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[Story Progression] The Great Library of Tephu

[trigger]Perception: 29[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Ach Hans Run! Re: #278[/trigger]
"I assure you gentlemen, that this gift will be sufficient for our dear lady."

!roll 1d20 + 16 #Diplomacy
[trigger]Diplomacy: 17[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: theLumberJack Re: #279[/trigger]
Idessa stays in the library with Aech, and proposes to figure out what they do with keys, who carries it, and possibly coming back in the early morning to try and catch when guards and curators get there, and other opening routine.

!roll 1d20+1 #perception
[trigger]perception: 3[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Hexalan Re: #280[/trigger]
Memsie & Zanros: The guard says "Look you're a funny halfling and I like you, Muminofrah likes her subjects show the proper respect, you don't have to bring presents every time you see her. Just a large offering once as a show of respect is all she needs, something worth a couple hundred gold would do. That and absolute obedience otherwise she's like to feed you to the crocodiles. Don't think she won't, just yesterday she feed two people to the crocodiles, one was covered in blood, the other had raw chicken tied onto his person. She wanted to see which one the crocs would eat first."

Aech and Idessa: You guys stay a few hours after closing time and being ushered out. Idessa notices she has a tail. Aech notices that the 4 librarians in the back come up and lock the doors inside the library, then join the other 2 librarians in the front and all 6 exit together at sundown. When they leave the 4 guards outside lock the large bronze front doors, and all 10 leave together. The walls of the Library are 60ft high of smooth marble, impossible to climb (the book explicitly says impossible to climb, and doesn't give a DC to try). All of the windows are quite narrow and have iron bars on the front of them, the lowest window being 20ft up.
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Its now tuesday and I made the last post on Saturday. Is everyone just getting bored of Pathfindering? Since we've switched to play by post we've maybe gotten 1 session done
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Isal will go the next day and inquire about additional libraries that we're certain exist, and if asked she'll explain she's studying to become a grand cleric and wishes to know the most about all religions.
I was a bit busy, our first session just ended, and I might be able to play tomorrow night. Otherwise we'd need to do a lot of lock picking to get in, and there's still that big statue thing, so breaking and entering may not be the best course of action. I'll spend the night making a magic item (Hexing Doll, Creation Cost is 1250 and regular price is 2500) and I'll add 5 to the DC, take 10 and use Nanite surge. Otherwise I'll spend the next day gathering information about libraries throughout the town
!roll 1d20+1d6+11 #Diplomacy to gather info
[trigger]Diplomacy to gather info: 27[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Ach Hans Run! Re: #284[/trigger]
Isal: Wear are going to inquire the Library, the Temple to Nethy's, or somewhere else?

Aech: Idessa has already gathered information about town on other libraries. Sebti had told you before you left that the Great Library of Tephu has many secret libraries hidden throughout the city, and Idessa's asking the locals they said the Great Library has all their libraries hidden beneath the first one, going down for miles underground.

Idessa: The library opens at dawn, pls make a perception check

Memsie and Zanros: sounds like you guys went home after getting turned away by the guards.
"Zanros, what do we have to hawk? Do we gotta steal stuff to hawk? I'm broke as shit and we need an offering. Nobody else from the team is around to judge us. Down. To. Steal." Memsie paces back and forth simmered up from being turned away by a person of a taller stature.
[trigger]perception: 10[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Hexalan Re: #288[/trigger]
[trigger]perception with Idessa: 26[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Ach Hans Run! Re: #289[/trigger]
Isal: The receptionist at the Temple of Nethy's says to you "Of course that information can be found in the Great Library. The Inner Sanctum located beneath the Outer Sanctum houses the Spiral Archive is where you would need to look to find our information on most of the ancient deities. I see you are a follower of Ptah so you must have a good understanding of some of the ancient deities. Access can only be gained with a written order from the Haty-a Deka An-Keret. Please come with me to her office." If you choose to follow and say the same thing to the Haty-a then please make a will save. Otherwise post what you would like to do next.

Aech and Idessa: All of the guards and librarians show up just before daybreak to unlock the library, Idessa notices that there are 10 of them in total 4 guards and 6 librarians. Aech notices that the librarian unlocking the door turns the lock 4 times counter clockwise. You cannot see a trap attached to the door, but you know that is likely an action that by-passes a trap.
"Zanros, what do we have to hawk? Do we gotta steal stuff to hawk? I'm broke as shit and we need an offering. Nobody else from the team is around to judge us. Down. To. Steal."
In a hushed tone away from the gaurds.
"Memsie, I have no qualms with a few masks from a tomb. However, by the light of the dawnflower I cannot return to stealing from the living!"

Returning to the guards.
"How much would be a suitable offering?
In a hushed tone away from the gaurds.
"Memsie, I have no qualms with a few masks from a tomb. However, by the light of the dawnflower I cannot return to stealing from the living!"

Returning to the guards.
"How much would be a suitable offering?

The guard points to a few offerings already left that day, they seem to be about 100-150gp a piece, but the guard did indicate he'd buy the gift for you if you left money with him.

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