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[Story Progression] The Great Library of Tephu

Memsie waits in the shadows, and sends Reek to see how close Mavruk is. Dem big Orc hands gonna be crushing skulls soon enough. Blow the spell trio if things start to look like I'm about to be spotted before he arrives .
A familiar bat lands on your shoulder and begins pointing in a direction. Give me a sneaky roll pls, armor check penalty applies.
!roll 1d20+1 # i is sneaky?
[trigger]i is sneaky?: 4[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: VintagePC Re: #52[/trigger]
Guess it's fortunate I'm not that close then...
Mavruk and Memsie:
After a well timed nat 20 on the perception check the cultists shout "I smell ORC!!" As they rise from the fire and gather their weapons a large and terrifying halfling appears before them and begins to shout at them. Memsie that is all you have time for in rnd 1 pls make an intimidate check with your spells you get +6 to that. Both of you roll for initiative, memsie you can dimension door on your turn and given its distance you can run from the fight.
I'll wait to see what memsie does. If he flees I'll nope the fuck out of there, not doing this shitshow on my own!
[trigger]Initiative: 25[/trigger]
[trigger]Intimidate-Is that right? Is that all?: 17[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: TimeCrush Re: #56[/trigger]
Yah that's right, intimidate gets plus's from Charisma (which yours is +0) and size difference (which is +4 of your 6) the other +2 is from the spell which they failed will saves to disbelieve. Turn order is up in roll20. Memsie goes first then someone you don't know about, then Mavruk, then more cultists.
Memsie whips up Greater Aggressive Thundercloud in a quick accumulation of clouds, sending it at the cultist southernmost on the map. Since the cloud is actually my move action, I don't believe I have to roll to hit. He has a Reflex and Fort save though, 18 each. Reflex negates damage, Fort negates stun of one round.

!roll 6d6 #ZAP ZAP
[trigger]ZAP ZAP: 16[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: TimeCrush Re: #58[/trigger]
Casting the spell is a standard action, you can spend a move action on your next turns to have it move 20ft and shock people. One cultist makes the save for zero damage the other is struck and takes the 16 damage. Your electrical storm will last for 7 rnds.

A cultist runs out from one of the tents (move action to end up at I15) and casts a spell on himself.

Mavruk is up
I'll move up, staying just in the reeds for cover, and prepare to attack any enemy that comes in range.
Cultists begin to pour out of the tents, one of them Mavruk recognizes as the guy pretending to be an Osirion noblewoman around Muminofrah. Just in the reeds to the north a falcon headed sphinx rises and begins to fly in. All the humans cast a spell on themselves, the generic cultists have crossbows in hand, the dude look like a lady has a dagger out. The sphinx is 20ft up in the air.

Memsies turn
time to nope the fuck out of here and come back with reinforcements?
welp, at least we know where they are now...
Mavruk and Memsie: the range on dimension door being 680ft, Memsie gets you guys out of harm's way and close enough to Tephu to see Fort Tephu again. It's only a couple hours before sunrise when you make it back to the house.

Aech: After a day of research you believe you have found everything this library has to find. New notes in library research section available. Research takes a full day, you can barter on a different day or send somebody out to barter for you.

Idessa: Do you still want those three intel checks or would you like to spend your day a little differently once Mavruk and Memsie answer some of your questions.
Idessa actually only looks for information about libraries, somehow sensing that her stalwart allies would be successful in their endeavors in looking for trouble. Idessa instead snoops around trying to sell Aech's wondrous knick-knacks are competitive prices.

!roll 1d20+13 #Diplomacy to charge exorbitant prices
!roll 1d20+13 #Honeyed Tongue lets me roll twice and take better

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