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[Story Progression] The Great Library of Tephu

"There might be a whole lot happening to the North upriver. While I was wrist deep in all the earthly treasures four legged beasts create, I had Reek scout upstream. He was pretty thrown off due to some bird of prey/Sphinx hybrid. Now with all the exceptionally evil shit going down I don't have many beliefs in coincidence, and I think we should scout it out. The bird is making nest every half hour or so in one particular patch of reeds, but I think under the cover of night, one or two of us could slip up there and check it out."
Everybody meets up back at the vacation you are using for a base. A camel wonders about the yard eating some grass, a chariot still attached to him. Please post any guards you guys want to keep tonight. And how each of you wants to spend your day tomorrow.
Someone will just need to sleep watch for tthree hours while Isal gets her sleep and prayer in, After that she can work in the front room of the house. In the morning Isal will just wander around town.
I'll be watch/ working on a magic item to sell, (Ill take 10 and finish it overnight)
!roll 1d20+1d6+11 #for trying to sell it at a profit in the morning (Base value of the item is 1200, normally sellable for 600)
The I guess I'll go research in the upper stacks again, researching off nobility
!roll 1d20+1d6+22 #research roll
!roll 1d20+1d6+1 #climb check
[trigger]for trying to sell it at a profit in the morning (Base value of the item is 1200, normally sellable for 600): 30[/trigger]
[trigger]research roll: 32[/trigger]
[trigger]climb check: 22[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Ach Hans Run! Re: #38[/trigger]
Memsie would like to go up river near night fall along with anybody else who will come with him. If he goes alone and begins sensing things are going wrong, he will use Fearsome Duplicate and go up two steps in size, becoming a massive lumbering sun bleached corpse of himself. He will then use Tongues and bellow in Ancient Osiriani, "You will perish before the might of the gods! In three days time, your blood will taint red the River Sphinx!" After I try to strike fear with that gibberish into whoever ambushes me, I use Dimension Door to try and put myself as close to the house as possible, and retreat for the night.
Idessa acquires some inconspicuous clothing before coming home. She'll take dedicated first watch before Isal is up to join Aech. Tomorrow, she'll be on the lookout for some mundane goods (toiletries, bath, laundry, whiskey, etc.) while snooping around for information. The hobbit is free to come along if he likes. Idessa may or may not try to feed him peppers.

!roll 1d20+18 #Gather Information, Alternative Libraries/Secret Nethysian-only Library in the one we're already in
!roll 1d20+18 #Gather Information, local known Sphinxes, especially the one that's been flying around and nesting upriver
!roll 1d20+18 #Gather Information, anything shady going on upriver where the cultists like to hang around
[trigger]Gather Information, Alternative Libraries/Secret Nethysian-only Library in the one we're already in: 36[/trigger]
[trigger]Gather Information, local known Sphinxes, especially the one that's been flying around and nesting upriver: 26[/trigger]
[trigger]Gather Information, anything shady going on upriver where the cultists like to hang around: 31[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Hexalan Re: #40[/trigger]
[trigger]Night time peepin': 19[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: TimeCrush Re: #43[/trigger]
You travel north through the tall reeds heading in general direction of where the sphinx came from. After half an hour of walking you begin to see a soft glow of light up ahead, you think you can just make out the tops of some tents around 60-80ft ahead. Would you like to do your spells or try to get closer?
[trigger]Survey says...STEALTH!: 21[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: TimeCrush Re: #46[/trigger]
With cat like grace you sneak up until you see a clearing ahead, you stop concealed in the reeds and see what looks like a camp before you. The two men sitting by the campfire are wearing funerary masks, with crossbows and falchions close at hand. Map is up on roll20, you and reek are at R19. The darker green terrain is high reeds, and the lighter colored terrain is low grass (a small clearing).
did the gang ask Mavruk to come along in case some orc smash was required? ;)

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