: After spending much of the day talking with people around Tephu you are pointed in the direction of a chef who has been called upon to cook for Muninofrah on several occasions. He confides in you "Her Excellency invites me to cook for her often, I make one of her favorite dishes, ostrich egg omelet with roasted baby crocodile. Talibah showed up in her court just a few days ago, says she's a noblewoman from Shiman-Sehk way out in the middle of the desert. She loves my cooking as well, says its the best in Tephu. But no I haven't seen her about town, she has no guards that one, so she must be wearing a disguise to pass a commoner when she's away from the palace."

Memsie: Your little halfling arms and your small halfling shovel struggle with the weight of so much manure and by the end of the day seeing how little work was done Captain Daghreb yells at you "You expect me to pay for such little work, here take this and get out of my sight" He hands you a single copper and his guards escort you from the Fort. While working you do not see a single cultist wearing a funerary mask. Once when you thought you heard rustling in the reeds, a sphinx flying low overhead screeched and a few birds flew out.
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!roll 1d20+12 #Reek peep
!roll 1d20+12 #Reek gets dinner with a nice little bat fam and leers at them intently
[trigger]Reek peep: 19[/trigger]
[trigger]Reek gets dinner with a nice little bat fam and leers at them intently: 19[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: TimeCrush Re: #25[/trigger]
[trigger]Climbing with Bull strength and inspiration: 20[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Ach Hans Run! Re: #26[/trigger]
Memsie: Reek begins to fly away then says "ohh hell no, thats a sphinx up there, he'll eat me. No bat would make its home within 5 miles of this place." Reek keeps a sharp eye of the sphinx the entire day, but it doesn't disappear for very long. It lands for about half an hour at a time somewhere north in the reeds, then sets back out and circles the city for a couple hours. "He's eyeballing me, I swears he's eyeballing me"
Aech: You can only use spells that have a duration of hours/level, otherwise they just don't last long enough to help you. No bulls str or inspiration
It doesn't seem out of the theme to have a funerary wearing cult using sphinx as lookout. Reinforced with the fact that he keeps posting up somewhere on the regular. What would I want to knowledge to see if sphinx can be trained and used for this purpose?

Does anybody want to stealth over to the portion of reeds he keeps laying low in?
TC: That would be a knowledge Nature
Aech: You would need True Inspiration which is 20th level before it can be used on any skill check.
EDIT*: you passed it with the d20 alone though, you don't fall
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[trigger]What did they teach me bout animals in school again?: 18[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: TimeCrush Re: #32[/trigger]
Memsie: You identify the Sphinx as a Hieracosphinx (falcon headed sphinx). They are the most evil and least intelligent type of Sphinx, they don't bother with riddles and hate their more intelligent cousins. They are typically loners but can be pressed into service by a particularly evil master, with promises of violence especially against the hated gynosphinxes.

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