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You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

Going to have to agree with lonesome on this one, Geoff... If the people that give a fuck about reviews for games grind your gears, why would you then post a review for a game for people to give a fuck about?
There's a massive difference between someone who reads a review to see if a game is staying true to the series and someone who waits for reviews to come out and only looks at numbers.
How can you have a AAA title coming out for consoles but not PC? Especially when games are programmed on a PC! PC gaming is the best with some of the most diehard fans and you neglect them. WHY ROCKSTAR WHY? I'm going with since PC's are so much more complex it takes them extra time to make sure it works.
^ Because programming a game for a PC is different than doing it for a console. There's a reason games have shitty PC ports.

And Rockstar hates PC...
I kinda feel like PC gamers don't drop a truckload of money on pay-to-win "DLC" ($3-5 guns?) nearly as much as console gamers do, and the console market is just plain bigger. This is like the android vs iphone argument, to me. When you make a game for xbox/ps3 (or iphone/ipad), you have to make it compatible with maybe 12 total devices. If you make your game run with minimal bugs on those 12 devices, it will run with minimal bugs for all of your customers.

On the other hand, if you develop for PC (or Android) there are hundreds of thousands of variables to consider, and you'll have to account for all of them. Just in Android you have to do something like 15 different screen resolutions. Computer monitors are the same way, there are also dozens of android video chipsets just like there are hundreds of video cards. This is *2* things that can already produce thousands of variations.

Now let's take this information, and assume that the market is roughly 50/50.... There are 50% androids/PCs, and 50% iPhone/Pad/Console gamers. Which one is a developer going to try for first? I loved my Android but I switched to iPhone for my newest phone because that's what people develop for. I'll still play on my PC more than anything else, but I have the consoles because sometimes they're just more reliable.
As a game Developer myself it is very different programming for different things even between 3D & 2D on the PC let alone PC and console 3D/2D .

That being said it grinds my gears when BIG companies can afford to do better and they don't because REASONS, usually related to greed!
You know what really grinds my gears?

When someone asks a simple question on a stream and wants the STREAMER to answer the question so that even if 5 people answer him, he keeps fucking asking. Fucking people.
You know what really grinds my gears?

Scabs inside your nose. The tiniest motion you make with any part of your face reminds you it's there... and being a seasonal allergy sufferer doesn't exactly help the problem. (sometimes my nose/sinuses get so irritated they bleed a bit at the slightest provocation :()
You know what really grinds my gears?

Living inside a no-shoot zone with THIS backyard...

YOu know what really grinds my gears, when you spend 3 hours flirting with someone then they casually let out that have a S.O.
I mean seriously, I spend 3 hours, goofing off, and flirting, with you before you even mention them. get the fuck out here.

Or when a game is bountiful with something, ad in the story you need to steal it, but no you can't steal just any of the items, you need to steal this specific one.
ok my turn.

The credit card reader at work requires you sign enough of a signature that it detects at least a letter was written. Some dude in his 50s signs his name as a straight line with a squiggle at the start. the card reader denies, and I inform him he needs to try again, and to try writing at least a legible letter. The dude explodes at me saying this is how he signs his name his whole life, he isn't changing now for a machine, laces the entire statement with more F bombs than complete thoughts. then proceeds to stand there staring me down like i'm going to fight him or something.

It grinds my gears when people go from "hello" to "I WILL SLIT YOUR MOTHERS THROAT AND SHIT DOWN HER TRACHEA." at the drop of a hat without any good reason. Its not my fault you didn't learn to write your own name until you were 17.
You know what really grinds my gears? (this is one sort of silly)

People who naturally walk very, very fucking slow. Been noticing this a lot lately when my breaks are done. I am forced to walk half my speed because the 5 people in front of me are snails. How the hell are people this slow? I don't sprint or anything, maybe I just got long ass legs. Either way, I noticed I walk faster than pretty much everyone there so it just...bothers me.
You know what really grinds my gears?

We are suppose to get a 30 minute lunch break, but every god damn time I go in, I see everyone (and I mean 95% of everyone in the room) leaves at 20 minutes.

I just reread the part in the book that says 30, so I'm not wrong. And our orientation guy said 30. So, as far as I know, these people are all just leaving early. I await to be told that we only get 20 minutes now.

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