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You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

You know what really grinds my gears?

Sunrise at 4 in the morning, with beautiful blue skies. Then it's completely overcast when I get out of bed at 10.
Also too much angular velocity.
You know what really grinds my gears?

Sunrise at 4 in the morning, with beautiful blue skies. Then it's completely overcast when I get out of bed at 10.
Also too much angular velocity.

LULZ!! I know those feels!! Also... Angular Velocity?? You still playing EVE Online?

Ya know what ruffles my feathers??

Stalkers! Some of you know my brother left his ex back in April... It was so bad he left the state! He deleted his old facebook, started a new one only to have to get rid of that one!

BACK THE FUCK OFF BEEYOTCH! Stop harrassing my brother and the person he is happy with!!
LULZ!! I know those feels!! Also... Angular Velocity?? You still playing EVE Online?
I don't know remember why I was cursing Angular Velocity. I was probably doing some kind of math, sorry to tell you it's not EVE :p

What grinds my gears today? Trying to track down the roofers that re-did my roof with shitty shingles who said they would've replaced it by now.
I don't know remember why I was cursing Angular Velocity. I was probably doing some kind of math, sorry to tell you it's not EVE :p

What grinds my gears today? Trying to track down the roofers that re-did my roof with shitty shingles who said they would've replaced it by now.

Yea you're right it's TRANSVERSAL Velocity that's a bitch.....
You know what really grinds my gears?

People who are beyond stubborn. I'm not talking about hardcore beliefs, I mean simple small shit that you'd think pointing out the facts would make them go "oh, I was wrong". But instead they go "nope, I don't care, I'm right".

Frustrating as shit.
I don't know why it bugs me so much but I just want to smack someone when I hear this. "John if you're in the building call ###" If he was in the building he would hear it and you wouldn't have to say "if you're in the building." if he wasn't in the building he wouldn't hear it and saying "if you're in the building" is a waste. So stop saying it
You know what really grinds my gears?

When I'm forced to go to 15 different pointless garage sales, some random small festival and stop at a pet store for an hour just because my friend's wife wants to. I realize it's their car...but it was my idea to go to the movie, my money that paid for the movie (and snacks), so please just at least take me home first. =/
I don't know why it bugs me so much but I just want to smack someone when I hear this. "John if you're in the building call ###" If he was in the building he would hear it and you wouldn't have to say "if you're in the building." if he wasn't in the building he wouldn't hear it and saying "if you're in the building" is a waste. So stop saying it

maybe John has psychic powers and can hear the call even when he's not in the building...? :p
You know what really grinds my gears?

When my friend decides that he wants to waste an hour and a half of my day getting our damn rent stuff done with, but decides to wait till the last couple of hours before work. Mother fucker, if I'm not at work, I want to enjoy my day. Do this early to avoid annoyances.
You know what really grinds my gears?

Those assholes that even though that they know we only get 15 minute breaks take 30 minutes. Especially since only one packer on break at a time.

//You may ignore this line, it's just here for reasons unknown.
Ya know what....REALLY, I mean REALLY grinds my fucking gears???

People who are like "yay sunshine!!!!!!!!" Then the moment it clouds up even for an hour they're like "oh I am so depressed!"

People say I am bipolar.... HOLY CRAP!! I get whiplash just watching those guys!!!
You know what really grinds my gears?

Dealing with someone who watches 5 seconds of a show/movie and decides it instantly sucks. I sat through your shitty musical drama bullshit, you can last 10 minutes into a GOOD movie.
You know what really grinds my gears?

Dealing with someone who watches 5 seconds of a show/movie and decides it instantly sucks. I sat through your shitty musical drama bullshit, you can last 10 minutes into a GOOD movie.

Someone told me to watch the new Netflix "Bojack Horseman" show and I watched an entire episode before I fully decided that it was NOT FUNNY. What "shitty musical drama", and what "good movie"?
^ Watching an entire episode and deciding to not watch further is fine.

Sorry, wasn't a "drama". It's a musical though. Rent. I don't like musicals in general. And she won't try any decent movie. She didn't watch Man of Steel with us, or Wolverine (both movies her husband wanted to watch). I did watch Pitch Perfect so she'd stop asking...
You know what rustles my jimmies?
People that ask you to fix something for them, then try to tell you how to do it...IF YOU KNEW HOW TO DO IT WHY DID YOU ASK ME! YOU KNOW NOTHING STFU AND LET ME DO IT!!!
You know what really grinds my gears?

When I get bugged to hell to have some 'roommate time", so I finally give in to watch a movie or play a board game, and then they spend half the time just on their phones! Like, fucking for real? I've had moments where I'm sitting there watching a movie THEY chose and they are just on their phones. If you want roommate time, no phones then.
You know what really grinds my gears?

That every time I am about to get ahead in money, something breaks. In this case...my brakes. =/ I can't just get ahead...
You know what really grinds my gears?

That every time I am about to get ahead in money, something breaks. In this case...my brakes. =/ I can't just get ahead...

hashtag vehicles.
You know what really grinds my gears?

When I get bugged to hell to have some 'roommate time", so I finally give in to watch a movie or play a board game, and then they spend half the time just on their phones! Like, fucking for real? I've had moments where I'm sitting there watching a movie THEY chose and they are just on their phones. If you want roommate time, no phones then.

Wait lets back up to this one... Who the fuck has "roommate time?" Is your roommate your significant other?

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