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Search results

  1. Carcajou

    You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

    You know what REALLY grinds my gears to oblivion?? Women who turn things into a contest!!! YES I saw your engagement announcement on Facebook.....You do NOT need to come over and rub it in my face!!! That's just like saying "ha ha you stupid bitch I'm engaged and you're not!!" HAVE...
  2. Carcajou

    Smartphone App recommendations

    As for the Taptalk signature.... I'd change it to "Faptalk" I've seen quite a few people do it...It's quite amusing :)
  3. Carcajou

    Smartphone App recommendations

    This would be handy as hell if my bf will actually use it!! I almost always forget things that he neglects to tell me he's low on (deodorant, razors, shampoo/conditionor....) and when he runs out he's like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! and all I can say is...."Dude you didn't tell me shit!!" I...
  4. Carcajou

    You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

    That's some fucked shit!! I say DO IT!! Ya know what really grinds my gears?? People who own rodents and do not shake their clothing off before entering my home....My cats now have fleas and I have to pay for diatomaceous earth treatments for my carpet, advantage and new filters for my vacuum...
  5. Carcajou

    Dr. Zoidberg, HOMEOWNER!

    You go Debo!! The boyfriend and I are looking at houses ourselves...but the market here blows ass and people want 400k for a house that was 1/2 that value when it was built :| This is relevant!!
  6. Carcajou

    New - Tag system for posts

  7. Carcajou

    New - Tag system for posts

    #penishshapedfood???? Sorry my brother inspired that one :P
  8. Carcajou

    Post Your Furbabies!!!

    I know my pic is huge but this was taken today....Freya went with me deep into the valley I live in to get pictures of our mountain...She did FANTASTIC in the car....
  9. Carcajou

    You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

    Actually I have two....One my boyfriend bought me, the other is from a life long friend..... Ya know what really grinds my gears?? This oolong/herbal tea blend I got yesterday....I AM ALMOST OUT OF IT ALREADY!!!
  10. Carcajou

    You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

    You know what REALLY....REALLY.....REALLY FUCKING GRINDS MY GODDAMNED GEARS??? Soccer moms judging me because I have black hair and wear a pentacle!! OMFG!! I ain't gonna hurt your fucking children!! Shit like this makes me wanna get multiple facial piercings and tattoos to make myself...
  11. Carcajou

    Post Your Furbabies!!!

    :D Double Dapple Daschunds!! Say that 3 times fast!! If I can ever have one I'd name it Confetti :D As for the cat....At least offer a little bit of shelter (box....igloo on the porch) from the elements :) She's a pretty girl :)
  12. Carcajou

    Post Your Furbabies!!!

    Awwwwhhhh What kinda puppy is Roxy
  13. Carcajou

    You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

    OMG I hate this!! Ya know what really grinds my gears?? Having tits in general...they get in the damn way golfing, bowling and when you put your seat belts on...Damn it boobies!!
  14. Carcajou

    You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

    Ya know what really grinds my gears?? "Friends" expecting free computer repair..... READ THE FUCKING MANUAL AND LEARN TO DO IT YOURSELF IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO PAY ME OR MY BOYFRIEND!!! FUCKTARDS!!!
  15. Carcajou

    You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

    Ya know what grinds my gears??? My old power strip blowing up my damn power supply!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Carcajou

    You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

    ^^OMG This x1000!!! Ya know what grinds my gears??? People who find trivial things wrong with their phones (micro scratches in the case or a unnoticeable flaw in it...) and they throw a fucking hissy fit about it!! BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU HAVE YOU SPOILED LITTLE SHIT!!!!
  17. Carcajou

    Post Yourself! And Other People Too... You Know, If You Want.

    I ain't done yet....I gotta get my cyber-lox..... Also gotta get a few other things before I am completely done.... I will probably post the progress...My cyber-lox are next...
  18. Carcajou

    What Are You Listening To?

    Mind you these guys are from the Seattle area and are personal friends of mine and my boyfriend!

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