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You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

You know what really grinds my gears?

People who join the casual, then bitch at me because I'm not taking the game super seriously, then bitch about how he gets paired with noobs in ranked...so he came to casual to act like it was ranked. Fuck you.

No, seriously. If you join my casual game and get all pissy because I missed an Ult or some BS and I even APOLOGIZE for it, I will fucking feed like a motherfucker. It's casual. Just relax, and enjoy the game. >_<
You know what really grinds my gears?

People who join the casual, then bitch at me because I'm not taking the game super seriously, then bitch about how he gets paired with noobs in ranked...so he came to casual to act like it was ranked. Fuck you.

No, seriously. If you join my casual game and get all pissy because I missed an Ult or some BS and I even APOLOGIZE for it, I will fucking feed like a motherfucker. It's casual. Just relax, and enjoy the game. >_<
I think we call those "Posers" or "Tryhards" :D
No, seriously. If you join my casual game and get all pissy because I missed an Ult or some BS and I even APOLOGIZE for it, I will fucking feed like a motherfucker. It's casual. Just relax, and enjoy the game. >_<

I irks my ears when people can't handle people griping at them online and then decide to fight back by purposely throwing the game, you ruin it for the rest of the team when you do that.
I irks my ears when people can't handle people griping at them online and then decide to fight back by purposely throwing the game, you ruin it for the rest of the team when you do that.

When I'm giving it my best and I've got a guy going crazy at me, I give him time to chill out. In my experience, when we have an anal nutbag like this, we already aren't winning.

I can handle being yelled at if something actually IS my fault. I mean, come on, I play xbox live. But if you come into casual and act like it is ranked, don't expect me to stay civil for too long. It's been a long time since I actually intentionally fed. I hate doing it, it sucks doing it. But yeah, certain players with certain attitudes deserve it.

In most cases, I do tend to mute them, but the mute function also stops from seeing pings and MIAs. So, be irked if you must. It irks me when people can't realize that not everyone plays super hardcore.
You know what really grinds my gears? (rant coming)

When I'm watching a video regarding religion/atheism and I see THIS comment:

So my question (to anyone who would like to answer) is, who/what created God?
Surely the complexity of an all knowing, all seeing being must of been derived from intelligent design? ('cough' humans 'cough') and if not why is it possible for God to be created from 'nothing' but not single cell organisms?

Do these people not understand that God (usually Yahweh) is meant to be the supernatural ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL being? He's been there forever. THAT'S THE POINT. He's a bloody supernatural creature. Derrrr. I want to punch people with that question.
You know what REALLY grinds my gears?

Having tits on the internet apparently makes you automatically subjected to flirtations, pick-up lines, filthy jokes and innuendos. I don't mean the joking I do with my friends on TS and whatnot, rather the random new people or those who are trying to hard to make friends.
You know what REALLY grinds my gears?

Having tits on the internet apparently makes you automatically subjected to flirtations, pick-up lines, filthy jokes and innuendos. I don't mean the joking I do with my friends on TS and whatnot, rather the random new people or those who are trying to hard to make friends.

OMG I hate this!!

Ya know what really grinds my gears??

Having tits in general...they get in the damn way golfing, bowling and when you put your seat belts on...Damn it boobies!!
OMG I hate this!!

Ya know what really grinds my gears??

Having tits in general...they get in the damn way golfing, bowling and when you put your seat belts on...Damn it boobies!!
You know what REALLY grinds my gears?

Having tits on the internet apparently makes you automatically subjected to flirtations, pick-up lines, filthy jokes and innuendos. I don't mean the joking I do with my friends on TS and whatnot, rather the random new people or those who are trying to hard to make friends.

Wow, I didn't know that birds could be such a problem...

Know what grinds my gears?

Before I lost weight I had tits and they didn't get me hit on at all. :(
I guess it depends on how perky they are and how distracting their actions are.
You know what really grinds my gears? (wooh rant time) (I apologize ahead for this one)

People who won't just say what's wrong. I mean, how fucking difficult is that? I left my friend's house almost a month ago now and since that fucking day, she has seemed very quiet. It's been very common the last year or so now that we constantly texted each other, whether it be simple things as saying "night" or "morning", or even long ass discussions. As of a month ago, the only times I get responses are when she's BITCHING at me.

