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War Z Fiasco


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I'm just wondering what people's thoughts have been on this whole War Z thing.

I've been watching everything unfold and all I think is the Ocean Marketing/Paul Christoforo fiasco last year. The thing is about this game is that not only is it giving itself a bad rap I think it could also effect DayZ Stand Alone for those people that don't know the difference. The game itself is a blatant ripoff but ripping off the name is the big problem. The names are way too similar and I'm surprised there hasn't been a lawsuit about the names, even I got the two confused when I started seeing shit go down.
First impressions by TB of War Z, useful if you're not sure what the issue is:
Reading that, it starts to annoy me more and more when people say "the hate on this subject is just from a small percentage". Yeah, I've heard that about a lot of games recently. It's just a "small percentage" huh? That explains the big time youtube videos hating on it and every one of the comments hating on it.

To be honest, I think there is both false claims AND people misreading things.
Well I think if Steam/Valve decided to remove it from being able to purchase and offer refunds there has to be a huge problem, they wouldn't just do that from some wining babies who just didn't like the game or wasn't what they expected.
well here is a timeline from reddit of some of the shit that has happened.


Basically the guy who created one of the worst games ever made next to E.T. is "creating" this game and there is a lot of shady things going on.

  • The game is actually just a rehash of another game, War Inc.
  • Tons of lies on the about page on steam
  • Basically trying to sell a beta/alpha as a final product
  • Banning people for no reason
  • Not hiring actual mods for the forums and instead having overzealous fanboy mods http://i.imgur.com/7OTZ4.jpg. And supposedly the community manager went on vacation the day the game dropped on steam.
  • That interview that the guy talks down to his customers telling them they don't know how to read.
  • First TOS was ripped from LOL, and then the second one said that the won't allow anyone to get refunds and if you asked for one you would be black listed.
  • After releasing the game they released an update that extended respawn time to 4hrs and then add in a micro transaction to respawn
  • Some of their artwork ripoff images of cosplay zombies and the Walking Dead
There is more but this is just off the top of my head.
well here is a timeline from reddit of some of the shit that has happened.


Basically the guy who created one of the worst games ever made next to E.T. is "creating" this game and there is a lot of shady things going on.

  • The game is actually just a rehash of another game, War Inc.
  • Tons of lies on the about page on steam
  • Basically trying to sell a beta/alpha as a final product
  • Banning people for no reason
  • Not hiring actual mods for the forums and instead having overzealous fanboy mods http://i.imgur.com/7OTZ4.jpg. And supposedly the community manager went on vacation the day the game dropped on steam.
  • That interview that the guy talks down to his customers telling them they don't know how to read.
  • First TOS was ripped from LOL, and then the second one said that the won't allow anyone to get refunds and if you asked for one you would be black listed.
  • After releasing the game they released an update that extended respawn time to 4hrs and then add in a micro transaction to respawn
  • Some of their artwork ripoff images of cosplay zombies and the Walking Dead
There is more but this is just off the top of my head.

Wow...cant beleive steam even allowed to game to remain on steam.
  • First TOS was ripped from LOL, and then the second one said that the won't allow anyone to get refunds and if you asked for one you would be black listed.
That is illegal to my knowledge.

It's really sad, because when I first heard about this game in the summer time, it looked like it was gonna be really good. My friend got into beta and what not and said it was alright but the bugs messed it up, and that once they implemented all the planned features, it would be amazing. Apparently other people disagree.
The reddit post clears it up.

WarZ updates their TOS disallowing anyone who accepts to get a refund. This is illegal in some countries.

So, it may not be illegal in, say, the US. Not sure, but either way it is a fucked up thing to do. Reading through it, this is just a shitstorm. The idea of the game is really cool. I'd love to be playing with a bunch of friends, surviving an apocalypse. But this happening just pushes players away.
Oh dear god haha...lots of people are saying this is real too...


There's a disinct difference between not liking a game and it being utter garbage. They seem to quite enjoy lumping the latter into the former... somebody's got their head REALLY far up their ass IMHO.
I guess they released an update that banned a ton of people for 72hrs
So I lurked on the WarZ forums to see what their reaction was to all this controversy. Needless to say, a lot of fanboys, some going as far to say that TB was biased because he's a "DayZ fanboy". Which as everyone with ears and the attention span to watch the entire first impressions video (NOT a review as they all called it) knows, is absolutely false. They could have made an argument with some validity if they had said he was biased based on the fact that he dislikes the zombie survival genre, but whatever.

The part that rubbed me the wrong way the most was when a mod on the forums denounced the video, saying
He also came in knowing the game was in beta and that it had issues, but then continued to go on talking about the issues beta had. There was no reason for this.
Umm, yes there is, because half of the issues in the beta are STILL in the 1.0. Even some of the people posting on the forums called him out on it.
Looks like they are attempting to apologize for what happened.

Only thing I really see them apologizing for is the way the mods handled the situation. No real apology for lying on the steam page or for him saying that its the gamer's fault for not reading it the way he intended. He still doesn't seem to understand that a game without all its normal features is not a release no matter what you may call it, technically the game isn't even an alpha release.

Also looks as though they will have to change the name of the game because their trademark is being denied because it is too close to the name "World War Z", right now it is just showing suspended but unless they can work out a deal with the holder for "World War Z" they will have to change the name.


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