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You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

You know what really grinds my gears?

When my friend sends me a message on Steam and immediately logs off. Like, I think he presses enter while he has his finger on the shut down switch on his pc.
You know what really grinds my gears?

Office politics and the people that try and get me to play them.If I don't support their plan, then I must be the enemy, and now I'm a target. fuck that.

Time for job hunting.
You know what really grinds my gears?

Office politics and the people that try and get me to play them.If I don't support their plan, then I must be the enemy, and now I'm a target. fuck that.

Time for job hunting.

I know this feeling very very well. The tech job market isn't too terrible right now, things are starting to look up. I switched jobs 7 months ago after being loyal to one place for 6 years. I asked for a counteroffer of $1/hr and got nothing. Leaving was a great decision.
You know what really grinds my gears?

The stupidity of some of my old HS class. Bunch of them got sucked into this pyramid scheme bullshit but I just saw one of them post this:

"You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can't have it"

I responded with:

"So...I can have the power of super speed?!"

His response?

"Yea dude whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve, tho it's gonna b very tough to believe u could be the flash lol"

You heard it here first folks. If you can believe it's possible, it is. So...everyone should be getting their super powers soon.
You know what really grinds my gears?

The stupidity of some of my old HS class. Bunch of them got sucked into this pyramid scheme bullshit but I just saw one of them post this:
Could be worse, my graduating class of 127 students currently has 3 alumni serving life sentences for murder. Would've had 5 but two of them didn't actually graduate. Current murder statistics in the US by the World Health Organization 1.4 murders per 1,000 people. Yup we're above average.
You know what really grinds my gears?

The stupidity of some of my old HS class. Bunch of them got sucked into this pyramid scheme bullshit but I just saw one of them post this:

"You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can't have it"

I responded with:

"So...I can have the power of super speed?!"

His response?

"Yea dude whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve, tho it's gonna b very tough to believe u could be the flash lol"

You heard it here first folks. If you can believe it's possible, it is. So...everyone should be getting their super powers soon.

Really sad that he fell for that fallacy of logic. But otherwise could be worse. He could be procreating...
Really sad that he fell for that fallacy of logic. But otherwise could be worse. He could be procreating...

Don't worry, he just has to believe really hard that he has a kid...
Oh don't worry...some of them are going to be having kids soon probably. But hey, they'll all be making 50k a month so it's all good!
I mean I did my stint in a pyramid scheme job (sold Cutco knives) I enjoyed it and I learned a lot but I never had this over the top belief that I could do (literally) anything...
I mean I did my stint in a pyramid scheme job (sold Cutco knives) I enjoyed it and I learned a lot but I never had this over the top belief that I could do (literally) anything...
I thought that was just door to door sales... were you actively encouraged/rewarded if you recruited more salespeople?
Yeah I got like... a shitty one :p $50 per person once they sold $1000 in knives which could be done in one order
This is less "grind" worthy and more "confused".

So...the generation of kids that do the whole "pants hang too low" bullshit. That by itself is just stupid. I see a decent amount of guys at work who walk like they took a shit in their pants because they are trying to keep their pants from falling all the way off.

Now the part that really confuses me. A guy I work with wears a belt. With his pants hanging that low. WHAT'S THE POINT?! Like, I still see half your boxers dude.
This is less "grind" worthy and more "confused".

So...the generation of kids that do the whole "pants hang too low" bullshit. That by itself is just stupid. I see a decent amount of guys at work who walk like they took a shit in their pants because they are trying to keep their pants from falling all the way off.

Now the part that really confuses me. A guy I work with wears a belt. With his pants hanging that low. WHAT'S THE POINT?! Like, I still see half your boxers dude.

Makes for a funny scene when you see one try to run with the cops chasing him :D
People who don't understand the whole "Personal space." For example, today while at the mall in my hometown with my friend, some weird younger girl came up asking for a high five. I proceeded to walk into Target saying no. She then "hugged" me until I gave her a high five.

>.> This fucking annoys the piss out of me. Seriously. PERSONAL SPACE PEOPLE! LEARN TO GIVE IT!
You know what really grinds my gears?

My friend posting up articles that are just straight up retarded. This forces me to look up what's going on and reply to him with links so hopefully he understands why his first one is stupid. Annoying as hell.

I want to add to this grinding of gears as well.

I'm sick of my friend (same one) posting shit that is FALSE. Drives me up the fucking wall.
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You know what really grinds my gears?

Fat people who utilize their Facebook profile for the sole purpose of spouting off their "Healthy Eating Tips" or their "Advice for losing weight." There is just one major problem with all this. YOU ARE STILL FAT! If you listened to HALF of your own advice, you would not look like Jabba the Hutt after you just ate some chocolate cake. So stop thinking that because you watch Dr. Oz that you are somehow experienced enough to give health advice. Practice what you fuckin' preach and stop blaming it on your "busy schedule" or your "pinky toe injury from 5 years ago."
And another thing that grinds my gears.

People who have no medical training trying to give me medical advice. Just because you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night does not give you a medical degree. Just because you know how to look up a few general symptoms on WebMD does NOT mean that you are somehow qualified to give me medical advice. No I did not have a brain aneurysm, please shut the fuck up
You know what really grinds my gears?

Diablo 3 players. It's hard to believe that any of these whiny little cunts ever played Diablo 2. I remember my time on D2. I spent my entire day, every damn day, doing MF runs. Andariel, Mephisto, Diablo, Baal and some other random areas. All day I'd do these runs over and over and over. Know how many uniques I found daily? Maybe 3.

Now though, if someone goes through Act 1 and gets 7 Legendaries, they cry about the game being broken. Oh, you didn't get an upgrade to your FULLY GEARED AND GODLY CHARACTER? How sad for you.

You know what also really grinds my gears?

I play with a few people on xbox live usually every weekend. I'm the youngest of the group (shocker). We've got 3 guys who are 40+ (one of them is in his 50s I believe) and a chick who is 30. When any of the other dudes get off, it's always a "cya later". When I get off? I get bitched at. They are all gone by midnight or MAYBE 1am. I'm up till about now, which is 5 am. Yeah, fuck you.

Oh, and to add to that. I love when I ask why the fuck someone is upset only to get "You know why". Uh, no I fucking don't, that's why I god damn asked.
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You know what really grinds my gears?

I know I've done this one before, but fuck it. Went from a decent week to a "I'm about to punch this bitch" in a matter of a day because I am sick of simply being ignored. If you feel like shit, then say "I feel like shit" and I won't text anymore. Even more bothersome is the fact that Facebook tells me when you've seen my message, so yeah. That's fun. Oh, you saw my message saying I'm getting pissed? Yeah, it's best to just ignore that one too. I really can't wait for this weekend to start, I need some Forest gameplay and drinks inside me. >_<

Edit: So, I've been chatting with her and I find this hilarious.

"If I don't answer, I'm obviously busy. You're not my dad or my boyfriend, I don't need to tell you when I'm going to be busy"

But, isn't it just EASIER? I mean, how simple is that text? "Hey, I'll be busy tomorrow". Bam, done. Now I know you're going to be busy, I won't bother texting. But no, instead we get this nonsense...
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