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You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

I'll play with you. I only have my 30 something commando and a level 8 gunzerker though.

Actually, I just started playing with Iceh and one of his friends today. Think I'm level 9 right now. I don't think we have a 4th yet, best ask Iceh.

My friend tells me my original group is playing tonight but I honestly don't fucking know anymore. I'd hate to be playing with you guys and then be told that my friend's group is ready to go. =/
I have played with Iceh a bit before, doubt he would mind if I joined in. I should have my tower up and running at the new house tomorrow night.
You know what really grinds my gears?

My friend's playing habits when it comes to MMO games. Let me break down what happens, in every fucking MMORPG we play, WITHOUT FAIL.

We both download and install. We make characters. We play till we get our second advancement for whatever class we are. Then bam. He loses interest. Why? Well, he tends to play warrior. Honestly, the warrior is a fucking boring class. One skill makes you swing harder than your AA, your other skill makes you swing even HARDER. Woot?

So, he loses interest and decides to make a new character, while I play on my main guy, usually a mage. He then gets bored of his new character, saying it feels weak or whatever bullshit reason. Then when he hops on his first character, guess what? Yep, I'm a higher level on my main because he was stupid enough to spend a few days on a new character, so now he is bored yet again. And this eventually leads to uninstalling the game.

Hopefully he breaks this trend at some point, but I'm fucking SICK of it. I don't give a damn if he falls behind because he is also the kind of guy who gets up in the early morning and hops on to outlevel me. Oh well. If he fucks himself over again, he can uninstall and play whatever other shit mmo he finds. I'm sticking to my game and enjoying it.
You know what really grinds my gears?

"It's just a game."

Just a game that I've invested my own time into trying to win. When that win goes downhill because a sad sack of shit can't follow the simple direction of RETREAT, I have the right to be pissed. No, it's my DUTY to be pissed.
You know what really grinds my gears?

I don't recognize 90% of my friends on Steam anymore. =/ They've all had so many fucking name changes that when I go to their past aliases, I don't remember any of them! Go ahead, check my aliases. You'll find like...4 in the past year!

Also, you know what really makes me sad?

I see some friends who haven't been on Steam for nearly a year. A year! These are people that I used to play with on Arena every day for hours on end. =(
I don't recognize 90% of my friends on Steam anymore. =/ They've all had so many fucking name changes that when I go to their past aliases, I don't remember any of them! Go ahead, check my aliases. You'll find like...4 in the past year!

God this also drives me nuts. I mean I will sometimes change my name for a few hours, but it always goes back to one of two names that people will recognize.
What grinds my gears?

You keep hearing how $1 won't buy you anything these days. Every single restaurant has a dollar menu. There's even a Dollar Tree store that has 1,000's of items for $1 or less. Shut up about the dollar already!
I work in retail. We have to ask customers if they need help to increase sales. Nothing wrong with that. What annoys me is when I walk up to someone and ask if they need help. They say no. So I turn to walk away. Walk about 10 feet. "Oh wait, I have a question." Answer their question. "Ok, that's all." Turn to walk away. Walk about 10 feet. "Oh wait, I have another question." Rinse and repeat about 3 times.

If you have a question say something! I have other stuff to do besides play yo-yo.
You know what really grinds my gears?

Youtubers who already have a massive following who go on to make another channel for a "specific reason" just because they KNOW they can monetize the crap out of multiple channels. Ugh.
You know what really grinds my gears?

People who get a little too into high settings. My friend has said this about both GW2 and Smite. He played GW2 on max settings and when he went to low he said "eww, it looks disgusting". He plays Smite on medium because high settings doesn't change much and he said the same about low on that game. It looks "bad".

I checked both of them out on highest settings. You know what I've seen? The games get BRIGHTER. Just bright. Sure, GW2 added detail to things, but not enough to care about.

Can't wait till I get a new PC, I'll run everything on low settings still and be PROUD.
With a better PC, I'll be able to simply run all games at highest frames possible.

I've watched plenty of videos that compare low/max settings. Most games...the difference isn't fucking worth it. Obviously SOME games look fantastic on max settings, but meh. I've had my PC for 4 years now, I'm used to low settings and low fps.

And I actually do normally use my smart phone for just texting. I look at the Chive once in awhile, but mainly I text. =D
With a better PC, I'll be able to simply run all games at highest frames possible.

Most games...the difference isn't fucking worth it.

I hope you mean "not worth it" as in you don't see a point in spending hundreds more dollars to upgrade your PC, and not "not worth it" as in you don't see a difference.
I see the difference between low and high on GW2. To me, I don't give a fuck. It's brighter, and yes the detail is there, but it's nothing I care about. I'd rather be on low settings with 60fps.

As for Smite, I can actually play on medium settings, and even my friend has said that any setting higher is pointless because it doesn't change at all really.

In general, the games I play, I'd rather be on low settings because the high settings don't drastically change enough to make me care at all.
Wanna know what really grinds my gears?

How fucking expensive weddings are.
$20,000 for venue and food
$4,200 for Photographer
$3,200 for Video
$2,700 for Flowers
$500 for Rabbi
$1,500 For DJ/Band
$250 in stamps
$1,500 for her Dress
Lets not forget about these other accessories that I just can't remember the price
Groomsmen gift
Bridesmaids gift
Yarmulke (Jewish Wedding)

For fucks sake! I just want to marry the love of my life and our families want this big extravagent wedding and then don't want to pay for all of it. And then guilt trip/coerce us in to having it...

Wanna know what really grinds my gears?

How fucking expensive weddings are.
$20,000 for venue and food
$4,200 for Photographer
$3,200 for Video
$2,700 for Flowers
$500 for Rabbi
$1,500 For DJ/Band
$250 in stamps
$1,500 for her Dress
Lets not forget about these other accessories that I just can't remember the price
Groomsmen gift
Bridesmaids gift
Yarmulke (Jewish Wedding)

Obscuring your address and having your server guy crash the wedding anyway? Priceless.

You know what really grinds my gears?

When I see arguments (usually youtube videos) about religion and someone in the comments says "Well, where did god come from?". Do you not understand the point of an all powerful, all knowing god?! The point of him is to have existed for all of eternity! Gaaah. I want to punch these people.

Now granted, they may be asking that so they get the reply that I just stated, because then the next response is "Why can't the universe be eternal?". But usually they are just idiots. >_<
You know what really grinds my gears?

When someone that I talk to on a daily basis decides to not tell me they are going to be unreachable for an entire day. Spent a few hours thinking they were just sleeping. Then I got curious and started to spam. We are nearing the 24 hours mark and they haven't checked facebook, their phone or been on LIVE. I have no other ways to reach her so I get to play the waiting game.

If past experience is any indicator, I'll get a text at random saying "I'm fine" and that I worried for no fucking reason.

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