Normally, I'd chalk this up to typical woman bullshit. But I get the feeling that this random 180 is because my last visit was actually my "last" visit until I get another job and am capable of traveling 3 hours to see her again. But come on. The amount of times I figured she was still sleeping, only to see the text "I've been awake for 7 hours" means you've basically been ignoring me. Then when I point that out, all of a sudden I'm a complete douche. Or even better is when I see that she linked some random link on facebook and is currently on xbox live. Then I get on live and she acts like nothing is wrong.

TLDR: Stop being a fucking bitch, say what's on your god damn mind and let's get past it. That's much better than me sitting here for an entire month feeling like you're avoiding my texts, especially considering we go through a thousand texts every week. Yeah, a thousand each week on AVERAGE. That has turned into about 50. Fucking hell.

You reminded me of something and I'm going to add to it-

Know what grinds my gears?

Me:"Hey, want to get a drink tonight?"
Her:"Nah, I've got plans. Maybe tomorrow."

--Next Day--

Me:"How bout tonight?"
Her:"Nah, plans. Tomorrow maybe."

--Next Day--

Me:"Maybe I should plan this ahead. If you have plans for tonight, how's about two days from now?"
Her:**no response**

--Day of Plans--
Me:"Hey, invitation's still open, just let me know what's up."
Her:"Sorry, plans. And I was preoccupied yesterday, see you later."

Goddamnit, if you don't want to do anything with me just say so. Don't fucking let me down gently, I'm not good with grey areas and she knows it. This is after I was there for her when she had a breakdown and needed someone's shoulder to cry on. This is also after doing something at least once a week for the last month or so, all things that she invited me to. This likes-me-likes-me-not stuff is starting to get on my nerves.
You know what really grinds my gears?

People who don't fucking flush. I understand the day care kids aren't the brightest fucking bunch, but when they leave the bathroom I'd figure SOMEONE noticed that there was no sound of a toilet FLUSHING. This is one of those "common fucking sense" things. I hope this only applies to these KIDS and not adults out there. Christ...
You know what really grinds my gears?

People who don't fucking flush. I understand the day care kids aren't the brightest fucking bunch, but when they leave the bathroom I'd figure SOMEONE noticed that there was no sound of a toilet FLUSHING. This is one of those "common fucking sense" things. I hope this only applies to these KIDS and not adults out there. Christ...
Yeah... I'mma have to hit you with a reality check on that. there _are_ adults out there that can't lrn2flush.
My dad's work had one and he also made a massive mess of the bathroom. Someone decided to be kind and spare others by posting "the pig has been in here" on the door when they found it in such a state (no names named though). Guy posting the sign got shit from HR for it.
You know what really grinds my gears?

I have one rule when I play Smite. "I never go mid". Simple fucking rule. Until games like tonight where the game thinks "You know what, let's put 2 premade teams on his side". So I see in chat "I'm with X" and "I'm with Y". My reply? I'm not going mid.

Simply put, you want to make me go mid lane, and we lose, then that is on YOU. I'm sorry, it's a simple rule and if broken, I don't care about said game anymore. Fuck mid, fuck premade teams. Ugh.
You know what really grinds my gears?
all of this:
You know what really grinds my gears?

I have one rule when I play Smite. "I never go mid". Simple fucking rule. Until games like tonight where the game thinks "You know what, let's put 2 premade teams on his side". So I see in chat "I'm with X" and "I'm with Y". My reply? I'm not going mid.

Simply put, you want to make me go mid lane, and we lose, then that is on YOU. I'm sorry, it's a simple rule and if broken, I don't care about said game anymore. Fuck mid, fuck premade teams. Ugh.

Shit like this is why communities for games fail. Why not just put on your big-boy pants and learn to play mid?

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When people compare PCs to the various consoles. Really? It's pointless. People who love their consoles will always love their consoles. People who love PC exclusive need to learn to calm the hell down, and accept that some people will prefer consoles to PCs.
I've played mid before. I don't like it. Especially when I chose a god that was melee and not good at mid. I was paired with 2 teams of premades, so thankfully in the last game, they came to mid and ganked and helped a nice amount.

In all other cases, when I say I'm going left before anyone else, you better believe I'm going fucking left.
When my entire body has been x-rayed over the years and yet, not one doctor noticed that my spine is bent backwards at the neck, I have a spur, and swollen disks. Or how about the fact that all the tingling in my hands(which I had unnecessary carpal tunnel surgery for) is really caused by the inflamed nerve running down my spine? My RLS? Not RLS...you guessed it! Inflamed nerve again. Migraines? Yep...damn spine!

All caused by a car accident I was in 25 years ago while still wearing diapers. GG docs...G fucking G.

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