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[League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

I think I'll let the ranked game penta be a monument to the glory of Zyra.
I think you mean fiddlesticks?

No, the zed was able to zone me out and almost burst me 100-0 every teamfight. I got frozen mallet and it saved me but I had to back after dealing with just him every teamfight. I finally sold the frozen mallet and just got my BotRK and I was able to stay in the fight the whole time with the extra active/attackspeed/and lifesteal. Fiddle did alright actually he just died for us every teamfight after ulting in.
So I managed to get my CDR maxed on karthus with boots and athenes. and then I went full rods of ages, and the game lasted long enough for all of them to get fully built. I stood at 5k hp and was boasting about it to the enemy team in all chat. Enemy syndra thought I was weak and decided to mock me post game. check the numbers XD


Played a 4v5 where this mao didn't connect at all after raging in champ select. Still got a penta.


Then played a game when we were against 3 plats. I lulz at da matchmaking systems. Got a penta here too.

Perfect Ez game.jpg
What made this game especially satisfying is that we did not just stomp them, this was a well fought game.
Apparently I'm perfect at landing Ziggs ults. Spent the game listening to Bach, throwing max range bombs, and yelling at the enemy team to come on get up its time to slam now, we've got a real jam going down, welcome to the space jam. Aaaaand claiming that I'm Michael Jordan the whole game.

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