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You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

Also when the only Watchmen character they know is Dr. Manhattan.

To be fair, he is the only one worth knowing. =P

You know what really grinds my gears?

That I don't have any new good shows to watch. Rewatching everything now.
Ya know what twists my bra strap??

The fact that 1 fucking apartment unit in my building had bed bugs...now the entire building has to be inspected......FUCKERS STAY CLEAN FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!
you know what grinds my gears?

people complaining. life is the only time when you are able to do things. don't hold back or be mad that something didn't go the way you want. be happy you are alive and able to have things happen to you, good or bad.
You know what corrupts my code?

When farmers use main highways as a means of moving large equipment. I could see it if it was a mile or less if their home or field entrance were on the highway, but when there is a nice little gridwork of backroads which you can use to move your harvesters and whatnot down it's a bit silly.
you know what really twists my dick?

All of those oh-so-friendly people that are around when they need something from me, but disappear when I need something.
You know what really taps my peter?

People who try and merge at the last second who obviously know better. Every day I see the same guy on my way home cut people off and merge at the last second when his lane ends. I just want to slash his tires (okay, I wouldn't, but damn if that doesn't make me mad).
You know what really grinds my gears?

When people say "Oh I could've said something mean, but I'm not going to." You just said you wanted to say something mean. That's mean. Either man up and say what you wanted to or don't even say that you wanted to say something mean.
You know what really nags my knickers?

When someone posts a mannerism in text surrounded by asterisks instead of making an actual reply, like so: *nods*
You know what really irks my tater?

People who can't follow directions while I'm walking them through something over the phone.
Ya know what twists my bra strap??

The fact that 1 fucking apartment unit in my building had bed bugs...now the entire building has to be inspected......FUCKERS STAY CLEAN FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!

The M. Night Shyamalamadingdong twist? IT WAS YOUR APARTMENT ALL ALONG.
you know what really rubs my roids?

People that LIVE by the philosophy of it being better to ask permission than to ask forgiveness; and then expecting me to be HAPPY to forgive after the second time.
And you know what else flames my cojones?

people that have 20+ lines of text in their sig, no matter whether it's email or forum, and post one line replies.

(yes, I'm talking about you.)
You know what grinds my gears?!

When you are waiting in line for something just to find out you don't have all the personal info you need.
ex: applying for a Pass port
You know what really grinds my gears?

When Borderlands decides to uninstall itself. I finally get a chance to play, and here I find it uninstalled. I sure as hell didn't do it, and nobody else uses this computer...

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