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You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

You know what really grinds my gears?

Having the internet speed to play a game but they toss me on servers that make it unplayable. Woohoo.

Soccer moms judging me because I have black hair and wear a pentacle!! OMFG!! I ain't gonna hurt your fucking children!!

Shit like this makes me wanna get multiple facial piercings and tattoos to make myself appear a lot more unapproachable!!

You wear a pentacle? That's so fucking awesome. <3

You know what really grinds my gears?

When people toss around "nerd" and "geek" like they are bad things to be. Like, seriously?
You wear a pentacle? That's so fucking awesome. <3

You know what really grinds my gears?

When people toss around "nerd" and "geek" like they are bad things to be. Like, seriously?

Actually I have two....One my boyfriend bought me, the other is from a life long friend.....

Ya know what really grinds my gears??

This oolong/herbal tea blend I got yesterday....I AM ALMOST OUT OF IT ALREADY!!!
You know what really grinds my gears?

A couple friends going for achievements but not telling me that, and so when I kill either of them I get told to fuck off as if I was suppose to know. And instead of saying "we're going for achievements", I just get told "it's not your business". Well fine, but you know what? Don't get pissed off and boot me from the party just because I killed you. Next time, tell me what the fuck you are doing.
You know what really grinds my gears?

Actually, before I get to the gear grinding part...let me say this as a "please don't bite my head off" kind of thing. Most of my facebook friends are religious, so when a death happens, I always see the "please pray for the family". I will NOT mock this in any way, shape or form. I am completely sorry for their loss.

Now, with that out of the way....when you are asking for prayers on a fucking surgery that does not risk a fucking death (removal of something with ease), this pisses me off. A friend of mine's husband has had surgery before for this issue and he just went in for his second one. Sorry people, but prayers won't keep this issue away, prayers won't make the professional fucking surgeon a better surgeon. Ugh. The surgery went well, apparently he has to stay in the hospital for a few more days. Where are the prayers to get him to leave right now? Oh right, those don't happen because you KNOW he needs to stay there.

This shit falls in line with praying to find your fucking keys. Most of the people who reply to this comment...I get this image in mind.

You know what really grinds my gears?

From between 10PM and 5AM, my internet was decent enough to play some smite. So I tried. 4 times on my main, 3 on my alt. When I'm able to click join and it instantly clicks, and my god instantly picks, that means my internet is working fine with the game. Then I get tossed into a server with 990 ping. Fuck you server. I'm done. Apparently patch days are not for me.

Oh, and fuck you premade teams. You want me mid? hahahah.
I feel like I've said this one before, but in the event that I haven't

You know what really grinds my gears?

When someone finishes off a bottle of (insert whatever here) and don't put a fresh one in the fridge. Hell, when mountain dew is getting LOW I put a new one in so that by the time the first one gets finished off, the second will be cold. Seriously, don't be a dick. Finish something off, put a new one in.
You know what grinds my gears?

When people do not come here for ages, do not interact or do anything here and then suddenly have a personal project they are working on, come and post about it to get people to visit and only ever reply to that one thread then vanish again. I am happy for the fact that we are even remembered by those people, but am saddened that all we are is a stepping stone to promote self projects.
You know what really scrambles my eggs?

My sister is getting married in June. My brother is in the wedding, my daughter is in the wedding, and the groom's brothers and sisters are in the wedding. Guess who isn't? Yea, that's right...I'm the fucking florist/wedding coordinator. Yes, I'm good at what I do but ffs I'm the bride's SISTER! Seriously considering pulling my daughter out and screwing them all for good.
You know what really scrambles my eggs?

My sister is getting married in June. My brother is in the wedding, my daughter is in the wedding, and the groom's brothers and sisters are in the wedding. Guess who isn't? Yea, that's right...I'm the fucking florist/wedding coordinator. Yes, I'm good at what I do but ffs I'm the bride's SISTER! Seriously considering pulling my daughter out and screwing them all for good.

That's some fucked shit!! I say DO IT!!

Ya know what really grinds my gears?? People who own rodents and do not shake their clothing off before entering my home....My cats now have fleas and I have to pay for diatomaceous earth treatments for my carpet, advantage and new filters for my vacuum cleaner. Thank you, you fucking cu*tbag now I am out almost 175 bucks cuz of your inability to follow a fucking SIMPLE REQUEST!!!
You know what really grinds my gears?

People with really thin skin when it comes to whatever it is they are bitching at you for. Don't like my opinion? Get the fuck out of the topic. That simple. Especially when what I said was just skimming the surface of what I could have said. Gah.
You know what REALLY grinds my gears to oblivion??

Women who turn things into a contest!!!

YES I saw your engagement announcement on Facebook.....You do NOT need to come over and rub it in my face!!!

That's just like saying "ha ha you stupid bitch I'm engaged and you're not!!"


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