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[SMITE] You Can't Always Win...


Sir "Let's Play"

Back on the old forums, I'd see the topic once a week or so. "I never surrender, there's always a chance to win.".

No, you're wrong. Surrender is the right option now and again. For fuck's sake, stop forcing a 50 minute loss. =(
I've seen too many games that the winning team either threw or got outplayed at the 42 minute mark. I'm good with a surrender only if you are getting absolutely rolled (see: currently down 2-25) or if you are down a team member and already behind. Even then, I tend not to surrender because the game is still useful as a learning tool for whatever I'm playing at the time. Anyone that says they know so much that they couldn't use learning experiences should post guides about how to win world championships in the game.

edit: There are also those times that you want to surrender but are the minority on the team. You can either suck it up and play your best, whine about it with no effect, or ragequit. That's one of the breaks of playing online with others. Your game is no longer all about you, it's about everyone in the game and each gets an equal say. Things aren't always going to go the way you think they should. Better luck next time.
"I've seen too many games that the winning team either threw or got outplayed at the 42 minute mark"

Yes, I've seen those games too. But guess what? They are very few in number. VERY few. I'd rather surrender at the 15-20 minute mark and MOVE ON to the next game with a decent team instead of spending another 20-30 minutes with the hope that the enemy team slips up. Fuck that.
It would seem there not as "few" as you claim.
Now if your here to debate, you can take this as a chance to rethink your stand or offer logical counterpoints.
If your here to argue, you can continue to spout.
Yes, I've seen those games too. But guess what? They are very few in number. VERY few. I'd rather surrender at the 15-20 minute mark and MOVE ON to the next game with a decent team instead of spending another 20-30 minutes with the hope that the enemy team slips up. Fuck that.

If that decision happens to be up to you, it's yours to make. If it's up to more people than you and they disagree, accept it and keep playing. If you want things to only go the way you think they should, play a single player game. Once you are on a team, you don't get the absolute say on things. There's only one I in team...
Had another game a couple days ago. The enemy team was 10k ahead by the 10 minute mark, all but one tower was down and we were straight up getting massacred.

No, I don't get the absolute say on things. I can't remember the last time I actually "ragequit" from a Smite game. I will keep trying to explain to my team why we've already lost. But if they want to waste another 20 minutes getting a dick up the ass, so be it. I'll spend my time farming, or just fucking around in general.
I find the best solution is to just afk. Let the enemy think it's 5v4 and maybe they'll push faster for a faster win.

I report every person that does something like this. Anyone that AFKs instead of plays the game to conclusion deserves a ban for it. It you are going to take your ball and go home, don't play in the first place.
That's your prerogative. Most of the time when a team is losing bad it turns into a flame fest blaming someone, either someone who fed too many kills or a jungler who didn't gank enough or a support who didn't ward properly or something along those lines. I prefer to not take part in that.
That's your prerogative. Most of the time when a team is losing bad it turns into a flame fest blaming someone, either someone who fed too many kills or a jungler who didn't gank enough or a support who didn't ward properly or something along those lines. I prefer to not take part in that.

Wouldn't you then naturally be the lightning-rod for the blame, being AFK? :D
Yeah, I can't go AFK. At least if I attempt to farm minion waves/jungle, I can actually play the game in some way. AFKing also means you are completely open to being banned.
Hopped on for a quick game, and this was the result:


I'm the Sobek. You're telling me the enemy team had a chance? We were almost 10k gold ahead by the 10 minute mark. Their Fenrir got a few easy pickings on Zeus, but otherwise the lanes dominated. Now, seeing that I was on the winning team, I was all for them pushing to 30 minutes or more (I need worshippers damnit). But they didn't, they were done at 10.

Know why? Because that is a team that knows they are already fucked. I don't know how shit works in Dota/LoL, but when one team is around 10k gold ahead, there's very little the losing team can do. Sorry, those are facts. The enemy team in that game was NOT going to push for a 30-40 minute loss on the off chance that we fucked up a couple times. It was game over.
Wouldn't you then naturally be the lightning-rod for the blame, being AFK? :D

Sometimes my teammates stop cussing at each other and then start yelling at me. Sometimes another one joins in so it's 3vs5 and the game will really finish fast. But that's the whole point of being AFK. If the enemy team doesn't start pushing and win in the next 3 or 4 minutes, I go AFK so I don't see the yelling anymore.
You're telling me the enemy team had a chance?

Until the game has ended, there is always a chance. I've had one where we were down 19k gold, two inhibitors, and 7 towers. An ISP issue caused one member from our team and three from theirs (all the fed ones) to disconnect for the rest of the game. Was it a shitty way to get the win? Sure. Was it a win? Absolutely. It wouldn't have been a win if we had surrendered before the nexus exploded.

Sometimes my teammates stop cussing at each other and then start yelling at me. Sometimes another one joins in so it's 3vs5 and the game will really finish fast. But that's the whole point of being AFK. If the enemy team doesn't start pushing and win in the next 3 or 4 minutes, I go AFK so I don't see the yelling anymore.

You're the kind of player that absolutely deserves to be banned from games like this. You could easily mute the players but you instead choose to pout like a child that didn't get their way. Instead of muting, turning off cross-team chat and playing the game, you make your team's situation even worse by being that prick who leaves them to deal with having a teammate rage quit. I've reported people on my team that I'm friends with for doing things like that. They deserved a ban for doing it once. You sure as hell deserve one for doing it repeatedly.
And again, like I said, the game you are talking about Voltage is a 1 in 1000 kind of game.

But hey, maybe LoL/Dota games see more shitty teams than even Smite. I dunno, I don't play them. Out of my games, it's one of the rarest occurrences this game has. If anyone on that enemy team voted No, they are douchebags. Trying to force a game like that to go on for another 20-30 minutes makes you worse than any AFKer or ragequitter.
We'll just have to agree to disagree then. I believe it takes the most extreme of circumstances to surrender a game and you obviously don't. I think we're done here.
And again, like I said, the game you are talking about Voltage is a 1 in 1000 kind of game.

But hey, maybe LoL/Dota games see more shitty teams than even Smite. I dunno, I don't play them. Out of my games, it's one of the rarest occurrences this game has. If anyone on that enemy team voted No, they are douchebags. Trying to force a game like that to go on for another 20-30 minutes makes you worse than any AFKer or ragequitter.
My friends play Dota it's much worse, I all ways hear them saying stuff like: omg fed Danton lancer is unstoppable, this match I was fed as night stalker. I have no knowledge of lol but smite is a lot more even the Dota.

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